Volume 4 - Chapter 34(Till we meet again(Final))


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


[Every time we go to a new world, it always led to the creation of a 'new' Pocket World, one way or another.]

'Primis: I guess.'

[Now you have Four pocket worlds.]

'Primis: Yeah. 'Home' world my main World. 'Baptism' for my weapons or equipment. 'Pets' world for my contracted beasts or pokémon. And now 'Multiverse Library' where I will keep the knowledge of every Multiverses existed in this Group.'

[True. And there will be more, right?]

'Primis: Yes.'

???: G-Good Morning, Your Majesty.

Lowering his head, Primis saw a little girl standing at the bottom of staircase.

She was wearing common clothes that consisted of a pair of brown shoes, green leggings with horizontal stripes that were shorn just above the ankles, a white long-sleeved shirt, an open short-sleeved cream-colored cardigan with red outlining, and a red ribbon fastened to her collar. She had medium length reddish brown hair that extends to her shoulders along with cyan eyes.

Primis: Hmm. Aren't you one of the kids who we rescued from the Forbidden Forest?

???: Yes, I am one of them. I can't believe Your Majesty remembered me. I am honored.

Saying this sparkle appeared in the little girl eyes as she bowed. Though there was something more than reverence in her eyes. Its.........

[Hmm. It seems that she has developed a crush on him.]

Primis: I see. So, you are......…

???: Oh, I am sorry for the late introduction. I am Petra Leyte. You can call me Petra.

Primis: Ok. Then Petra, what are you doing here?

Petra: Actually, I----

Ram: She will be a new trainee Maid in training from today onwards.

At this time, Ram approached him and spoke. She then bowed towards Primis and spoke.

Ram: Congratulations on your recovery, Sir Rigla. And thank you to not only saving the inhabitants of the village but also for keeping my little sister safe.

Primis: Um.

Nodding, Primis turned to Petra again.

Primis: Since you said she will be the new maid, did this mean Roswaal agreed?

Ram: Yes. Master Roswaal agreed with Petra working here.

Primis: Ok.

Next, Primis extended his hand and started patting her head. Petra widened her eyes before lowering her head. Her face was beet red with a smile on it.

Primis: Work diligently.

Petra: I will!!!

Primis: Good.

Ram: Sir Rigla, are you going somewhere?

Ram entered between their conversation now.

Primis: Yes. Something came up so I am leaving.

Ram & Petra: YOU ARE LEAVING!!!!!

Both shouted at the same time. Petra because the reason she wanted to work here was so that she could get closer to Primis. As for Ram, it's because of her little sister. She could tell Rem growing affection for Primis. That's why Primis leaving will affect both in some way.

Primis: Don't worry. I will be back in three months.

Hearing this, they gave out a sigh of relief.

Primis: I hope you will be done with your training and be a proper Maid by the time I return, Petra.

Petra: I will!!

Determination appeared in Petra eyes while looking at Primis.

Primis: Good.

Patting her head some more, Primis removed his hand and turned to Ram.

Primis: Ram, A quick question.

Ram: What is it, Sir Rigla?

Primis: If you must choose between following Roswaal's order or your Little Sister's life. What will you choose?

Ram: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ram eyes opened wide in shock hearing this. Not just her, even Petra was shocked.

Ram: S-Sir Rigla, what are y-you saying?

Primis: Next three months will be very dangerous outside. In case you are in the Mansion then you will be safe. However, the moment any of you left, death is imminent.

Ram: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without waiting for her answer, Primis turned and left the manor. Ram remained rooted in her spot unable to take the next step since her mind was pre-occupied with what Primis just said.

'Primis: In the next three months, you must decide Ram. Whether to obey Roswaal's order and forsake your Little Sister OR protect your Little Sister and become Roswaal's enemy.'

[Um. Good thing you pose that question to her. Because of your appearance most of Roswaal's plan went haywire. Now that you are gone, he will definitely try to correct it.]

'Primis: Yeah.'

As Primis was leaving the main gate, he could feel a gaze on his back. But he didn't turn and kept on walking down the road since he knew whose gaze it was.







Emilia was looking at Primis back from the window of her room till he finally disappeared from her sight. Her face was completely covered in tears, but she didn't let out a single sound.

Puck: He is gone, Lia.

Emilia: I know, Puck. I just............want to remain like this.........…for some more.

Puck could only sigh hearing this. Behind them Rem was standing. She was also looking in the Primis direction. Even though she didn't cry, she was in truth barely controlling herself from breaking out.

Emilia: Rem, I have a favor.

Rem: What is it, Lady Emilia?

Emilia: Can you teach me how to cook?

Rem got stunned hearing this. Though a smile appeared on her face as she spoke.

Rem: Yes, I will.

Emilia: Thank You.

'Puck: Damn you, Rigla. Just what did you do to my Lia. Now she even wants to learn cooking just for you.'








Currently Primis was dashing through a dense forest towards his destination. The area around was devastated because of the shake he gave to the planet again.

[Are you not going to meet, Subaru?]

'Primis: No. We barely have twenty minutes left. And Subaru was currently in the village helping the inhabitants with the repairs. Knowing him, once he hears that I am leaving, he will bombard me with tons of questions. That's why I gave a letter to Rem telling her to pass it to Subaru.'

[Good call.]

After some time, he finally reached the cliff and saw Beatrice with the Red-haired man waiting for him there. Betty smiled when she saw him and jumped at him. Primis caught her and started caressing her head.

