Volume 3 - Chapter 17(Sheng Ming’s fight)


*A/N: For every 150 power stones extra chapter will be released on the last day of each month.


On the other side, away from Ais's fight location. Sheng Ming landed. Next, she closed her eyes as Primis power entered her mind and strengthened the already existing one. Five seconds later, she opened her eyes and sent an impulse of power from her feet into the ground.

Few moments later.

The ground started to tremble.

Goudou!!!! Goudou!!!!!

Goudou!!!! Goudou!!!!!


Then someone came out.


A drill came out of the ground and fell to the side. Once out, the drill stopped rotating and it turned a pokémon. The pokémon separated its joined hands and head which was making the drill. Now its whole appearance could be seen.

It was a chubby bipedal mole-like Pokémon with dark brown fur. It had short legs, a plump, swollen belly with three red stripes on it, surfboard-shaped arms with three-fingered hands, and a hump on its back where its head met its shoulders.

As Sheng Ming looked at it, its information appeared in her mind.


Name: Excadrill

Status: Suppressed


Attack: 1,350

Defense: 600

Special Attack: 500

Special Defense: 650

Speed: 880


Ability: Sand Rush


Hidden Ability: Mold Breaker


Sand Rush:

Doubles speed during a sandstorm. Protects against sandstorm damage.


Mold Breaker:

Bypasses target's abilities that could hinder or prevent a move.


Excadrill looked warily a Sheng Ming. It could tell that it was her that forced it out of the ground.

{Pokémon Trainer: Use, Horn Drill}

Hearing its trainer command through telepathy, Excadrill joined its hands and head again. It then started rotating and attacked Sheng Ming.


Sheng Ming remained calm seeing Excadrill coming for her. When the attack was about to hit her, a thick tree root came out of the ground to protect Sheng Ming.


Excadrill tried to drill through the root to attack Sheng Ming but to no vail. The root stood still on its place. Neither moving nor being pushed back. Then another root came out of the side and slapped Excadrill away.






Excadrill was thrown away while breaking trees on the way. When the force behind the throw decreased, it then hit the next tree and stopped. Excadrill eyes was filled with pain as it tried hard not to scream. There were many injuries on it body.

{Pokémon Trainer: EXCADRILL, ARE YOU OK?}

Hearing the anxious filled voice of its trainer, Excadrill tried to get up.

Excadrill: Exca...drill...…

{Pokémon Trainer: The opponent is stronger Excadrill, we must retreat.}

Excadrill nodded not denying that. It had merely exchanged one move and its condition already became severe. By now, it had already gotten up. Just when it was about to drill into the ground to escape...

Sheng Ming: Going somewhere.

It heard Sheng Ming's voice before tendrils of the trees around it extended forward and coiled around its horn. Excadrill started to panic.


Excadril claws started to shine but before it could use it destroy the tendrils, more tendrils came and bind both of its claws.

Excadrill: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No matter how much it struggled, it failed to break them. Then the tendrils holding its horn pulled it upward in the sky. Excadrill started to panic even more. Since both its horn and claws were tied, it could only move its short legs.





Sounds of steps were heard. Excadrill looked ahead and saw Sheng Ming walking towards it. Dread started to appear in its heart as it saw Sheng Ming closing the distance. Because of terror, it started to swing its legs more hysterically. Hence, even more tendrils came and now bind even its legs. Now, it could neither move nor struggle. The only thing it could do was watch. Watch as death was approaching it.

Sheng Ming: Anything else you want to try. Because it appears that even your tamer doesn't know what to do order you in this situation.

Excadrill opened its eyes wide hearing. Not only it, even its trainer who was giving orders from a long distance also got shocked.

Sheng Ming: Did you really think I don't know that you and your tamer minds are connected. After all, through this connection you are sharing your vision with him/her. And that's how he/she is giving you order.

Said Sheng Ming with smile on her face. Though this smile frightened both Excadrill and its trainer. Soon her smile faded, and she said in icy tone.

Sheng Ming: Farewell. I also need to go after your trainer after I am done with you.

Then the tendrils holding Excadrill's horn, claws, and legs started to pull them.

Excadrill: EXCAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excadrill let you a soul-shaking scream as it felt its head, arms, and legs tearing apart.


Its trainer shouted appeared in Excadrill's mind, however because of immense pain, it ignored it. Excadrill screamed sounded in the surroundings. Nevertheless, Sheng Ming ignored it and looked at with cold eyes.


And then its horn, arms, and legs were torn off its body.

Excadrill: EXCAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Excadrill screamed at the top of its lungs as blood gushed out like stream. The blood then painted the surrounded ground red.

{Pokémon Trainer: NOOOOOOOOO----}

Its trainer shouted in sorrow as the connection between them was cut.


Once its armless, legless, and hornless body fell, Sheng Ming approached it. Excadrill was still alive and was at its last breath. Its eyes were lifeless because that intense pain broke its mind. She coldly looked down on it.


A root came out of the ground and penetrated its heart. Killing it completely this time. Once its death was confirmed, several roots came out of the ground and bind it along with its body parts before dragging them in the ground to turn them into fertilizer.

After giving it one last glance, Sheng Ming turned and walked away.




At some distance away, the trainer of the Excadrill fell on her knees and started coughing violently. Her eyes were filled with tears not only because of Excadrill death but also because of the pain she received. Due to her connection with Excadrill, she also felt some of its pain. Though, before she could feel more their connection severed when Excadrill mind broke.

Pokémon Trainer: *cough* *cough* Excadrll *cough* noooo *cough* *cough* *cough*

???: Slow...bro...…

There was a pokémon at her side who was trying to console her.

