Volume 3 - Chapter 4(Guilt)


*A/N: For every 150 power stones extra chapter will be released on the last day of each month.

Extra chapters on 28th February = 0.


They kept on looking at the Empire for some time before the space wrapped and all three disappeared.




Opening their eyes, their expressions turned to that of nostalgic after seeing their "Home" world after so long. The size of world had grown to that of 14 Km after Primis reached Level 4. And in the very middle of this world, they saw a huge tree whose branches covered half of the sky. Light passing through the gaps between its leaves to reach ground made it even beautiful.


As if sensing Primis presence, the tree started to tremble in excitement. Primis smiled seeing this and approached the tree. Once in front, he put his hand on it and started to rub its bark gently. Tree became even delighted feeling Primis touch and started to rustle.


Primis kept on rubbing the tree while raising his head to saw how big this tree had grown after the span of Twenty years. Its height had reached astonishing 1,256 meters.



Suddenly sound of wind bursting was heard. Ophis and Sheng Ming turned back while Primis ignored it.


A black tornado landed just 10 meters behind them. Soon the wind dispersed, and Ais could be seen. A smile appeared on Sheng Ming face when she saw Ais. While Ophis only gave her glance before looking ahead again. However, Ais neither looked at Sheng Ming nor Ophis. Her eyes were completely on Primis back. Ais walked forward and when the distance between was 5 meters, she knelt.


Ais: I am sorry, My Lord. I failed to be on your side when you needed my help the most.

Primis: ...…

Ophis: ...…

Sheng Ming: ...

Primis still didn't turn and kept on looking at the tree. Sheng Ming expressions turned sad seeing Ais like this. She wanted to say something but decided to remain silent since its Primis work. And Ais also wanted to only hear Primis words instead of hers. In the end, Sheng Ming also decided to wait.

Time went by.

Moments turned to seconds and seconds turned to minutes. No one said anything. Finally, Primis removed his hand from the tree and replied.

Primis: Who said I needed your help?

Ais: ...

Primis: If there was an enemy who I can't defeat, did you really think you will even stand a chance against it?

Ais raised her head abruptly and spoke.

Ais: B-But if I g-go all out, I could a-at least delay----

Primis: No, you couldn't.

Ais: ...…

Primis: The enemy was something that even when me and Sheng Ming joined forces, we were barely able to defeat it. Even at that time, we nearly died.

Ais: !!!!!!!!!!!

Ais eyes opened wide. Since it was something Primis and Sheng Ming barely win against, she didn't dare to imagine who was the enemy was.

Primis: So, tell me. Do you really think you could be off any help? On the contrary, you will just be useless sacrifice.

Ais trembled again hearing this and lowered her head. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists in frustration. The same feeling of powerlessness haunted her even now.

Primis: However...…

Primis this time turned and walked to Ais. Once in front, he crouched before stretching his hand to touch her face. Next, he raised her head and made her look directly into his. Ais eyes widened again when she saw gentleness in his eyes.

Primis: I was happy that you weren't there.

Ais: Huh?

Ais showed a confused expression.

Primis: Ais, it's true that I took you under me as by loyal guard and sword. But you have no idea how much you mean to me. If I had put you in that fight and you would have died, then I could never forgive myself for the rest of my life.

Ais: !!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly, Primis pulled Ais in his embrace.

Primis: Instead of you apologizing to me, it should be me. I am sorry for leaving you all alone here for 20 years.

Ais: !!!!!!!!!!!!

Ais body became stiff. Primis was long used to loneliness. Since, he knew that feeling he could relate it to what Ais had gone through even when she was not showing it. Hence, various emotions were surging into his heart like a tidal wave. It even caused his hands which were hugging Ais to be unable to refrain from trembling.

After some time, his heart became calm. There were no emotions within his heart at all. There were no thoughts within his mind either. There was just an indescribable feeling of guilt.

Pseudo-Gods and Dimensional Gods can live for thousands and millions of years. As a result, to them twenty years went by just in a blink of an eye. However, Ais was neither. She was a human whose mind still hadn't been mature yet. Hence, those twenty years were nothing more than a torture to her.

Ais body in Primis embrace started trembling. Her eyes became moist as two streams of clear and warm tears streaked down her cheeks. She could also feel the guilt in Primis heart which made more tears to fell. She then grabbed Primis shirt and buried her head in his chest before started crying.

Ais: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like Primis said, it was too unbearable for her. Because of their connection she felt his predicament twenty years ago when she was recovering from her injuries. From then on, she waited and waited. Yet, neither Primis, Ophis, and nor Sheng Ming showed up. Living all alone here started to wear down on her. So, she put her entire attention on training. Otherwise, she knew she will go insane. Her time spent on training and waiting. Nevertheless, she was reaching her limit. Fortunately, before her mind could collapse Primis returned.

Primis kissed the side of Ais head while kept on hugging her tightly. Hearing her heartbreaking cry increased the guilt in his heart.




