Volume 3 - Chapter 11(Business)


*A/N: For every 150 power stones extra chapter will be released on the last day of each month.


Ais also realized that someone had entered the town a minute seconds later. After those two years of training Ais's control over her wind had reached a whole different level. Like Primis, Ais was also able to create her own domain. If she went all out, then her range will reach as far was 3Km. Though, unlike Primis, who kept his "Elemental Sight" activated all the time and had three layers in his domain, Ais can't do it.

That's because, First, her magic depleted at faster rate. After all, 3Km was her radius. This meant she was using her magic to cover 6Km. Of course, it will use up her magic faster.

Second, in her domain, she can easily find anyone's location because of their breathing.

Third, in her domain, all the wind will be in her control.

Hence, it's too much taxing for her. That's why she always kept her domain to a limited range. Like in this case. She used her domain only to cover the entire village, that's all. As a result, compared to Primis who saw someone rushing to this village hundreds of kilometers away, Ais only sensed it when they entered the village.

One more thing, the range of Primis "Elemental Sight" had also increased in those two years. It had reached 5Km/50Km/500Km(Core/Inner/Outer).


*A/N: A quick revision

· Core Area: Will receive all information at 'atomic' level.

· Inner Area: Will receive all information at 'cell' level.

· Outer Area: Will work as radar and pinpoint everyone's or everything's location.


And if he will use Mangekyō Sharingan, the range will be doubled. From 5Km/50Km/500Km to 10Km/100Km/1,000Km. In other words, yes. Primis can use "Material Burst" while using Mangekyō Sharingan and his range will be 1,000 Km.

Soon, three people entered the Pub from the back door before entering the room. Out of the three, one of the Bartender who received the pouch of money from Primis. While the other two were an older woman and a little girl.

The older woman was between 50 to 60 years old. She had gray hair and purple eyes. She was wearing purple clothes and a purple hat. On her right hand, she wore a metal glove which she hid in her clothes.

As for the little girl. She appeared to be 7 to 8 years old. She had long, dark grey hair and lime eyes. She was also wearing purple clothes made from the same fabric as the older woman's clothes.

When they both turned towards Primis direction, they both got stunned for a few seconds because of their looks before snapping out of it. The older woman because she was already old and had seen, witnessed, experienced many things in life. As the little girl, she appeared to be devoid of emotions.

The Bartender and Manger excused themselves from the room at this time to give them some private space. Next, the older woman walked towards Primis calmly with smile like a friendly old lady with the little girl following behind.

Older Woman: Little guy, are you the one you called us?

At this time, Primis moved his gaze at them. The moment their eyes met, both the older woman and the little girl stopped on their tracks. Seeing those blood-red eyes with three tomoes in them, they both started to fall into a boundless illusion. No matter how much they struggled they failed to get out of it. On the contrary, they were falling deeper.

Primis broke the contact in the next second and moved his gaze outside of the window towards the sky again. Older woman hurriedly took the support of the nearby table to prevent herself from falling. While the little girl was already on the ground. They both were breathing with difficultly as their back was covered in sweat. The older woman had fear in her eyes right now.

Primis: Sit.

Said Primis while pointing one of hand towards the chairs in front. The older woman and the little girl had already somewhat calm down by now. They both gulped unconscious before proceeding to sit on the chair in front.

Once they took the seat, Primis moved his gaze at them again. They both tried their best to not look into his eyes this time.

Primis: You can call me "The Black Swordsman". The woman standing behind me is my guard, "Sword Princess".

The older woman took a deep breath and looked at Primis(of course not his Sharingan) before moving her gaze to Ais who was standing behind him like his loyal guard. Unlike Primis, she can look into Ais eyes. However, those cold gold eyes sent a chill down her spine.

'Older Woman: She is dangerous. The man is even more so. If my survival instincts were not warning me then I would have just thought him as a son of some noble who is carrying a sword for fun. After all, I can't even sense a slight aura from him. He appeared rather 'normal'.'

All these thoughts went through the older woman mind in a second. Still, she didn't forget to introduce herself.

Older Woman: I am "The Death Reaper eyes of Oarburgh, The Vanishing Light".

Then she pointed at the Little Girl sitting on the chair at her side.

Older Woman: She is "The Breath of the Reaper of Oarburgh, The Vanishing Wind".

Primis remained silent for a few seconds before replying.

Primis: I will call you both by your name. Babara. Taeko.

Babara: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taeko: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Countenance of both the older woman named Babara and the Little Girl named Taeko changed. They only told their alias like Primis did. Yet, he already knew their real name. Babara expressions were very unsightly at this moment.

'Babara: This man even knows our real name. I can somehow guess how he knows my name but how does he know Taeko's name. She is a disciple I took few years ago. She hasn't even been assigned to a single task yet. So, how does he know? Could there be spy in our ranks?'

