Volume 4 – Chapter 81(Some peaceful time or NOT)


Author Note:

[ ]    =      When Twilight is speaking.

{ }    =      When talking through Telepathy.

' '     =      When thinking in your mind.

<< >> =      When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- =      When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.


--- Morning ---


The light of the sun penetrated through the window and fell on the sleeping couple on the bed.

Ophis who asleep while resting her head on Primis shoulder, felt irritated before her eyelids fluttered as she opened her beautiful violet eyes.

She raised her body as the quilt fell to her waist, showing the full display of her body. Current, Ophis became even more beautiful. Her skin was glossier than before

Nevertheless, she didn't look at herself and started rubbing her eyes.

Ophis: YAWN...…

Yawning one more time, she looked at the window from where the sunlight was entering the room.

Ophis: This is the second morning. Primis and I were still exploring each other when the light previous day.

Remembering their night, a beautiful smile appeared on her face as she turned her head to saw the sleeping Primis at her side. Lowering herself she started caressing his face loving for some time before giving him the kiss on his lips and getting up from the bed.

She saw that the entire room had been turned upside down at this point. Cracks were on the walls, side table was broken, and the entire place had the traces of their love making. They both really fucked like animals. Not only that but along with the room, their entire bodies also reeked the heavy scent of sex.


Ophis waved her hand as the entire room became perfect again and all the scent disappeared. She then re-equipped her clothes or equipment from her soul and approached the sleeping Primis.

Caressing his face again, she gave him one more kiss before covering him with quilt and leaving the room in silence.


Now only the sound of sleeping of Primis could be heard in the room.





--- Two hours later ---

Primis opened his dark eyes. He raised himself and stretched his body.

[Good morning.]

'Primis: Yeah...…Morning.........'

[How was the night?]

Smiling he replied.

'Primis: Fantastic. I was fully satisfied.'

[Well, of course. If she can't handle your libido then she doesn't have the right to call herself your Empress.]

Hearing this he smirked. He really didn't have to hold back when doing with Ophis. Though he also had to try his best his best to satisfy her too. Just like him, Ophis was also too demanding.

Shaking his head to put those thoughts at the back of his mind, Primis got up as his usual stoic expression appeared. He used his power to clean himself and re-equip his "Planar Lord's" clothes.

Space wrapped and he disappeared.

15 minutes later, he appeared in the room with sleepy Sakura in his arms. He pinched her little nose lightly, disturbing her. This made her to wake up again as she pouted cutely and looked annoyed.

Sakura: Papa, let me sleep some more.

Patting her head and he spoke.

Primis: Eat something and then you can sleep.

Sakura: Hmph, I am not hungry.

Showing an amused expression, he asked.

Primis: Are you sure?


Before she could reply, he opened the door of the room as an aroma of food entered.

Sakura: SNIFF.........SNIFF.........SNIFF......…

Once she sniffed it, all of her sleepiness vanished instantly as her eyes sparked and mouth was filled with water.

Delighted witnessing her expression, Primis walked out of the room and made his made to the Dining Table.

On it, many exotic dishes were placed, and they were releasing steam showing they were still hot. This made Sakura gulped her saliva.

Walking over it, Primis sat on one of the chairs with Sakura on his lap barely controlling herself from lunging on the food in front.

Once he did so, Ophis and Scáthach came out of the kitchen with someone dishes in their hand. They were the ones who made the food instead of ordering. And yes, both knew how to cook. Ophis cooking was at Grandmaster level like Primis' while Scáthach cooking was at Master Rank.

Ophis & Scáthach: Good Morning, Primis/My Lord. Good morning, Sakura.

Primis: Um. Morning.

Sakura: Good Morning, Mama and Mama Scáthach.

Showing a light smile, they placed the newly brought food on the table and took their seat. Sakura turned and looked at Primis with puppy eyes.

'Primis: Girl, where do you learn this move?'

Nevertheless, he didn't give it much though and spoke.

Primis: Go on.

Sakura: Yay!!

Making a triumphant pose, Sakura started eating.

Others kept on looking at the happy Sakura for a few minutes before they also start.

That's how their Family breakfast went. Most of the time, it was Sakura who was talking about the things she did and learnt with Beatrice and others while Primis, Ophis, and Scáthach were listening in silence.





Once the breakfast was done, Ophis and Scáthach took the plates to wash while Primis took Sakura out for a walk.

Primis and Sakura were walking down the street with Primis holding her little hand.

Sakura was looking everything around like a curious child. This may appear like the modern world of Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel, but because of "Apocalypse Virus", they had a breakthrough in the technology and medical aspects.

"We continue to offer funeral songs to the ones selected out."

"Hence, the Undertakers."

"We will resist GHQ, who rules this country as though they own it."

"We will fight against everyone and everything that attempts to select us out."

That was what playing on all the Jumbotrons on the buildings, LEDs in the shops, and even in the phones people were holding. It was showing Funeral Parlor, or the Undertakers speech and showing their stand.

'Primis: It went just as in plot.'

[It seems that Dark-skinned Bald man you didn't kill back then also died.]

'Primis: Um. Hid death should be at the hands of Undertakers since that's what brought their organization in light.'


After walking for some time, they reached a park. There they saw many children playing among themselves.

