Volume 4 – Chapter 83(Silent Assassin?)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.


Sakura: ZZ…ZZ...ZZ...…ZZ...

It's been two days since Primis declined Gai's offer. He was currently in his house with Sakura sleeping while resting her head on his lap.

As he was using one of his hands to caress her head, his concentration was on the creation of pocket universe in his mind.

[Guilty Crown: 0.01% Complete]

'Primis: It's really taking a lot of time.'

[It doesn't even increase one bit.]

'Primis: Though I can tell that it was moving albeit extremely slow.'


Ophis: Um...m......…...ZZ...ZZ...…ZZ...…

Ophis was sitting on his other side. Sleeping while leaning her head on his shoulder. Scáthach, on the other hand was standing behind. She was using her long slender fingers to massage his head.

It was a relaxing atmosphere around them. Not for so long though.

[By now, Shu had already been betrayed by Yahiro and was arrested by GHQ.]

'Primis: Um. They will be coming for me next.'

The moment he said so, Primis sensed some presences. Scáthach also stopped and asked.

Scáthach: Should I...…

Primis: No need. I will take care of them.

Saying this, he sent Sakura into the "Pets" world so that others will take care of her. When he did so, Ophis opened her eyes.

Ophis: Are you going to have some fun?

Primis: Maybe.

Saying this, he got and bought some things from Twilight. Then without minding Ophis and Scáthach presence, he changed into new clothes.

He now wore black notch lapel two-piece suit. The suit only had one button which complemented it with a plain white cotton French cuff shirt along with a solid red tie on it. He was also wearing black leather gloves like in his "Planar's Lord" clothes.

Ophis: Hmm...…It's the suit of Agent 47 in Hitman Universe.

Primis: Yeah. It's perfect for Hitman or Assassin.

Scáthach: Hitman? Is it a high-level world?

Ophis: No. It's a low-level world. There isn't even a being at max Level 1.

Scáthach: Um.

Ophis: Do you have his signature pistols?

Primis: Yeah.

Replied Primis as two ICA19 Silverballers appeared in his hand. He then put one of it in the holster he was wearing under his coat.

Primis: Even if I will try to keep strength under normal Human, two Silverballers will still be overkill.

Ophis: I won't deny.

Walking over to him, Ophis adjusted his tie and continued.

Ophis: Well then, have fun.

Smiling, Primis leaned slightly and gave a light kiss on her lips before separating and walking towards the door. He was holding one Silverballer in his hand as he removed its safety mechanism.

'Primis: Let's play the role of Silent Assassin.'

Was Primis thought since he didn't remove suppressors from Silverballers.





The door was kicked open as two GHQ soldiers entered the house.

Holding their rifles, they made their way towards the drawing room. Seeing no one there, one of them used his two fingers and touched his ears as if reporting.

GHQ Soldier 1: No one in the living room. Moving to check other rooms. Over.

Once the soldier was done reporting.


GHQ Soldier 1: !!!!!!!!!!!!!

GHQ Soldier 2: Wha----


GHQ Soldier 2: !!!!!!!!!!!!!



Both the bodies of the soldiers fell.

Since Primis was hiding behind the door, the Soldiers didn't bother to check there and kept on moving forward. Hence, their backs were open to him.

Leaving the dead bodies on the hallway, Primis exited the home from the opened door.

Crouching down a little, he moved to the railings and looked down.

There he saw tens of GHQ soldiers and Seven Endlaves.

Endlaves were the Mechas of this World. They were type of humanoid war machines used for military purposes. These had apparently been used since prior of the plot exclusively by the Japanese military and the GHQ. These were mostly used in place, or even in conjunction with, the now-obsolete military tank units.

Turning his gaze away from it, Primis made his way towards the Elevator and called it.


A minute later, Elevator arrived and opened its door.

Entering, Primis held the door "Open" button to prevent Elevator from closing its door.

