Volume 4 – Chapter 82(I will be waiting)


Author Note:

[ ]    =      When Twilight is speaking.

{ }    =      When talking through Telepathy.

' '     =      When thinking in your mind.

<< >> =      When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- =      When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.


Sakura: Higher Papa!

Primis: Yes, Yes.

Sakura: Woah!!

Sakura was currently enjoying the swing with Primis pushing her from behind. She had played on all others rides by now and saved swing for the last.

[They are monitoring you.]

'Primis: Let them me. It's not like they could do anything else right now.'






The moment Primis and Sakura's shadows overlapped, Darkrai moved from his shadow and hid in hers.

They played for another minute before leaving.

Sakura had smile plastered on her face since then. Primis who was holding her little hand asked.

Primis: Did you have fun?

Sakura: Yes!

Primis: Good. We will come again tomorrow.

Sakura: Yay!

She jumped excited hearing this as they made their way back to home. Though when they were a street away, they stopped as Sakura looked at ice-cream stall at side.

Seeing this, Primis took her there.

Stall Owner: Welcome, Sir.

Primis: Um. Which one?

Sakura: Uh...…

Sakura was looking at the menu pondering which flavor she should choose. Primis didn't hurry her and let her take time.

Stall Owner: Situation is really becoming dire, Sir.

While waiting, Stall Owner decided to initiate the conversation.

Primis: Funeral Parlor?

Stall Owner: Yes, them. Ever since they said they will rebel in media. GHQ soldiers have been on us civilian's head.

Primis: Is that so?

Stall Owner: Yes. Just last night GHQ forcibly made their ways in our houses checking whether we are hiding those Undertakers. Many have been arrested for interrogation. Some of them were even executed who decided to run. These days will really be hard on us.

Primis: So, you hate them?

Stall Owner: I could that. Even if they are fighting to free us from GHQ rule, it still doesn't change the fact we are suffering right now because of them.

Primis: Changes are never easy.

Stall Owner: *sigh* True. However, I am not some soldier, neither do I have strength to fight for the entire country. I only want my family to be safe. Doesn't matter if it will be either under Japan Government or GHQ.

Nodding his head, Primis remained silent. He didn't feel disgust or disdain at the man's thoughts. After all, he was just a normal human and knew his limits. On the contrary, he praised the man for admitting his weakness unlike most others who said they will do big things but when the time come, they just hide in the corner in fear.

Sakura: Papa, I want mix of Strawberry, Chocolate, and Vanilla.

Primis: Un. I will take Chocolate.

Stall Owner: Right away.

The Stall Owner first made a cone for Sakura and gave it to her. Seeing her licking her ice with delight, the Stall Owner couldn't help but fell in daze for a second before returning to him. Coughing awkwardly to hide his embarrassment, he spoke.

Stall Owner: Sir, your daughter is really beautiful and cute. Only someone as handsome as you could have such a daughter.

Primis: Thanks. Here.

Taking his ice-cream from the Stall Owner, Primis passed the money to him before turning to leave.

Sakura: Bye, Ice-Cream Uncle.

Stall Owner: Bye, little girl.

Sakura waved at the Stall Owner for a few seconds before grabbing Primis hand and leaving. The Stall Owner kept on waving at the father-Daughter duo before they disappeared from his sight.

Time went by.





Night came.

Sakura: Uh......Here. Hehe.

Ophis and Scáthach looked at the card that Sakura placed and then saw theirs. In the end, they sigh and showed a defeated smile.

Ophis and Scáthach: We lost.

Standing up, Sakura ran towards the Primis who was sitting on the couch and jumped at him.

Sakura: I win, Papa!

Catching her, Primis patter her head and lightly pinched her tiny nose.

Primis: Of course. My daughter is the best.

Sakura: Ehehe...…



As they were enjoying some family time, someone rang their doorbell.

Putting Sakura down, Primis moved to open the door while Ophis and Scáthach hide their presence.


Opening the door, he saw Inori which was in casual wear holding Fyu-neru in her arms. Behind her stood Ouma Shu who was looking at him with shocked expression.

Shu: H-Herrscher-senpai! You live here!

Primis: Is there any problem?

Shu: N-No! I just never expected you to be my Neighor.

Primis: Neighor?

Shu: Um. You see, I live just the next door.

Said Shu while pointed at his room. Primis only gave a glance at that direction before returning his attention back to them.

Primis: I see. What a coincidence.

Shu: Yeah.

Primis: So, how may I help you both?

Inori: A message came. Come with us, Erste.

Without waiting for his reply, Inori turned and walked towards the elevator.

Sakura: Papa, they are?

Though this made her stop on her tracks. Glancing back, she saw the cute Sakura looking at both her and Ouma Shu while hiding behind Primis legs.

Primis: Some people I know.

Replied Primis with a gentle expression as he patted her hand lovingly.

Inori: .........

Shu: .........

Inori and Shu were shocked when they head Sakura calling him Papa. But now witnessing his gentle face, both had a short-circuit in their brain.

They never expected someone as cold and indifferent like Primis could show such expression.

Sakura: Are you going with them?

Primis: Yes. Wanna come.

Sakura: Yes!

Primis: Then let's go together.

Once Primis return his gaze to Inori and Shu, his usual indifferent expression appeared.

Primis: Lead the way.

Inori: Y-Yes. But first...…

Said Inori before she put her attention to Sakura.

Inori: I am Inori. Inori Yuzuhira.

Shu: I am Shu. Ouma Shu.

Sakura: Pleased to meet you, Big Sister Yuzuhira, Big Brother Ouma. I am Sakura. Sakura Rigla(they heard Herrscher).

Said Sakura as she bowed her head a little.