Primis: Good job.

Beatrice: Ehehe~

After spoiling her for a minute, Primis put her down and turned his attention to Reinhard.

Primis: How are you, Reinhard?

Reinhard: I am pretty good. What about you, Sir Rigla?

Primis: Same.

Reinhard: I would really love to spend time talking with you because it's been some time since we met. But you seem to be in a hurry.

Primis: I am. That's why I will cut directly to chase.

Reinhard: Yes.

Primis: Reinhard, you see, I am not a person of this World.

Reinhard: Not of this World?

Reinhard became confused hearing this.

Primis: Yes. Let alone, Kingdom of Lugunica, everything in this world was foreign to me when I first came here.

Reinhard put his thumb and index finger on his chin and started pondering about it.

Reinhard: Could it be that you came from beyond the Great Waterfall?

Primis: No, it's something beyond.

Reinhard: Something beyond even the Great Waterfall? I am sorry Sir Rigla, I can't comprehend that.

Primis: Let's just say I am someone from higher plane. In that plane, there are countless people, who can destroy this entire World of yours with a mere thought.

Reinhard: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reinhard eyes opened wide hearing this and felt a chill down his spine.

Reinhard: Y-You are k-kidding right, Sir R-Rigla?

Primis: ........................…

Instead of replying, Primis just kept on looking at him. Reinhard unconscious used his blessing to detect lies but failed to detect any. A cold sweat appeared on his forehead as he asked.

Reinhard: J-Just who are you, S-Sir Rigla?

Primis: Like I said, I am someone from a higher plane. In there, beings like us referred to as..............................Gods.

Reinhard: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reinhard entire body shivered. Suddenly, he saw something unexpected. It appeared that the entire World was revolving around Primis. And if someone will decide to go against him then the entire World will abandon that person without hesitation.


Taking a gulp, Reinhard stepped back and got on one of his knees.

Reinhard: I am sorry if I offended you in some way, Lord Rigla.

Looking at the kneeling Reinhard in front of him, Primis couldn't help but sigh witnessing how his body was trembling and his back covered in sweat.

Primis: Stand up.

Reinhard: Y-Yes.

Standing up as commanded, Reinhard was still looking down making sure not to look directly into his eyes.

Primis: Reinhard, I think you are mistaking something.

Reinhard: M-Mistaking?

Primis: Do you think I called you here to punish you?

Reinhard: I-Is it not?

Primis: It's not. On the contrary, I have an offer for you.

Reinhard: Offer?

Primis: Yes. First, raise your head.

Raising his head, Reinhard looked directly at Primis' face.

Primis: You see, Reinhard, I want you to join my Guild.

Reinhard: A Guild?

Primis: Yes. An extremely powerful God has been born. He or She planned to absorb the essence of every Worlds in existence to reach even higher Realm.

Reinhard: How could this be?

Primis: That was not the only thing. That God has taken countless mortals or Gods under him by giving them the power so that they could help him or her in their conquest. Because of that it has increased the pace of his or her conquest a lot.

Reinhard: ..................

Primis: Those Invaders will attack this World in the future. Along with even more Worlds. That's why I decided to go to the different different worlds to find those whom I deemed worthy to fight alongside me. After all, you can't win a war with just a single person.

Reinhard: You think I am worthy?

Primis: Yes.

Reinhard: But I don't think I can fight against a God.

Primis: That's why I am here. The current you can't. But I promised to make you stronger so that when let alone Invaders, even if Gods attacks, you will be ready to face them and save this world of yours.

Reinhard: ...........................


Instead of answering, Reinhard went down on his knees again. But this time, not of fear.

Reinhard: If Lord Rigla thinks someone like me is worthy then from now onwards I, the Sword Saint, Reinhard van Astrea along with my sword "Dragon Sword Reid" is at your disposal. Just give the order and we will cleave through all your enemies.

Looking at him, Primis nodded and used his index finger to touch Reinhard forehead.

Primis: I accept.

'Primis: Twilight.'



Light started to shine from their contact before Reinhard felt something entering his brain and merging with his soul.




Suddenly, many prompt windows started to appear. Not in front of Primis but in front of Reinhard. It clearly shocked him.

Reinhard: This is.........

Primis: Only you and I can see these windows. So, you don't have to worry about others seeing it when they are around you.

Reinhard: Ok. But.........…Why are they all blanks?

Primis: Because you have only become a member of Guild. I haven't activated the Guild yet. I will activate it when I think it will be time. Don't worry, it won't be long.

Reinhard: Um.

Nodding Reinhard got up.

Primis: Reinhard, there's one more reason why I want you to join my Guild.

Reinhard: Another reason?

Primis: Yes. And that is because you are the second friend I ever made.

Reinhard: ...............

Reinhard became speechless hearing this. Never in his life he would have thought that someone like him whom everyone thought of as a monster would have a friend. And that friend would be a God.

Primis: That's why I hope you will refrain from calling me Lord Rigla.

Reinhard: I can't. After all you are----

Primis: I know you won't accept this. So, instead of calling me "Lord Rigla", how about "Guild Master".

Reinhard: Guild Master?

Primis: What do you say? It's not like you are disrespecting me that way.

Reinhard: ............…Um. That will be better.

Smiling a little, Primis extended his hand towards him.

Primis: Looking forward to working with you, Reinhard.

Reinhard also smiled shook Primis hand.

Reinhard: Likewise, Guild Master.

'Primis: With this I have gained the first member for my Guild.'


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