Next, he pointed his Silverballer upward at the ceiling of the hatch and shot.



Even though the hatch didn't move, Primis didn't mind since it was not his goal. His goal was to shoot at the lock on the other side. Once he heard the sound of lock breaking and falling at the side, he dashed, jumped and kicked the hatch.



He did it one more time before the hatch was opened a little and showed small gap. Using the gap, he opened the hatch and climbed on top of elevator. While closing it, he glanced at the camera from its blind spot and smirked.

'Primis: Hope you are enjoying the show Gai.'





--- Funeral Parlor Base ---

Almost every member of Undertaker was watching Primis conduct on the screen in front.

Just like Primis expected, Tsugumi, the hacker of Undertaker had hacked into this building security cameras and they were now monitoring his movements.

Ayase: Hiding above the Elevator. Huh. It's a smart move but if GHQ soldiers start doing thorough search, they will realize that something is wrong with the Hatch.

Argo: True. Don't forget that the two GHQ soldiers that have gone at the beginning. I am sure they would be dead since only he came out.

Tsugumi: What about his daughter, Sakura? I didn't see her with him.

Shibungi: He must have hiden her somewhere.

Oogumo: Gai! There's a problem!

Gai: What happened!?

Oogumo: It's Inori. She is rushing there.

Gai: What did you say!? What about her school!?

Oogumo: It seems that she made an excuse that she is not feeling well.

Shibungi: What's going on? Inori never disobeyed Gai's order.

Ayase: Could it be because Shu got arrested, she is worried that GHQ will also go after Erste.

No one spoke. Though they were also thinking the same.

Gai: Tsugumi, where is Inori's current location?

Tsugumi: Checking.

Typing hurriedly, Tsugumi started hacking other cameras in the area and finally located Inori's location.

Tsugumi: Found her! She is just five minutes away from reaching the apartment.

Argo: The Apartment is completely surrounded by GHQ soldiers! They will catch her if they saw her.

Shibungi: What now, Gai.

Gai: ......…

As Gai was pondering his next course of action, Tsugumi interrupted him.

Tsugumi: Gai, its seems that GHQ realized somethings wrong since the two soldiers are not responding from their transceiver.

They all saw how fifteen fifteen soldiers entered the two Elevator and tap on the Shu's and Erste floor button. However, the moment Elevator reached the floor, something unexpected happened.




--- When Primis climbed on top of the Elevator and closed the Hatch –

At the side, he saw the broken lock. Ignoring it, Primis moved his attention at a small emergency axe which was fixed on the other side of the elevator. This axe was meant to be used by rescuers in order to break the lock and open the hatch from the outside.

Primis picked it up and smashed it hard on the Elevator's cable.



Since he was only using his strength at normal human, it was not enough to break it. Still, he didn't mind and attacked a few more times.

A minute later, he broke 80% of the cable.

'Primis: This should be enough. On to the next one.'

Some distance away from his Elevator was another Elevator.

He held the axe tightly and threw it at that Elevator's cable.


The axe got attached to that cable as a resulted. Nevertheless, it was still not enough to break it. Hence...…



Primis shot at the axe, causing it to embed deeper.

'Primis: Preparations are done.'


'Primis: And just in time.'

At this moment, both Elevator descended at the ground floor.

Fifteen soldiers each entered the Elevator before it started to ascend again. Primis was playing with his Silverballer while waiting for the Elevators to reach the destination.


Soon both Elevators reached his floor, and their doors were about to open.

At this point, pointed his Silverballer at the second Elevator and shot.




The bullet hit the axe which resulted in it breaking the cable and that Elevator fell.

A second later when the door of the Elevator on which Primis was standing on opened, he shot at the shot of that Elevator's cable.



The Cable broke and this Elevator fell too. Though the moment Elevator fell, Primis jumped to the opened door to his floor and entered that floor again.



Two explosions resounded in the next second.