Shu: N-No need to be polite. Just Shu is fine.

Inori: Um. Just call me Inori too.

Sakura: ......

Instead of replying, Sakura glanced at Primis who nodded in return. Seeing this, Sakura smiled and addressed them.

Sakura: Ok. Inori. Shu.

Inori: ......…

Shu: ......

Now it was their time to become silent. They thought Sakura will call them "Big Sister Inori" and "Big Brother Shu", never did they expect her to directly go for their first name. And since they were the one responsible for it, they could only accept in.

???: Herrscher-senpai. You live here too.

Another person made his presence known. He was a young man in his late teens, with straight dark brown hair that stopped over his eyes and dark brown eyes. He was wearing also wearing casual clothes and was looking at Primis in surprise.

Primis: You are?

???: Samukawa Yahiro. I am your Junior and Shu's classmate.

Primis: Hmm......Your friend?

Asked Primis while directing this question to Shu.

Shu: Huh...I guess.

Primis: I see. So, are you also coming with us?

Yahiro: No. I just came to talk with Shu. We are done with our talk.

Primis: Ok. In case you need any help just ask. As your Senior, I won't mind giving a hand to my Junior.

Yahiro: T-That's......…Thank you, Herrscher-senpai.

Yahiro was taken aback at this. This really came out of nowhere. Even Shu and Inori was surprised. On the other hand, Sakura was just looking at this new edition.

Primis: Anyway, see you later.

Primis said as he grabbed Sakura's little hand and left while closing the door behind.


Inori followed behind with Shu in toll.

Shu: See you tomorrow, Yahiro!

Yahiro: Tell me if anything happens, all right?

Shu: Thanks, I will!





Inori was walking in front, followed by Ouma Shu then Primis and Sakura.

The front two person remained silent. Though they would occasionally glance back at Primis and Sakura who were in the world of on their own. Since Sakura was sill a little girl, she was full of curiosity. Hence, time by time, she pointed at something to ask what it is.

Their time went just like that.

Inori didn't know why but she was feeling a sense of irritation or envy or jealously witnessing how Primis only gave such gentle look to Sakura.

Soon, they reached the location.

They could see Gai in suit standing some distance away while speaking with someone in his phone. Behind him stood two people. One of them was a man of huge build who was holding a rifle in his hands and was looking around in vigilance. His name was Ooguma.

Another person was the girl whom he had met before. The main hacker of Funeral Parlor, Tsugumi. She was currently busy in doing something in her computer.

Once they reached in front, Gai saw them and end his conversation before putting the phone into his pocket.

Gai: Thanks for coming.

Shu: Eh......…That's some outfit you got there. You don't appear to be wanted criminal at all.

Gai: You can't change the world just by running around with guns.

Stopping here, he looked back.

Gai: Tsugumi, anyone following them?

Raising her hand, she replied.

Tsugumi: All clear!

Shu: So...…what's the reason for inviting us here? Also why send Inori to my school and allowing her to move into my home? You do know that it is dangerous for Undertaker members to move about, right?

Frowning a little Gai replied.

Gai: A problem sprang up. In the middle of operation yesterday, an eyewitness spotted us.

Shu eyes wide opened hearing this. He can imagine GHQ storming the school capturing him and Inori for the fact they might've been conversing with Undertaker members and not any member but their leader who had shown himself to the world in his introduction video.

In a panic, he asked.

Shu: B-Butut weren't the people in that lot, the people that you're protecting? Wouldn't you be able to suppress any information going through to the GHQ?

With a grim expression, Gai replied.

Gai: If it was a resident of the fort, I could have deal with them. But it appears to be an outsider.

Just that that, their Gai and Shu kept on talking while Primis walked to where Tsugumi was.

Sakura: Papa, is that Big Sister cat-people like I saw in the cartoon.

Primis: Yes. And she is hiding her tail under her pants.

Tsugumi: I am not!

Snapping at Primis response, Tsugumi glared at him with her face red with embarrassment.

Sakura: Big Cat-Sister, can I touch your ears?

Tsugumi: Well......…if touching is all you want to do then......…fine...

Witnessing Sakura's innocent and cute face, Tsugumi can't bring herself to become angry at her. Lowering herself to Sakura level, she let her touch her electronic headband that resembled "neko" ears.

Sakura: Woah! Its hard and cold like metal. So, they really aren't Big-Sister's ears.

Tsugumi: I told you they are not.

Sakura: But I think these ears suit Big-Sister.

Tsugumi: Really. You really think so.

Asked Tsugumi with sparkling eyes.

Sakura: Mn.

Tsugumi: Ah...Sakura-chan is sooo cute...

Said Tsugumi before she hugged Sakura and started rubbing her cheeks with hers.

Seeing Sakura didn't mind Tsugumi's approach and was even enjoying it, he let her take care of it.

Primis: Look after Sakura for a while. I need to talk with Gai.

Tsugumi: Aye!

Tsugumi replied happily as Primis left Sakura behind and made his way to Gai who was done talking with Shu.

Primis: If you call me here to ask whether I will join you then I declined.

Gai who was about to open his mouth stopped. He became dumfounded seeing how Primis saw through his thoughts.

Because of that he became silence for a second before speaking.

Gai: Do you not want Japan to be free from GHQ rule?

Primis: Maybe.

Gai: Then why?

Primis: I don't like working under others.

Feeling surprised, Gai asked.

Gai: Is that the only reason?

Primis: Yes.

Gai: Are you not worried that GHQ will come after you? It's true that you didn't join in yesterday's operation, hence, there is no eyewitnesses for you. However, it's also true that you killed GHQ soldiers. They will find a lead to you one way or another.

Primis: Let them come then. I will be waiting.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