It was a bipedal, pink Pokémon with a tan, striped belly, and a tan muzzle. It had large, vacant eyes, curled ears, and two pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. On its hands, it had three clawed fingers, and two clawed toes on its feet. There was a Shellder attached to its tail. This Shellder had a gray, spiraled shell with darker gray spots. There were several spikes across the surface of the Shellder, and it held onto the pokémon with many sharp teeth.

This pokémon was the one responsible for the connection between the trainer and her pokémons. Suddenly, the pokémon moved and stood in front of its trainer as if trying to protect her. Its trainer got confused because of its action and said.

Pokémon Trainer: Slowbro, what happen?

The Pokémon named Slowbro didn't answer and kept on looking at the sky. Its trainer also turned her head to the sky. Her body jolted as she quickly got up. Her eyes were filled with fury.


Sheng Ming who was flying and looking down on the trainer remained aloof before landing. Her eyes first moved to the pokémon.


Name: Slowbro

Status: Suppressed


Attack: 750

Defense: 1,100

Special Attack: 1,000

Special Defense: 800

Speed: 300


Ability: Own Tempo


Hidden Ability: Regenerator


Own Tempo:

Prevents Confusion



Heals 1/3 of the injuries upon switching.


After reading its information, Sheng Ming turned to the trainer.

Sheng Ming: Why do I kill it? Isn't it obvious? I killed it because of you.

Pokémon Trainer: WHAT DID YOU SAID----

Sheng Ming: Stating the facts. You are the enemy. And since it was your tamed beast this means it was also an enemy.

Pokémon Trainer: WHA----

Sheng Ming: I only forced it out of the ground without any damage. It was you who ordered it to attack with the intention of killing me.

Pokémon Trainer: ......

Sheng Ming: In case there was someone else who can't protect himself or herself then that person would already be dead by now.

Pokémon Trainer: ......…

Trainer clenched her fists in frustration because she can't deny that.

Pokémon Trainer: BUT STILL----

Sheng Ming: Enough talk.

After interrupting the trainer, Sheng Ming acted.

Goudou!!!!! Goudou!!!!

Goudou!!!!! Goudou!!!!


Countless roots broke out of the ground and rushed towards the trainer. The Trainer became alarmed and ordered.

Pokémon Trainer: HURRY, USE PSYCHIC!!!!

Slowbro eyes turned blue as it used psychic on the roots. Some of them stopped but since they were just too many of them, Slowbro can't stop all of them. Because of that Slowbro started to struggle.

Pokémon Trainer: Hold on, Slowbro.

The Trainer then took out many portions and berries from her inventory. Next, she poured the portion on the Slowbro while stuffed the berries into its mouth. Slowbro swallowed it and few moments later, its power started to rose exponentially. Its eyes turned even bluer, and it succeeded in stopping all the roots.

Sheng Ming didn't show any change in expression witnessing this.


Name: Slowbro

Status: Suppressed


Attack: 750

Defense: 1,100

Special Attack: 1,000 ----> 2,000

Special Defense: 800

Speed: 300


Ability: Own Tempo


Hidden Ability: Regenerator


'Sheng Ming: Its special attack increased from max Level 1 to max Level 2. Though, it's just temporarily. 5 minutes is the limit.'

Pokémon Trainer: Good Job, Slowbro.

The Trainer then looked at Sheng Ming with triumphant smile.

Sheng Ming: Do you really think it could work?

Pokémon Trainer: Huh?

The Trainer became confused before her eyes opened wide. The roots that Slowbro stopped with its psychic started to scramble. Slowbro increased its strength, but it still didn't work. It was having trouble as it won't be able to hold it for long.

Pokémon Trainer: Slowbro, hold on.

The Trainer grabbed one of the pokeball and released her last pokémon.


Pokeball opened and liquid light took the form of the pokémon before fading.

It was an enormous, tall bipedal reptilian Pokémon that possessed traits of both dinosaurs and dragons. Its body was powerfully built all around, and heavily armored with thick pale green and black scales. Its claws on both its hands and feet were red. It had a long segmented scaly neck, small red eyes, and a beak-like mouth. Two razor-sharp double-edged red and black tusks protrude from either side of its mouth. It had a thick, powerful green tail with a black tip.

Without wasting anytime, the trainer took out the same number of portions and berries like before pouring and stuffing it on its mouth. As a result, its power also increased drastically.


Name: Haxorus

Status: Suppressed


Attack: 1,470 ----> 2,470

Defense: 900

Special Attack: 600

Special Defense: 700

Speed: 970


Ability: Mold Breaker


Hidden Ability: Unnerve


Mold Breaker:

Bypasses target's abilities that could hinder or prevent a move.



Prevents opponents from using items.


'Sheng Ming: This beast strength has reached Level 3. The limit of this world. If its strength increases even more than this world will throw it out.'

Pokémon Trainer: Haxorus, hurry use Dragon claw and destroy those roots.

Haxorus: Haxo...

Haxorus claws got covered light and it slashed at the roots.



It kept on attacking until all the roots were destroyed. Trainer and Slowbro took a sigh of relief.

Trainer: Good, Haxorus. I want to praise you more, but we have an enemy to kill.

Trainer said and turned to Sheng Ming. Haxorus also looked at Sheng Ming. Trainer gritted her teeth and spoke with hatred.

Trainer: Haxorus, slaughter her. She killed Excadrill.

Hearing that Sheng Ming killed Excadrill, Haxorus eyes got filled with hatred and fury.


Haxorus screamed in rage, however, in the next moment it stopped. It's body, blood, and soul all turned cold. It can't move. No, it didn't dare to do move. Everyone in the battlefield became confused. Suddenly, Sheng Ming turned and looked behind. In the sky, she saw someone floating. Seeing the person even she got astonished. After few seconds, she snapped out of her thoughts and spoke.

Sheng Ming: ......…Eldest Sister.