Volume 3 - Chapter 18(Ophis moved)


*A/N: For every 150 power stones extra chapter will be released on the last day of each month.


Behind Sheng Ming flying some distance in the sky, Ophis was looking down on everyone. By now even the Trainer and Slowbro also turned to her. Seeing the little girl with dark hair and dark eyes even they stopped all the movements of their bodies. Dread had gripped their hears as their eyes were full of fear seeing those blank eyes.

They had never felt such horror in their entire life. Ophis then slowly floated towards them. None of them spoke except Sheng Ming.

Sheng Ming: Eldest...… Sister...

That's the first time, she saw Ophis to act. Most of time Ophis barely left Primis side. Ophis didn't reply to Sheng Ming as a glint passed through her eyes. In the next moment, Haxorus and Slowbro started to break and disintegrated into nothing.

Pokémon Trainer: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Trainer's face turned paled witness that. Even the Sheng Ming had a cold sweat on her back. Ophis then approached the trainer. Once in front, she extended her little hand and grabbed trainer's head. Trainer's body quivering but she can't do anything. Ophis intent then entered her brain.




Inside Ophis saw a divine power guarding and protecting Trainer's mind. Not from mental attacks but to prevent anyone from seeing or extracting the memories. This power was so well-hidden that you wouldn't realize it unless you try to read the person's memories. And the moment you did so, the power will be activated and will destroy the mind of it host to prevent any information leak. In other words, Death.

That's also why Primis didn't try to do so. If he had tried to read their memories, then this power would have destroyed the trainer's mind. So, the only option, he had left was to remove this power. And that's also impossible because he was not strong enough to remove God's Divine power. Let alone the strongest one's. Hence, he left this to Ophis.

Ophis only gave a brief glance to this power before rushing in and entered the brain. The power around it failed to sense anything.

Once inside, Ophis looked around and saw many memories of the trainer around in various screens. There were some who were clouded. It's the same divine power outside covering the brain.

Ophis: Hmm. So, he/she also made sure to hide these memories specifically.

Ophis then looked around again and saw something else. There's one memory which was being protected by the most amount of Divine power. Unlike others protected memories which were clouded, this specific one was not only cloudy, but it was also bond by countless chains made of Divine power.

Ophis wanted to destroy those chains and saw what it was hiding but, in the end, decided against it. Next, she extended one of her hands forward. And all the memories got pulled towards her like magnet. Except the chained memory, she pulled all of them on the palm of her hand. Nodding her head, she put them away and moved her attention to the last memory.

She must take this memory before those Divine chains destroy it. However, then Ophis thought of something. She used her power, not only on memory but also the chains holding it on its place.




Both the memories and chains started to tremble. The chains started to release golden light. The light was so strong that it covered this entire memory space of the trainer. Still, these lights and the power it contained could do nothing against Ophis. She remained emotionless as she increased her power.




Cracks started to appear on the chains. These chains struggle to fought back but to no vail. Then as if these chains had intelligence on its own, they called the divine power that was protecting the brain outside. Next, all that divine entered inside this space and was absorbed by the Divine chains. Hence the power of Divine Chains increased. The cracks on it started to heal and the power released by it reached a whole different scale.

Because of such excessive power, this space started to crumble. The chains were also trying to destroy the last memory. In the end, Ophis just casually waved her hand.






And all the chains shattered like glass. Still the chains tried to destroy the last memory. A glint passed in Ophis eyes, and all divine chains were destroyed into pieces. Once done, Ophis pulled the last memory and put it away. However, before leaving she did something else. She gathered all the pieces of those Divine Chains. Even though they were pieces now, they still contained a lot of divine power.

After putting it also away she turned and left.





Sheng Ming remained silent as she watched her Eldest Sister who was holding Trainer's head. It's already been few minutes. She had rough idea what her Eldest Sister was doing. But since she took it upon herself to do so, this means things weren't that simple and there was more to it.

Trainer in Ophis hand was quivering at first, but soon her eyes turned blank. It was as if her brain had turned empty. She just remained still and let Ophis do what she wanted.

Few more minutes later.



Sheng Ming raised one of brows as she saw blood dripping out from Trainer's eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. Finally, her blank eyes also turned into lifeless one as she fell.


Trainer's eyes turned blank when Ophis took away all the memories except the last one. Blood came out from her eyes, nose, ears, and mouth when the Divine chains inside her absorbed the outside divine power and started to destroy her brain. And now that the reason she fell with lifeless eyes was because Ophis took away the last memory, and the trainer was just an empty husk or shell now.

Ophis also lowered her hand at this time. She looked down at the trainer who had turned vegetable with her same blank expression. Sheng Ming approached Ophis and stood by her side. She also looked at the fallen trainer.

Sheng Ming: What now, Eldest Sister?

Ophis: ...One more left.