Instead of looking at the other children, Sakura attention was more on the rides in the park. Primis, of course, saw that and......…

Primis: Go.

Sakura: I Love you, papa!

Said Sakura as she let go of Primis hand and enthusiastically ran to one of the slides and started playing.

Looking at her happy smile, Primis brows relaxed as his expression became gentle.

While his gaze was focus of Sakura, other people who were in the park mostly the mothers of the children, saw this and they all blushed altogether.

'All Mothers: He is so hot!'

Well, even if Primis knew their thoughts, he won't have given a damn about it anyway.

He broke out of his thoughts when he sensed the killing intent coming from his shadow. Sensing this, he couldn't help but sigh inward.

{Primis: Your killing intent is leaking, Satella.}

{Satella: Hmph.}

Snorting, she put it away.


'Primis: Quiet.'

[You know what, her mood is off ever since you slept with your Empress. If not because you both are stronger than her, she would have given both of you a piece of mind Or might have joined in.]

'Primis: Whatever.'





--- Funeral Parlor Base ---

While Primis was spending time in the park. In the base of Undertakers, Gai and some other members were monitoring him.

'Gai: He has a daughter?'

Looking at them, Gai frowned.

Gai: Tsugumi, how much information you were able to collect?

The girl who was the real creator of Fyu-neru was typing hurriedly on the virtual keyboard while looking at video in front.

Tsugumi: Almost everything except for the last year.

Gai: The girl seems to me four-to-five years old. And she doesn't have any resemblance Erste. In other words, she is adopted.

???: Still, the main question is what happened to him after he completed his graduation from TENNOZ High School last year.

A silver-haired man with spectacles spoke.

Gai: Do you find anything in your end, Shibungi?

Shibungi: I tried to do some digging but found nothing.

???: Just why are we looking doing background check on him, Gai?

Another person joined. She can be described as a beautiful and slender young woman. She had brown hair she puts up in a ponytail and chestnut brown eyes. She seemed disabled as she was using a futuristic red wheelchair for mobility.

Tsugumi: I have the same question as Ayase, Gai.

Gai: ...............I asked Inori about happened when she split out from us in the bridge. And what she told me was shocking.

Shinbungi: What do you mean?

Pausing for a second, he spoke.

Gai: According to her, she decided to rest in the warehouse where she met with Herrscher Erste and Ouma Shu. Later GHQ soldiers followed the trail of her blood and found them. She thought of getting herself captured in order for Shu to deliver "Void Genome" to us. But something unexpected occurred.........… Erste moved and killed them.

Ayase: He killed them on his own!

Gai: Yes.

Shinbungi: I see. That's really something we should take a note of. After all, they were not just some thugs but trained soldiers.

Gai: Yes, but that's not what caught my attention.

Others: Huh?

Gai: Inori said that his movements and marksmanship far surpassed hers.



???: Wait, Wait, Wait! Are you sure that's what Inori said, Gai!?

Asked a man who was as tall as Gai and had spiky black hair, with a blonde streak in the middle.

Gai: I am certain, Argo.

Shinbungi: Now that's something unexpected.

Tsugumi: Yes. Inori has the training and experience of almost four years. And he could already surpass her after disappearing for a year.............................. Not only that but he appeared to be an entirely different person.

Ayase: How so?

Instead of replying, Tsugumi showed the videos of his past. Once they were done watching, another cycle of silence occurred.

Argo: This is horrible.

Shinbungi: Such kind of bullying shouldn't be tolerated.

Tsugumi: In the later videos, looking at him anyone can tell that he has giving up all hopes in living.

Said Tsugumi sadly.

Gai who was looking at his with indifferent, clenched his fist tightly.

'Gai: I will make everyone of them pay for it dearly.'

Argo: But now that he has returned after a whole year, he changed completely.

Ayase: Just what did he go through in that year that made him so cold.

Asked Ayase as she also had sadness in her eyes like others.

Shinbungi: No Idea. I failed to find anything.

Tsugumi: Me too.

Argo: What's your plan, Gai?

Gai: ..................

Gai remained silent for a few seconds before opening his mouth.

Gai: I am thinking of letting him join us.

Shinbunji: Well, its not a bad idea.

Argo: But do you think, he will join.

Tsugumi: Yeah, Ouma Shu reject us too.

Gai: It's true that Ouma Shu rejected us for now, but I am having a feeling he will join later. As for Herrscher Erste, I will talk to him.

Ayase: Um.

Gai: Speaking of Ouma Shu, how is it going?

Tsugumi: Inori has already admitted in TENNOZ High in Ouma Shu's class and has already made contact with him.

Gai: Good. Tell her to bring Ouma Shu in the evening once their school ended.

Shinbunji: Gai, we also received an invitation from one of the Organization that want to form alliance with us.

Gai: Ok. I will contact them in a few minutes. Though I am sure they want to talk face-to-face about it.

Tsugumi: By the way, Gai. It seems that Ouma Shu and Herrscher Erste are neighbors. They both live in the same apartment, in the same floor and their house is also side-by-side.

Gai: That makes things even easier. Notify Inori to bring both Erste and Shu to meet with me in the Evening.

Tsugumi: Aye!

After giving a few more orders, Gai looked at screen in which Primis was playing with Sakura and thought.

'Gai: Just what happened to you, Erste.'


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