'Primis: That's thirty soldiers down.'


He then walked to the railings again and saw the panic in soldiers face as all of them rushed towards the sight.

As Primis was thinking of his next move, he saw something from the corner of his eyes.

'Primis: DAMN. What is she doing here!?'

He could see Inori who was rushing here.

[Is it Gai's oder?]

'Primis: I don't think so.'

Primis then hurriedly rushed to his home. He approached the two dead soldiers, checked their equipment, and found four grenades.

Taking them, he returned to the open Elevator door and threw down two grenades at each the destroyed Elevators location.





Another four explosions along with the screams of more soldiers.

[So much of you being the Silent Assassin.]

Ignoring Twilight remark, Primis moved his over the fence and jumped on the floor below. He kept on doing so until he reached the ground floor and hurriedly hid himself again.

Many GHQ soldiers were running from here and there along with medical personnel's to take care of injured soldiers.

Once he found an opening, he left the apartment and went towards Inori's direction. In order to not get sighted, he moved from one hiding spot to another.

He could see many GHQ vans that were making their way here.

[More Soldiers. Huh.]

While remaining silent, he hid at one corner and waited for Inori.

A Few seconds later.

Someone ran past his hiding spot. Without waiting he moved grabbed her hand and pulled her to him.

Inori: Ah---Mmph...Mmph...

Before she could scream in panic, he covered her mouth.

Primis: Be quiet.

Inori: ......

Inori felt a chill in her back when he whispered in her ears. Next, realizing whose voice it was, she relaxed and nodded in her head in understanding.

Seeing this, Primis let her go.

Inori looked at Primis current appearance from head to toe before her gaze fell on the Silverballer on his hand.

'Inori: Is this his main weapon?'

Primis: What are you doing here instead of school?

Snapping out of her thoughts, she replied.

Inori: Shu got arrested by GHQ soldiers. He...…got betrayed.

Raising one of his brows, Primis replied.

Primis: Let's get out of here. You can elaborate in the way.

Inori: ...…Um.





Primis: I see. So, that's how it is.

Inori: Um.

Primis and Inori were already quite far away from the apartment. In the way, she explained how they found that the eyewitness was Yahiro Samukawa. How Shu prevented her from killing him. How he sill betrayed Shu in the end.

Primis: He is really a fool.

Inori remained silent. Though she also agreed with Primis.



At this time, Inori phone rang. She took it out and accepted the call.

Inori: Gai?

Turning her attention to Primis, she passed her phone to him. Primis took it and answered.

Primis: Yes?

Gai: You really gave those GHQ soldiers a piece of their medicine.

Primis: Since they kill people, they should be prepared for it themselves too.

Chuckling he replied.

Gai. That's true. Anyway, since you don't have any home to return to, why don't you come to your Base.

Primis: What's your plan for rescuing, Shu?

Gai: .........We plan to make a live declaration about saving one of our comrades. Then we plan to make contact with Ouma Shu and attacking the GHQ Isolation Facility Four to rescue him and one other person.

Primis: Kido Kenji

Gai: ...............So, you knew.

Primis: I wonder.

While Gai was speaking with Primis, other members of Undertakers were shocked seeing how Gai explained their plan to him so casually.

Gai: So, what's your answer?

Primis: ......…Send me the Coordinates of your rendezvous point. I will meet your there along with Ouma Shu and Kido Kenji in thirty minutes.

Gai: Wha---


Without waiting, Primis cut the call and turn to Inori who was looking at him in shock. He didn't bother giving her any explanation and pointed his hand towards her chest. There a glowing circle had appeared.

Without a single hesitation his hand lunged into the glowing spot of her chest.

Inori: Ah...

Inori let out a painful gasp before Primis pulled out her void.


A long broadsword was now in his hand.

Putting the unconscious Inori at the side, his gaze fell on the Isolation Facility in the distance.

Primis: Let's end this fast.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