Sheng Ming: Are you taking about the one Little Sister is fighting.

Ophis: Mn.


Just as Ophis nodded, at a faraway distance a huge tornado rose. Sheng Ming looked at the tornado and smiled.

Sheng Ming: It's the Little Sister. Looks like she is also done.

Ophis: ...…Let's go.

Sheng Ming: Yes.

Ophis moved her gaze away from the trainer and disappeared along with Sheng Ming. The moment they left, just like her pokémons the body of trainer also disintegrated into nothing. How could Ophis forget to get rid of her enemies.

The entire battlefield turned silent again.




Once tornado disappeared, a huge crater could be seen. The trainer and his Tauros could be seen laying in it. All their bodies were full of injuries. Blood was coming out of their injuries and the ground around them already turned red. Tauros injuries were more severe than its trainer because in the last moment, its trainer moved his body to be right behind Tauros. As a result, Tauros took a full blunt of the attack and protected its trainer with its body.

Both were breathing heavy. Tauros was already at its last breath while its trainer was still somewhat alive. Even though his injuries were severe, he could still be saved if he used the healing portion.

Pokémon Trainer: Tau...Tauros...….G..Get…up....

The Trainer ordered Tauros to get up. Completely ignoring that its injuries were even more grave than him. Seeing that Tauros was not getting up, he became angry and shouted.

Pokémon Trainer: I...SAID...….GET UPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad even though he shouted Tauros didn't got up. Tauros could barely open its eyes right now. It didn't even have the strength to open its mouth to speak let alone getting up. Nevertheless, the trainer ignored it and kept on shouting at it.


???: It can't. It's already on its last breath.

However, he became silent when a voice resounded. He moved his head towards the direction of the voice with pale face. Even though, he realized whose voice it was, he still unconsciously gulped his saliva.





There he saw Ais's walking step by step towards them. She had the same cold look with azure Lambent-Light in her hand. There was not even a single dust on her, and her breathing was as normal as before. No one would believe that she released such a big move just now. As she was approaching the trainer, she passed by the Tauros.




Without a second thought and hesitation, she severed its head from its body. With this Tauros finally closed its eyes as its consciousness was swallowed by the darkness. Ais didn't stop and continued walking. Soon, she reached the trainer. The Trainer started to panic.

Pokémon Trainer: W-W-Wait. I have many t-things in my I-Inventory. If you s-spare my life, I-I will give all of it to you. T-T-There are m-many t-treasure and a-a-a-a-rtifacts.

Ais: The why 'you' didn't use them to protect yourself?

Pokémon Trainer: I-I-I-I planned t-too. But d-d-d-didn't get the c-c-c-chance.

Ais: I see.

Saying this, Ais raised her azure Lambent-Light. She still remembered lividly how Primis told her to never rely on external items. Hence, no matter what Treasures or Artifact the trainer possessed, it's useless.


Trainer shouted at the top of his lungs, but Ais ignored it. However, just when she was about to end him, she felt a movement in wind. She stopped and turned to where the wind shifted. Next, Ophis and Sheng Ming appeared. And just like Sheng Ming, she also got surprised seeing Ophis.

Ais: Sister Sheng Ming and...…Eldest Sister.

Sheng Ming only smiled while Ophis didn't reply and floated towards her. Ais took a step back and opened the way for Ophis. She looked at Ophis back with astonishment. Just now when she felt the movement in wind and domain, it only indicated Sheng Ming. But Ophis was natural. She won't have been able to sense her if she hadn't seen her.

Sheng Ming: Don't worry, Little Sister. In future, you will also be able to hide your presence.

Ais snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Sheng Ming. She then scratched her cheeks in embarrassment.

Ais: No wonder, I was even able to perceive your presence. You deliberately let me sense you.

Sheng Ming smiled not denying that. At this time, Ophis was already floating in front of the trainer. At first, the trainer became happy when he saw Ais stopped. Next, he got shocked seeing two more Divine beauties. Then his entire body turned cold when she saw Ophis blank eyes staring at him. Just like previous trainer, he didn't dare to do anything.

There was only one thing in his mind.

'Pokémon Trainer: I need to run. Run as far as I can.'

Though, no matter how much he said in his mind, his body just won't listen. As Ophis was looking down on him, his body was slowly raised, and brought in front of Ophis. Ophis stretched her hand forward. The trainer could only see in horror as his head was grabbed.

Ophis entered his mind and directly rushed into his memory space. Since it was just like the previous trainer, she took all the memories like before and then broke the Divine Chains of the last one. After grabbing the last memory, she also took all the broken pieces of Divine Chains and left.

Outside, the Trainer eyes turned blank before they turned lifeless as blood came out of his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Then his lifeless body fell. Why lifeless? That's because he was already severely injured thanks to Ais. Hence, he died when his memory space crumbled.
