Volume 4 - Chapter 35(To the next World)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.




Currently Primis was driving his "Lux Cycle" and was rushing towards his last destination in this World, Flugel's Tree. Beatrice was sitting behind and hugging him tightly.

Beatrice: Big Brother, Betty didn't completely understand how you can differentiate one's strength.

Primis: Hmm? I see. So, you want to know at which Realm people will start refers to us as Gods.

Beatrice: Yes.

Primis: Ok. Let me explain the leveling System to you.

Beatrice: Leveling System?

Primis: Yes. The leveling system for us(2nd Level Existences) is divided into 3 stages. First, Mortal Stage. It defines how strong a mortal can become. It is further divided into 10 Sub-stages. Namely...…





**Levels** **Strength**

Level 0 Average Human

Level 1(Stats at E) Building

Level 1(Stats at B) Town

Level 1(max) City

Level 2 Island

Level 3 Large Island

Level 4 Country

Level 5 Large Country

Level 6 Continent

Level 7 Large Continent

Level 8 Asteroid

Level 9 Moon

Level 10 Planet





Beatrice: To think a Mortal can reach the strength to destroy a planet.

Primis: Yeah. It's unbelievable until you witnessed it with your own eyes.

Beatrice: Do any such person exists in this World?

Primis: No. You see, even though a Mortal Limit is Level 10, many times the very world won't let it happen. It put some kind of limit to how much stronger a person could become.

Beatrice: Limit. Huh. What is the limit of this world?

Primis: Level 7. In case someone tries to go beyond then the World will make its move to get rid of that person.

Beatrice: Level 7. The power to destroy a Large Continent. Now that I think about it, didn't "Witch of Envy" destroy half of the World? Could she be......

Primis: Yes. In this entire World, only two people have reached Level 7. "The Sword Saint, Reinhard van Astrea". And the "Witch of Envy, Satella".

Beatrice: ............…. That's why those heroes from past failed to kill her.

Primis: Yes. There are only three people who had reached Level 6 at that time. Divine Dragon, Volcanica. The first Sword Saint, Reid Astrea. Sage, Flugel. Even during that time, they require the help of countless other heroes.

Beatrice: Even with all those sacrifices, they barely defeated "Witch of Envy". Still, it was not enough to kill her. That's why they sealed her.

Primis: Um.

At this time, Primis stopped talking with Beatrice but muttered something under his breath.

Primis: Don't worry. With me here, let alone sealing you, no one will hurt you ever agin.

Beatrice: Huh? Did you say something, Big Brother?

Primis: Yes. Let's move on to the second stage. It's called Pseudo-God Stage. This is for those who had broken through Mortal Limit and reached higher level. This Stage is divided into five Sub-stages. Namely...…





**Pseudo-God** **Strength**

Level 11 Large Planet

Level 12 Dwarf Star

Level 13 Small Star

Level 14 Star

Level 15 Large Star





Primis: Seeing that Sun that was high in the sky, Level 13 Pseudo-God has the strength to blow that Sun away.

Beatrice: Amazing.

Primis: It is. Though don't need to compare yourself with that. Because current you are already at the Final Stage. So, third and final stage is called God stage. This stage is also divided into five Sub-Stages. Namely......





**Dimensional-God** **Strength**

4th Solar System

5th Multi Solar Systems

6th Galaxy

7th Multi Galaxies

9th Universe





Primis: The Current you with your equipment is already a 5th-Dimensional God.

Beatrice: Um.

[Her calmness is amazing. She has really grown a lot after that trip in your "Tsukuyomi" world]

'Primis: Yeah.'

Beatrice: Big Brother, you missed 8th-Dimensional God.

In return, Primis shook his head and spoke.

Primis: I didn't. No intelligent being can become 8th-Dimensional God. So, in a way it's impossible.

Beatrice: Oh.

Beatrice nodded her head a few times before putting it back on Primis back.

Beatrice: By the way, where does Big Brother stand?

Primis: Beyond 9th-Dimensional God.

Beatrice: T-There's rank beyond 9th-Dimensional God?

