Volume 3 - Chapter 10(Time to move)


*A/N: For every 150 power stones extra chapter will be released on the last day of each month.

Extra chapters on 28th February = 0.


Two years later.


In an open area an explosion occurred. The shockwave produced by the explosion spread all around. Trees who were at least 800 meters away started to rustle. Their leaves were being blown away in the wind. The animals in the forest hurriedly hid themselves in their homes or something. Even the danger beasts started to run as far away as they could.


Another explosion.

Dust cloud rose. In the cloud, two shadows could be seen colliding with each other. Their speed was so fast that you can't follow their movements with naked eyes.


Another explosion and those two shadows came out.



Once maintain a proper distance, both looked at each other. The man was holding a black sword while the woman was holding azure sword. Their eyes met and they charged at each other again.



Those shadows were of course Primis and Ais.



It's been two years since their date. From then on Primis slowly-by-slowly trained Ais while making sure that she took a proper rest every day. Because of that Primis increased the restriction of using "Extreme Image Training" from Six to Nine Months. Ais pouted cutely hearing this but still accepted it.

Nevertheless, even if she can't use "Extreme Image Training", it didn't mean she didn't show any improvement. During those Nine Months, Ais completed the remaining three parts of her Magic Control Training. Now she can not only walk on water but can also fly in the sky. And the amount of magic she needed to use had also decreased drastically.

Then it was Sheng Ming whose taught Ais about common sense. During that time, Ais's face turned red many times in embarrassment when she recalled her previous actions in Orario. Because of that many times she had the urge to dig a hole and bury herself.

Next, it was Primis again. He taught her many things about wind. It's properties. It's usage on different different place and in different different ways. How it will change if you do this and that. Of course, 95% of the classes were practical. Because he knew if he gave too many books to Ais for study, then she will fall asleep most of the time.

As a result, Ais always appeared excited whenever Primis taught her about it. And since she also used wind magic, she not only absorbed all of it like sponge but was also able to do and try different things on her own.

That's how two years went by.





Though that was past. Currently, Primis and Ais were sparing with each other again. Neither of them was using magic. Their fight was solely consisted of swordsmanship.




Both were attacking each other in different different ways and different different angles. After another deflection, Ais hurriedly thrusted her azure "Lambent Light" at Primis face. Primis tilted his head to the side to dodge it and thrusted forward with his Elucidator. Just when it was about to hit her, Ais all of sudden twisted her towards the direction of her hand which was holding "Lambent Light" and dodged it.


Then she changed the direction of "Lambent Light" and attacked at Primis neck from the side. Primis ducked and dodged it before pulling Elucidator back and thrusting towards Ais's chest again. Ais brought her "Lambent Light" in front to block it.


Just when the force behind Primis attack was about to push her back, Ais did a reverse backflip in the air. Because of that she was directly above Primis head. She held "Lambent Light" with her both hands and slashed at Primis head who responded by moving his body to the side and hence dodging it.



The attack hit the ground a new explosion occurred. The battle kept on going and going.

Ais attacked Primis with consecutive stabs. He dodged, parried, and deflected them. Next, he attacked at her left. Ais used "Lambent Light" to block it. However, in the next instant, her eyes widened when she realized that it was a feint. Other time she would have seen through it but this time she was too late.

Just when the Elucidator was about to collide with "Lambent Light", Primis all of sudden took a 360 degree turn and in the next instant, Elucidator was just 1 cm away from hitting Ais's head. Ais at the last moment, tried to move her head back.


Two stands of hair were cut, and a small cut appeared on her cheek. Still, she succeeded in dodging. Though, she knew it was over already since a single opening was all her Lord needed to end this. And just like she said, Primis instantly changed the direction of his grip and attacked from right side.



Ais hurriedly raised "Lambent Light" to block. Even though she blocked it, but since her posture wasn't correct, she failed to put much strength into that block which made her pushed back.

Primis changed the direction of his grip again and thrusted forward this time. Ais still tried to bring "Lambent Light" in front of her neck to stop it. Too bad, Primis suddenly changed the course of his attack. Instead of stabbing at her neck, he slashed downward. Towards, "Lambent Light".



Because of the strength behind his attack, Ais grimaced and failed to hold it. As a result, it fell from her hand.


When she stabilized her footing and looked in front, she saw Primis was standing in front while the tip of his Elucidator was at her neck. Clearly indicating that the fight was over, and she lost. She then took a sigh of defeat before speaking.

Ais: I lost.

Hearing that, Primis lowered the Elucidator and put it back into its sheath.