After some time, Ais calmed down. Still, she didn't remove her head from his chest. Primis didn't mind and kept on caressing her head gently. His gaze moved and glanced at the side. There he saw Ais's status which made him regret leaving her alone even more.


Name: Ais Wallenstein

Age: 19(36 years old)


Existence Level: 2


-> Stats (updated)

-> Main Skills (Rank up)

-> Side Skills (none)

-> Equipment


Level 3

Strength: I ----> S

Endurance: I ----> S

Dexterity: I ----> S

Agility: I ----> S

C. Magic: I ----> S


Per Stats: -

Current Level: 0 ----> 907

Overall: 4,000 ----> 4,907

Enhanced Mode: 8,000 ----> 9,814

Equipment: 1,000 ----> 12,814

Arielle: 13,814

Tempestas-Occidere: 14,814


Main Skills: 3(max.)

· Harmony: EX

· Ventus Fury I: E ----> D

· Wind Manipulation I: E ----> D


Granted that it was another time, he would be happy witnessing the increase in strength. But not this time.

'Primis: Since there was no one here to kill and gain Excelia, this means...….'

[She trained so much in those twenty years that her body started to become strong bit by bit with time.]

'Primis: Mn. It's a very tedious and long process. It's the same way how humans became strong when they don't have any God's blessing, treasure, or anything else. By constantly practicing.'

[On top of that, she was already Level 3. It was even difficult to increase your strength by using that old method again.]

'Primis: *sigh* I really made her suffer. Yet, the first thing she did after meeting was apologizing.'

Primis sighed again. He kissed her head one more time which caused her to shiver. After few minutes, Ais separated. Then they both stood up. At this time, Primis took a deep look at Ais. Not only her height had increased even her body became more refined. Her beauty had also increased. Her age may be 36 years, but she looked 19 years old. Seeing this, a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

Primis: Looks like my "Sword Princess" became more beautiful while I was away.

A blush appeared on Ais's face hearing this. She then hurried lowered her head to hide it. Primis raised one of his brows witness this.

[Ohhhh. Looks like she did mature somewhat.]

'Primis: It appears so. Now, the only thing left is to plant common sense in her.'


Primis then took a step back and moved away. Once he did, Sheng Ming rushed and hugged Ais tightly.

Sheng Ming: Little sister, it's really must have been hard on you.

Sheng Ming eyes moist as she hugged Ais tightly. Feeling the care and sincerity from Sheng Ming, a warm feeling appeared in Ais heart as she hugged Sheng Ming back with smile on her face.

Ais: I miss you, Sister Sheng Ming.

Sheng Ming: Mn. Miss you too, Little Sister.

Smile remained on Primis face witness their sisterhood. Next, he let them have some time to catch up while walking towards his house. Its been a long time so he wanted to make a feast for their reunion. Hence, a day passed by.




Space wrapped and Primis and others reappeared in the sky. Because Ais can't fly, Primis was hugging her waist. This was the first time, Ais saw another world. She kept on looking around in curiosity before a frown appeared on her face.

Ais: The magic consistency in the air is extremely low. In case, I will use up all of my magic then it will take hours or a day for me to recover.

Primis: You don't have to worry about it. There's only three parts of your magic control training left. Once you are done with it, this problem will be solved.

Ais: Mn.

Ais nodded. Then all of a sudden...….






Ais and Sheng Ming agitated when they realized that their strength had decreased drastically. Primis also felt that but remained calm.

Ais: M-My Lord, my strength----

Primis: It's the world's suppression.

Ais: World's Suppression?

Sheng Ming: So, I was right.

Ais: What do you mean, Sister Sheng Ming?

Sheng Ming: When your strength reached higher than the world itself, the "World's Suppression" will be applied on you.

Primis: Your strength is not the only reason. Whenever you go to other worlds, you will face such thing. "World Suppression" in a way world's protective mechanism. To protect itself from the one who attained great power than the world and otherworldly beings trying to enter the world.

Ais: I see. So, we can't our full power. Huh.

Sheng Ming: Looks like that.

Primis: Not really.

Sheng Ming & Ais: Huh?

Primis: Twenty years ago. I told you that we are not bound by things called Fate, Destiny, Karma, Luck, and so on.

Sheng Ming understood in an instant as her eyes sparkled. While Ais was still showing confused expression.

Primis: Close your eyes and try feel the suppressions on you.

Both closed their eyes as told. Soon, they could see countless chains wrapping their bodies. Then they opened their eyes.

Ais: Could these chains be?

Primis: Yes. These chains are the World's Suppression. Now 'try' to break them. Remember only try.

Sheng Ming & Ais: Mn.

Closing their eyes again, they 'tried'. In the next moment, they opened their eyes again.

Primis: So...

Sheng Ming: I can break them and with hardly any efforts.

Ais: Me too.

Primis: Right. These chains are just for show. A single thought and you can break them.

Ais: Shall I break them?

Primis: No. I want to check something. In case my theory is proven correct, then these chains will instead be blessing in disguise.

Next, he lowered his head and looked at the forest down.