Primis: Yes. Those are the ranks of Divines. I will tell you about them when the time comes.

Beatrice: Ok.

Primis: Anyway, we are almost there.

Primis could already see the huge "Flugel Tree" by now. With "Lux Cycle" speed, just a few seconds will be needed to reach there.

[Only five minutes are left, Primis.]

'Primis: I know.'








Stopping at the foot of the huge "Flugel's Tree", Primis and Beatrice got up before Primis sent "Lux Cycle" back into his soul. While he was doing it, Beatrice was looking at the "Flugel's Tree".

Beatrice: Flugel's Tree. Huh. From what I have read and heard, the seed of this tree was planted by the very Sage and his Disciple together.

Primis: You're right about that.

'Primis: Because he already knew that Subaru would need this tree to defeat "White Whale".'

Looking around, Primis didn't see anyone else.

Primis: Let's wait for a minute.

Beatrice: Ok.

'Primis: Now that I think about it, I haven't checked the new status of my Equipment.'

Saying this, Primis took out his Gun-Blade to check its status.





Origin, Zenith's Gun Blade


Type: Weapon (Sword/Gun)

Rank: I

Attack: 6,000


Soul bound: Primis Rigla



Indestructible: EX

Expedite: A

Automatic: A





Expedite: A

Increase the attack speed by 90%.


Automatic: A

Allows you automatic refill 2 Zenith Bullet.

Cooldown: 15 seconds.


Capacity: 4 Zenith Bullets.





'Primis: Good.'

Putting the Gun Blade away, Primis this time checked his clothes.





Origin, Zenith's Jacket


Type: Armor (Cloth Armor)

Rank: I

Defense: 6,000


Soul bound: Primis Rigla



Indestructible: EX

Reversal: A

Ammunition: A





Reversal: A

Nullifies 30% of the damage taken and absorbs another 30% to heal you.


Ammunition: A

Create 3 Zenith Bullet every 15 seconds.


Capacity: Can only have 12 Zenith Bullets.





Nodding, Primis also raised his head and started looking at the Flugel's Tree.

A minute later.



Some appeared behind them. Beatrice turned and looked at the person. The moment she saw who it was, she raised her guard to the limit and started gathering magic to attack.

Primis: Calm down, Betty. There's no need for that. That's the person we have been waiting for.

Beatrice calmed herself down herself, but her eyes were still looking at the person with vigilance. Sighing, Primis spoke.

Primis: As expected. There could be only one person in this World who Kyubey will find interesting. And that's you...............…

Turning, Primis finally looked at the person.

The person was a lone girl who was blankly staring at him with a smile so faint it almost felt ghostly. Her long straight platinum hair was seemingly transparent and gave off a soft glow akin to the shine of the sun. The radiance of her hair created the effect of a glistening waterfall that travelled down her slender shoulders and rested slightly below her knee line. Her eyes were as deep blue as the sea and were framed by long eyelashes. Her inhuman beauty was terrifying enough to make any person who set their eyes upon her incapable of stopping themselves from trembling.

On top of that, her attire consisted of nothing more than a simple white cloth that she was wearing like a poncho. Aside from her gown, the sole piece of material that could be found on the person was a blue ribbon tied into her hair that was similar to the one that decorated her dress. Her legs and feet were both completely bare, however, despite this, any desire to touch her bare flesh seemed taboo on account of her divine beauty.

Primis: Witch of Vainglory, Pandora.

Primis and Pandora kept on looking at each other after that. Even though Primis knew that he barely had two minutes left, he remained silent. Still, with every second, some sort of pressure of increasing on Pandor's shoulder. Even if she didn't show any change in expression, her trembling legs and sweat that had appeared on her forehead was more than enough to tell that she was barely controlling herself from kneeling.

And yet, even under all that pressure, her smile never wavered. In addition to that, her deep blue eyes have become teary. It's not because of pain or something. But because of pure bliss and happiness while looking at Primis. It was as if she didn't know that she was being subjected to pressure. Her eyes were only on Primis.

Pandora: Amazing......You are truly magnificent......