Ais crouched down and picked up her "Lambent-Light" before also putting it into its scabbard.


Ophis returned to Primis shoulder at this time while Sheng Ming approached them. She showed a smile before saying.

Sheng Ming: Well done, Little Sister. You were able to last few seconds longer than yesterday.

Ais scratched her cheek and looked away to hide her shyness. Whenever she fought her Lord, she must go all out and be on full alert. She can't even blink that time otherwise it will be over in the next moment. Still, she won't deny that her skills were improving at an extremely pace because of that.

Primis: It been 2 years now since we are staying in this place. It's time to go out and see what changes they have made till now.

Sheng Ming and Ais expressions became serious. They knew that Primis was talking about invaders. Before Ais training was started two years ago, Primis already told her that invaders had arrived when they were watching stars showers.

Primis: Don't underestimate them. Even though they must also be facing World's Suppression like us, these invaders possessed a lot of treasures. I won't be surprised if one of their members took out an artifact which could get rid of the suppression. Even for the time being.

Sheng Ming & Ais: Mn.

Both nodded solemnly. It's true that Sheng Ming didn't have the memory of her life in Soul Land, she still retained all the knowledge she gained there. Hence, she knew many possessed treasures with themselves. As for Ais, she still vividly remembered her fight against those two Level 10 invaders. She almost died fighting them.

Primis: Let's leave.

Primis then raised in air and flew high in the sky. Sheng Ming and Ais also followed behind.

{Primis: Ophis, make sure to erase all evidence. We can't let even a single clue as of now.}

{Ophis: Ok.}

Ophis answered before a glint passed in her eyes. In the next instant, the entire area where Primis and Ais fought started to change. All the craters, destruction they did all started to turn back. As if someone rewind the time. Sheng Ming and Ais who reached Primis side at this moment looked back. They were also astonished witnessing this.

Everything started to turn back to what it was. Not few minutes but two years. Not only grass or trees but even the animals, danger beasts all returned to two years ago. Those who died got revived. Those who were born during that time disappeared completely.

Once it was done, another glint passed in Ophis eyes. This time, time started to move forward. Soon the entire two years passed in that area. Now new plants were born in those two years, many animals and danger beasts were along born. Many also died and so on. Now, this place no longer had anything which can tell that some stayed in this place for two years. Because they never did.

Nodding his head, Primis and his group flew away leaving the place.




After flying for some distance, they finally reached a town. They landed in front of the entrance before walking inside. Ophis and Sheng Ming had completely hidden their presence, hence, only Primis and Ais who was walking behind him could be seen.

Guards who were slacking off on the entrance of course got attracted by Primis and Ais looks. Though, they both ignored them like they were some kind of air and kept on walking deeper and deeper inside. Everyone who saw them can't move their gaze from them. Soon, they both reached the heart of the town.

Primis directly walked toward the pub and entered.


Bartender: Welcom----

Just as the Bartender was about to welcome Primis and Ais, he saw their face and stopped on his words. He was not the only one. Everyone presented in the room all turned their attention to Primis and Ais. Primis continued walking and stopped in front of the Bartender. Bartender snapped out of his thoughts at this time and asked politely.

Bartender: Welcome to my pub, Sir and Madam. Which drink do you want?

Instead of answering, Primis took out a pouch full of coins before throwing it in front of the table.


Bartender saw the pouch in front and showed a weird expression.

Bartender: With this amount of money, you can even go to the restaurants which only nobles and royalties could afford. Why came to my small pub----

Primis: Oarburgh.

Bartender: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bartender countenance changed hearing this. A serious expression appeared on his face as he nodded. He then picked up the pouch of coins and left the place. Once he left, a people who appeared to be his manager entered.

Manager: Sir and Madam, you must be tired after standing for so long. Please come and sit.

The Manager then brought Primis and Ais to one of the tables in the corner. The people sitting on it hurriedly got up and left. Though, they were not the only one. Everyone started to leave the pub one-by-one. Some bold men and women who wanted to approach Primis and Ais also turned pale and decided to leave when they heard "Oarburgh" from Primis mouth.

Soon, the entire pub became empty. Manager didn't try to stop any of the people who left. Primis sat on one of the chairs which was placed near the table while Ais stood behind him like always, completely ignoring the Manager who was asking her to also take a seat.

In the end, the Manager could only sigh in defeat and returned to where the Bartender was standing while waiting for more customers.

Primis crossed his legs put his left elbow on the arm rest, made a fist and rested his head on it. Then he closed his eyes while waiting.

Time went by.

Sometimes later, Primis finally opened his eyes.