Volume 4 - Chapter 76(To the Hideout)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


[What are you going to do this time?]

'Primis: You want to ask whether I will let the plot continue or change it with my actions, don't you?'


'Primis: Then don't you already know the answer?'

[Haha. You are right. I know.]

As Ouma Shu was looking at the soldiers in shock, Inori stood up and jumped over the railing and landed a meter in front of him, murmuring...

Inori: Fyu-Neru...


Inori: Auh!!!

Though at that moment, one of soldier moved and slammed the back of the rifle at her stomach. And since she was injured and weak, she fell on the ground.

Next, a dark-skinned black man wearing a white coat giving an appearance of a doctor walked in. Since Primis was also on the same floor, he addressed him first.

Dark-Skinned Bald Man: You are...…

He asked normally though from his tone it seemed more of an order to identify yourself.

Nevertheless, Primis remained silence.

Noticing this, the man frowned and said.

Dark-Skinned Bald Man: If you don't speak then I will take that you are with her.

Once he said so, other soldiers pointed their guns at Primis.

Shu: Um, that girl is hurt. Please don't treat her----

Dark-Skinned Bald Man: You a student?

However, the man interrupted Shu and asked.

Shu: Y-Yes, Sir!

Dark-Skinned Bald Man: I see. As for this girl, she is a criminal. If you're covering her then I'll purge you as a criminal for the same offense.

Soldiers then pointed their guns from Primis to him.

Shu got taken aback and moved back before lowering his body to protect himself.

Seeing this the man smiled before returning his attention to Primis.

Dark-Skinned Bald Man: So, what about you?

Primis: ...…

Seeing his lack of response, he ordered.

Dark-Skinned Bald Man: I guess it can't be helped then...Fire!!!





Without a slight hesitation, the soldiers started shooting.

Shu who was hiding on next floor became pale hearing this.

While soldiers were shooting him, the Dark-Skinned man's attention was on Inori. He didn't even look at Primis because in his mind, he was already dead.


By the time, the last bullet was heard, the man was sure that it was over. Because of that he failed to notice his soldiers bewildered expression. There was even fear in their eyes. Why? Because before the bullets could even touch Primis, they all disintegrated into nothing.


Then Primis moved and appeared in front of him. He first twisted the soldier's hand and took the rifle from his hand before smashing it hard on his face.

Soldier 1: Gah!!


Soldier 2: Oomph!!!

Before the second soldier could react, he kicked him on his gut.


Next, he threw the gun at the third soldier's face.

Soldier 3: Auh!!!


The last soldier shoot at him, but Primis moved his neck to dodge the bullets before reaching the soldier and taking his gun and pointed at his head.

And then...



The soldier lifeless body fell as the blood burst out of his head.


Without waiting, Primis changed the target and shot at the remaining three soldiers.







Three more bodies fell and Primis finally pointed at the Dark-Skinned man who was looking at him in utter shock.

Dark-Skinned Man: You----


Before letting him continue, Primis got at his chest.


The man took a step back as blood started coming out of his chest and turned his cloth as red. He held his chest and glared at Primis.

Dark-Skinned Man: You will pay... for shooting...… at... GHQ...


Then he fell too.

Ignoring him, Primis approached Inori who was also looking at him with dumbfounded expression. Not that surprising since he killed all of them in mere seconds.

However, instead of asking whether she was alright, he pointed the gun at her head.

This made her widened her eyes.

Primis: Speak, who are you?

Inori: ...

Primis: Don't think I will keep you as hostage in case you will remain silent. If you don't some in next 10 seconds, I will shoot.

Shu: Wait, please, Senior Herrscher.

Shu who had gotten up by now became afraid when he saw the bodies of soldiers. But seeing Primis pointing gun at Inori's head, he opened his mouth.

Still, Primis as if had not heard what he said and continued speaking.

Primis: It seems you are not afraid even if I kill you. Huh.

Inori: ...

Primis: You know what, I was wondering why GHQ was after you before I killed them. And since you are not speaking, I came to a conclusion that the reason they are after you must be because you have something that they don't wish to let go. And looking at you, I can tell you don't have that with you right now. So...…

Glancing towards the direction of Shu, Primis spoke.

