Volume 4 – Chapter 88(Leukocyte)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV






Currently, Primis, Yuzuriha Inori, Ouma Shu, and Shinomiya Ayase were in the shooting range.

Inori was displaying how a perfect shot should be like to Shu.

Loading her gun again, she took aim and fired again rapidly.





All the bullets were either head shots or shots to the chest.

Once she stopped, Shu tentatively approached the range as Inori passed the pistol to him. While Shu was loading the gun, Inori glanced at Primis who was currently leaning on the wall behind. Seeing him, she couldn't help but took a sigh of disappointed noticing how he didn't seem to have any interest at her marksmanship.

Primis attention was currently on the Inori's phone in his hand. In it he was watching the new footage that Undertaker released.

In the footage, there was a man wearing two-piece suit with a white shirt and red tie underneath it. In his hand on which he was wearing leather gloves was a silver gun. The man face was darkened so that one can't identify who it was. Though for Primis its obvious that its him.

The Primis in the video was walking from one place to another killing the soldiers silently. No one could put a fight, as they die before they even sensed his presence.

Once everyone in the Isolation facility were killed, the person then free the prisoner and left the Facility in a yacht with him.

The most shocking thing was that none of the soldiers who were guarding outside realized that everyone inside were dead. They just kept on guarding like some sort of fools.

This was truly the greatest humiliation of GHQ.

Someone entered their facility under their nose, killed their soldiers and rescue the prisoner without any of them realizing it.

In the end, once the video was over, a line appeared.

"Funeral Parlor/Undertaker Trump Card: The Executioner."

[*WHISTLE* Gai even gave you a title.]

'Primis: Well, better than any cringy name that mass would have given me.'

Scrolling down, Primis red some of the public comments. They were angry and shouting curses at the GHQ for the release of a Mass Murderer. They were demanding the higher ups to act.

Almost all comments were like this. With this, GHQ had taken a heavy blow to their reputations and lost a lot of trust from their people. Some of them were asking that if even GHQ can't protect them then who could.

There were also some comments on Primis, but they were of fear. None of them had courage to curse him because there was one comment which was saying "If "The Executioner" could enter a heavy protected facility with ease what if we are his next target".

This comment was like a cold water dapped over the head of those who wanted to curse him. As a result, they could only do so in their head.

Inori: Don't get too close to me.

Shu: I am S-Sorry.

Suddenly a cold voice interrupted Primis as he closed the phone and looked in front.

He saw Inori who was looking extremely coldly at Shu while trying to maintain some distance from him.

[This...I know that in Plot Inori also said the same thing to Ouma Shu but she was not this cold.]

Primis narrowed his eyes at this since he also agreed with Twilight.

Next, Inori turned and went away without saying anything else. In way saying she won't be giving any help to Shu at his worst training session.

Shu: D-Did I do something to anger her?

Asked Shu while scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

Ayase: Don't worry, Inori always like this.

[I don't think so.]

Turning her head at Primis direction, Ayase spoke while hiding her glare.

Ayase: Why don't you give him some pointer, Erste?

Primis: ...…

Without replying, Primis also turned and left.

Seeing how he ignored her, Ayase face turned red in rage as she hurriedly moved the wheels of her wheelchair and followed.

Primis had only travelled to hallway when Ayase reached him and grabbed his sleeve.

Ayase: Hey! Don't you know its rude to ignore people!

Primis: You are the one who is entrusted with Ouma's training, Shinomiya. Not me.

Ayase: I-I know that. I don't think it's anything bad in case you lend a hand.

Primis: He sucks at using guns. I will be wasting my time by training him.

Ayase: How could you be so sure?

Primis: I am certain. Ouma Shu's specialty is at using voids. Hence, the best training for him will be the one that makes his body stronger, and close combat. By training him in other fields will be a waste of a time.

Ayase: ...…

Letting go his sleeve, Ayase asked calmly this time.

Ayase: Is...…that so.

Pausing for a second, she continued.

Ayase: Fine. I will take your word on that. If I find that you are lying, then be ready for a beating.

Then she returned to shooting range where Shu was waiting.

Scáthach: My Lord, its true that Ouma Shu have strong body compared to other humans, however...

Ophis: It's mostly because of King's Power he acquired.

Primis: I know. That's why he is the protagonist.

Saying this, three of them also left the place.






Time went by.

Shu kept on receiving training while Undertakers were making plan for their next mission.