Just when she was about to reach the limit and kneel, the pressure around her disappeared. Still, she didn't care. Her eyes were still completely on Primis like before. It's like only he matters, no one else.

'Primis: Interesting.'

Primis: Come here, Pandora.

Pandora: Yes.

Pandora didn't ask anything and did as commanded. She didn't even mind being ordered by Primis. Once in front of him, she stopped.

Primis: Closer your eyes.

Without question, she did as ask. Next, he put his hand on her head.

Primis: I don't have any time left. So, let's talk later.

Pandora: Um. I really can't wait to spend time with you.

Ignoring her remark, Primis released his power which covered Pandora completely. In the next second...


Her entire body burst into many small light particles which were then absorbed in his body.

Kyubey: How is it?

Kyubey appeared on Primis right-shoulder and asked.

Primis: She will be a good asset.

Kyubey: Told you.

Beatrice: Big Brother, who is it?

Beatrice approached Primis at this time and asked.

Primis: It's my strongest contracted Spirit.

Beatrice: Strongest Contracted Spirit? Are you saying along with me and Celebi, there are more.

Primis: Yes. But that's for later.

Stopping Beatrice from questioning any further, Primis looked at Kyubey.

Primis: Let's go. We only have 13-14 seconds left.

Kyubey: Yes.

Primis grabbed Beatrice hand as Kyubey released its power.


Space shattered in front of them before turning into something called portal.

Kyubey: Let's go.

Primis: Yes.

Giving one last glance in the direction of Roswaal's Mansion, Primis muttered under his breath.

Primis: Later then Emilia. Rem.

Next, he entered the portal and left this world of "Re: Zero − Starting Life in Another World".















Primis and Beatrice were walking through which appeared to be a tunnel. Countless colorful rays of light could be seen travelling around the tunnel.

Beatrice: It's beautiful.

Primis: It is. But it's equally dangerous too.

Kyubey: Yes. If you touched any of them then the excess power contains within them will kill you in an instant.

Primis: Even a "9th-Dimensional God" would die after touching them.

Beatrice: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beatrice was shocked hearing that.

Kyubey: These lights are the power sources of different different Universes joined together. In case you touch them, they think of you a foreigner who wanted to steal their power.

Primis: As a result, Wills of those Countless Universes and Multiverses will fight back altogether to get rid of you.

Beatrice felt a chill down her spine hearing this.

They then just kept on walking deeper and deeper into the tunnel. Beatrice had calmed herself by now and was still looking at these lights. Even though they were dangerous, they were also beautiful just like Primis said. Hence, there's not any problem in admiring their beauty.

After some time.

Kyubey: We will be reaching soon.

All three could see the end of the tunnel. They increased the speed of their pace and finally passed through it.


Beatrice closed her eyes because of the brightness. After a minute she opened them, and her jaw fell on the ground. All three were currently standing on an island which was floating in the middle of an empty space. However, the area around this island was not blank. Countless Worlds, Universes, and Multiverses could be seen revolving around this island.

While Beatrice was still astonished, Primis and Kyubey ignored those worlds around. Their focus was completely on the front. In the very middle of the island, there was a huge tree made up of nothing with light. The tree was so tall that it was very difficult to see its tip. This tree took almost 90% of the island.

'Primis: This tree is the Megaverse that we have to enter.'

Primis: Where is it, Kyubey?

Kyubey: There.

Kyubey pointed at one of branch of the tree. Primis gave a sigh of relief seeing that.

Primis: Good thing, it's still in the lower section.

Beatrice: Lower Section?

Kyubey: You see, all the branches on the tree lead to different different Parallel World. The higher the branch the stronger that world will be. The World we are going to right now is in the lower section of the tree.

Beatrice: I see. So, how much stronger beings of that world will be?

Primis: They will be at Pseudo-Gods and Dimensional-Gods levels.

Beatrice: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Primis: Even real Gods will be there. Though they won't be too many and won't be of much higher Rank.'

Primis: Let's go.

Next, Primis while holding Beatrice hand and Kyubey on the right shoulder jumped at that branch.



Once he stood on it then some kind of attraction force sucked them in.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