Primis: That robot was with you since I saw you. However, not only did it not try to save you, but you also said its name when you jumped down "Fyu-Neru". It was not the order to follow but stay on the spot. Why did you that order? It's because you didn't want GHQ to see it, right.

Inori eyes kept on widening with each of Primis.

Primis: Why is it? If I am not wrong, the thing you stole must be inside it.

Inori: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Primis: So, I repeat again. Who are you? If you still don't answer that I will kill you right now and took the thing that's inside that robot to GHQ. I am sure that by doing so at the very least they will forgive me for killing their people.

Horror had appeared on Inori's face by now.

Primis: Means not only will GHQ get back their thing, but your sacrifice will also be in vain.

Inori: ...…Inori. My name is Inori Yuzuriha. I am a member of Funeral Palor in Rappongi.

Saying till here, she lowered her head and became silent. Clearly, indicating that she had no intention of giving any more information.

Primis: Hmmm...I see.

Replied Primis and didn't pry further. He lowered his hand which was holding the gun and continued.

Primis: In any case, one way or another, you dragged both me and Ouma Shu into this. How are you going to make up for it?

Instead of answering, she looked towards the direction of Shu.

Understanding what she meant, Primis also looked at him and ordered.

Primis: Ouma Shu come down and brought that robot along.

Shu: Y-Yes!

Hearing this Shu flinched and hurriedly picked up the robot before coming down.

Once he was in front of them, Inori opened her mouth.

Inori: Fyu-Neru, show it.



The robot opened and showed a map of sewers lines underneath the buildings leading to a location.

Inori: That's where Gai is. He will help you.

Next, she turned to leave the warehouse.

Inori: Let's go.

Primis: Not so fast.


Inori: Aargh!!



When Primis grabbed her arm, Inori let out a pain voice before blood started to drip out of her wound.

Primis: The current you will bring trouble to us. In the first place, the reason why GHQ found us is because they followed the trails of your blood.

Inori who was glaring at Primis for grabbing her injured arm, lowered her head hearing this.

Primis: Sit down.

As she looked at Primis with confused expression, Primis ordered again. This time more sternly.

Primis: Sit down.

She compelled and sat on the ground.

Shu: A-Aren't you being h-harsh on her?

Primis didn't bother replying. He crouched down and undo the bandage on her arm before tying it again in a more accurate way.

Primis: How is it?

Inori: It's good. I can also move my arm somewhat better......Thank you.

Hearing her sincere gratitude, Primis nodded his head before getting up. He then offered a hand to her. She hesitated for a moment before putting her hand on Primis's and stood up.

Inori: Follow me.

Shu: Uh...Um...

Shu tried to say something but neither Primis or Inori waited for him to finish and left the warehouse. Because of that he had no choice but to follow.





They all passed through the corner in the sewer lines while the robot was giving help by providing light and showing them the map.



Shu: Woah!!

Shu let out a yelp when the robot started to beep when they got closer to the destination.


Suddenly, the map closed, and the robot opened and showed a cylinder object filled with something.

Shu: I-Is this----

Primis: Hold on to it.

Shu: Me?

Primis: Yes.

Shu: B-But isn't this what GHQ is after.

Inori: It is.

Shu: T-Then isn't it better if one of y-you hold it.

Primis: I and Yuzuriha are the only one who could fight. If----

Inori: Inori.

Suddenly Inori interrupted Primis who called her by her last name and told me him to call her using her first name.

Nevertheless, Primis ignored her and continued.

Primis: If GHQ send their soldiers after us, only me and Yuzurih----

Inori: Inori!

Primis: Me and Yuzuriha must face them. That time the vial we have would make us more reserve since we also have to keep it safe.

Shu: O-Ok.

Primis: Well yo----

Inori: I.N.O.R.I.

Suddenly Primis became slightly surprised because of Inori's action.

While saying her name word by word, Inori was stretching Primis cheeks with her two hands and was pouting.

'Primis: Oi. Oi. What's going on? How could someone as emotionless as Inori behave like this?'

[A Mystery.]

Shaking his head inwardly, Primis slapped Inori's hands away before continuing walking. Shu and Inori also followed.

They all climbed the ladder upwards to the location.

The location turned out to be a closed off area where gang members roamed around.

While Shu became a slight pale cursing his bad luck, Primis and Inori made their way to the center.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