Since Primis was not the part of Undertakers, he didn't participate in any of it. The reason he was living here was because Gai asked him as a way of thanking him for rescuing Kido Kenji. Because Primis took care of it himself, Undertakers didn't lose none of their men.

A week later.

Shu confronted Inori last night asking about their talk in the train before he got arrested. However, he got devastated when Inori told him that it was Gai who told her to do so that he would be more inclined in joining them.

Nevertheless, Shu decided to concentration on his match with Ayase today and decided to think about it later. Only by winning would he be able to gain the qualification to join Undertakers.

Primis was not interested in those children's games. Hence, he didn't bother watching it and decided to spend quality time with his family.

He was currently playing a game of Chess with Sakura while Ophis and Scáthach were sitting at the side. Primis made it a routine to play one match with Sakura every day. Of course, since, she was still a child Primis didn't go all out. He even let Sakura won on occasions to boost her confidence. However, he always made sure that it was a close call so that Sakura didn't think it was an easy win.


Sakura: With this...…It's Checkmate, Papa!

Primis didn't reply right away. He just kept on looking at board for a minute before showing a defeated smile.

Primis: I guess this is my loss.

Sakura: Of Course!

Primis: But I won't lose next time.

Sakura: I will win next time too!

Both Father-Daughter smiled at each other.

Ophis: Here, you both must be thirsty.

Said Ophis as he passed a glass of water to both Primis and Sakura

Sakura: Mn.

Nodded Sakura as she hastily emptied half of it. Chuckling Primis spoke.

Primis: No need to be in hurry. No one is taking it from you.

Sakura: Hehe...

Letting out a giggle, she drank slowly now.

While they were doing so, Scáthach picked up the chess pieces and board before putting them away.


Suddenly the door of their room swung open. As the worried Inori rushed in.

Inori: Erste!

'Primis: It's time. Huh.'

Primis: What is it?

Said Primis while getting up.

Inori: We've got trouble! The Leucocyte fired at Point Delta!

Primis: Gai's location?

Inori: Yes!

She walked upto Primis while almost leaning her body at hmt. Her face was slight pale as she was trying hard to hide her panic.

Primis: Stay here, Sakura. Papa needs to be somewhere.

Sakura: Um. Take care, Papa!

Primis: I will!

Patting her head gently, Primis left the room with Inori.


Ophis: Sakura, do you want to play some more while waiting for Papa?

Sakura: I want to hear a story, Mama.

Smiling Ophis spoke.

Ophis: Sure. Let's see which one it should be.

And hence, Ophis and Sakura spent rest of their time like this.

As for Scáthach, she had also left with Primis because as his guard, it's her duty to stay by his side.





--- Meeting Room ---

Most members of the Undertakers were present here. They were gazing at the monitors where Tsugumi was showing the feed from the ground Zero.

Argo: This...…is horrible.

Muttered Argo. Though that's an understatement. The whole place was in ruins. Fire was everywhere and everything seemed to be burnt with no signs of survivors.

As they were looking at it, Shibungi started explaining.

Shibungi: The Leukocyte is a constellation of Quasi-Zenith Satellites. When it's completed, it will have full 24-hour coverage directly over the Japan and be able to strike at any target in our country at any time.

Shu: Why would they build something like that?

Primis: To exterminate the Japanese people.

At this time, Primis walked into the room with Inor. Everyone turned their attention to him as he made his nonchalantly made his way to the monitors with his hands in his jacket pocket.

'Primis: Looking at this Leukocyte, I really want to get my hands on Artemis.'

[Artemis? Are you talking about the Machine-God Artemis(Lostbelt) from Fate Universe?]

'Primis: That one.'

[*sigh*You really want to get your hands on all Multiverse destroying weapons and beings, aren't you?]

'Primis: Won't deny that. After all, in the higher Groups, Multiverse destroying beings are not that uncommon.'


Undertakers around started to talk among themselves after hearing Primis words.

At this time, Primis glanced to his right and saw that Inori was hugging his right arm tightly while looking at the monitors. He could even feel her breasts. Nevertheless, he ignored it and turned his attention at the front.

Primis: Anyway, how's you doing...Gai?

Everyone: Huh?

???: Just a few scratches.

Suddenly Gai's voice was heard from the transmission. Everyone took a sigh of relief hearing this.

Primis: Any survivors except you.

Gai: None.

Everyone: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Primis: Oh...That's unfortunate.'


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