A cold sweat appeared on Babara's forehead as she moved her hand behind her waist to grab the knives she was hiding.

'Babara: Just who hired these monsters. I am having a feeling that even if I go all out, I can barely handle one move. Looks like today's the day I am going to die.'

Babara then glanced at Taeko sitting by her side. Her expression turned sad for a moment.

'Babara: Sorry, Taeko. I never thought it would a trap to lure us. However, I will put even my life on the line if it gives you even the slightest chance of escaping.'

She then grabbed the pair of kitchen knives she was hiding and lunged at Primis.

Babara: TAEKO RUN!!!!!!!!!

Shouted Babara as her knives were already in front of Primis. Nevertheless, Primis still had the indifferent expression while looking at Babara's attack. He didn't even move.



Babara opened her eyes wide as her arms were cut off her shoulders before she could even touch Primis. Blood gushed out it. She didn't even saw what and how it happened. However, she still managed to move her eyes in the last second. There she saw Ais looking coldly at her with azure "Lambent-Light" in her hand. Clearly indicating it was her you did it.

Without giving Babara any time to think of the next move, azure "Lambent-Light" moved again and severed her head.





Blood gushed out of her headless body like fountain before her severed head and headless body fell.

Taeko who was sitting on the chair opened her eyes wide. She only heard her teacher yell. In the next moment, she saw her teacher severed head and headless corpse on the ground. Next, she raised her head and met with Primis eyes which were glowing red while he was looking at her calmly.


Something clicked in Taeko's mind as she used one of the unique techniques passed down in Oarburgh clan.

Limiter Removal.

Limiter Removal remove the human brain's natural limiters on their bodies, allowing them to drastically increase their assassins' overall strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance to immense superhuman levels.

In other time, Taeko would have obeyed Babara's order to run. But witness how her teacher was killed in an instant, Taeko knew that she can't escape. Hence, she decided to attack. Even though death was imminent, she still wanted to give it a short. Still, before she could even touch Primis...




Azure "Lambent-Light" thrusted forward and stabbed right through her skull came out of the back of her head. As Taeko's consciousness was falling into darkness, she moved her eyes at Ais. Even till the end, she didn't understand how this blond woman could kill her without any hesitation. Because from what she had been taught, almost everyone in this world hesitate to kill a child. Yet, Ais showed no such hesitation.



Ais swinged her sword to the side as the body of Taeko fell on the ground. She then put her sword back into its scabbard before stepping back and standing behind Primis again. There was not even the slightest change in her expression. As if what she did was as trivial thing. Primis also looked everything with indifferent expression. His Sharingan was glowing red as the three tomoes in them were rotating.

Primis: Fools.




Once Primis spoke, the entire space shattered like glass.

Babara and Taeko opened their eyes. They found themselves standing some distance away from Primis table. The entire place was same was when they entered. As if nothing happened. They didn't attack Primis. They didn't die. Taeko still didn't understand what happened.

'Taeko: Didn't I and teacher died? How are we still alive?'

As Taeko was showing puzzled expression, Babara had some hypothesis. She narrowed her eyes before speaking.

Babara: Illusion. You put us under any illusion.

Primis who was looking at them replied calmly.

Primis: Illusion or your future if you try to do something you shouldn't. It's up to you how you want to take it.

Babara: ...…

Babara became silent. She gave it some thoughts before sighing.

Babara: I guess you are right.

Saying this, Babara approached Primis table, pulled a chair and sat on it.

Taeko: Teacher?

Taeko vigilance was still high. Babara turned and smiled gently at Taeko before patting her head.

Babara: It's alright, Taeko. What he said is true. Granted he wanted to kill us, then he won't have wasted his time talking with us. Aren't I right, The Black Swordsman?

Asked Babara once turning her head back at Primis. Primis didn't reply. He just waved his hand. An irresistible force pulled Taeko and put her on the chair beside Babara. Both became stunned seeing this.

'Babara: J-Just what? H-how did he do that?'

'Taeko: What was that power? I didn't have time to resist.'

Primis: Let's talk about business.

Primis words snapped them out of their thoughts.

Primis: I want to hire you.

Babara: Why? With your strength you can pretty much do everything. Why do you still need to hire us?

Primis: Actually, when I said I want to hire you, I didn't mean to hire for one or two assassinations. I want to hire the entire Oarburgh Clan, permanently.

Babara expressions turned extremely serious hearing this.

Babara: Hire the entire Oarburgh Clan permanently? You mean you want us to work under you.

Primis: Yes.

Babara: Stopping joking around. It's true that people can hire us if they can afford us. But we will never come under anyone.

Babara said every word sternly. Oarbugh clan had been the strongest Assassination group throughout the history. How can they accept coming under someone.