Volume 4 – Chapter 106(*TITLE AT THE END*)


Author Note:

[ ]    =      When Twilight is speaking.

{ }    =      When talking through Telepathy.

' '     =      When thinking in your mind.

<< >> =      When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- =      When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** **  =      Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// =      In Call


Good thing that Primis used Zenith to make sure those in other continents won't realize what was going on here. Otherwise, they will be shocked the core knowing that the entire South America continent had been torn apart by now because of Primis and Herrscher's confrontation.










Spears, sword, energy beams, blue flames could be seen from time to time. Not only that, but the space was also being ripped and wormholes were also appeared frequently.

The fight was going on for almost three hours.

Since Primis didn't want the Gastreas to die from the shockwaves of their fight, he dragged Herrscher some distance away. This resulted in Gastreas to retreat after confirming that all the Humans were dead.

Now, why did Primis save Gastreas? That's because it will better if Gastreas attack the other settlements around the world and kill more of the humans making it easier of him to make Tokyo Area as the only human surviving Area in this world.

As said before, this was a corrupted world. Unlike some exceptions, most people would prefer to use more resources on killing other Humans or their competitor instead of using it against Gastreas. In their eyes, it won't be long that will kill all the remaining Gastreas and take back their world.

Hence, they were already thinking of their next course of action. Thinking how they will rule this world, who would be threat for their goal, who should be eliminated and so on.

No wonder Primis didn't want to save this rotten world. After all, even if all the Gastreas were gone, the humanity will end itself because of inside war.


Another clash and both parties move back and maintain some distance.

Primis still had the same expression on his face while Herrscher face was grim. They had been fighting for all this time, yet she didn't get any upper hand. No matter how much she increased her power, the result remained the same.

Herrscher of the Void: You are not human, are you? Since no human could keep up with this Queen for so long.

Primis: Doesn't matter. It's time to end this.


She didn't get the time to react as Primis moved extremely fast, appeared in front of her and punched her in the gut.


Herrscher of the Void: Guh! You!!!

Never expected this, Herrscher opened countless wormholes around.

Primis: Useless.

A sliver glint passed in his eyes and all of them disappear.

Herrscher of the Void: Wha---

Startled Herrscher tried to understand what just happened but Primis caught her head and smashed her down on the land below.



When the dust settled down, we can see Primis grabbing Herrscher face and pushing it against the ground. No matter how much she struggled to break free, it was to no vail.

Even though she had high strength, Primis easily overpowered her.

In the last attempt, she tried to user space power to teleport herself or Primis away, but another silver glint passed Primis eyes and to her horror she realized that her control over space had been taken from her and now she can no longer use space manipulation.

Herrscher of the Void: Just what did you do!?

She asked while gritting her teeth in frustration. She never expected that one day she will be humiliated like this.

'Primis: No matter how much authority you have over space, against my "Spatial Incantation Symbol" it's still nothing.'

Yes. The silver glint that appeared in Primis eyes was due to "Spatial Incantation Symbol". Using it, Primis locked the entire space turning Herrscher space power useless.

Primis: It's time for you to serve your new Master.

Herrscher of the Void: Huh?

Before she could understand what Primis meant, she moved her eyes to look at Primis face. There she noticed Primis crystal-like irises. They were not like this before.


Suddenly, the ground behind him burst opened as a crystal cross came out.

Without waiting, Primis raised Herrscher and threw her at it.


Herrscher of the Void: Kuh!

She didn't get to enjoy her freedom as a crystal vine came from behind the cross and tied her hands over her head to the cross. As it was not enough, even more of the crystal vines came and tied her entire body to it.

Herrscher of the Void: This...…

She suddenly started having bad premonition and tried to break free. But too bad no matter how much she struggled, the crystal vines won't even budge.

At this time, Primis approached and stopped in front of her.

Herrscher of the Void: W-What do you w-want?

 Her Queen like tone had dropped somewhat as she started feeling nervous and scared for some reason.

Instead of answering, Primis pointed his left hand at her.

The Blue-command seal under his glove started releasing weak glow as an illusion of crystal ring appeared in his ring finger.

Next, crystal ribbons appeared out of thin air and started spiraling around Primis arm for a second and entered Herrscher causing her to gasp in pain. The base of the cross where she was hung on began glowing a pink hue as it began materializing a flower of sort that began to cover Herrscher.


The crystal flower that embraced Herrscher slowly began breaking into pieces.

Herrscher of the Void: ...

With every broken flower, Herrscher could feel a part of her mind falling into the control of Primis while her connection with the "Will of the Honkai" disappearing.

Herrscher of the Void: Stop…this...…please......…

She begged realizing her predicament, but Primis put a deaf ear to her plea as the flowers around her continued to break apart.





After thirty or so seconds, most of the flowers were gone.

Herrscher yellow eyes seemed dull as the crystals began covering her whole body.

Primis: By now your connection with the "Will of the Honkai" is completely shattered.

Herrscher: What's Will of the…Honkai...…?

Primis: Yeah...I wonder.

Finally, the crystallization process completed.

Now, there was only a pillar of crystal and Primis left in the battlefield.



Next, that crystal pillar shattering into pieces and disappeared, leaving nothing behind.





--- Guilty Crown ---

Currently Inori was standing on top of one of the highest crystallized buildings while looking in the sky.

To be more precise, she was sharing vision with Primis and witnessing what just transpired outside.

It was at this moment that the crystal pillar that encapsulate Herrscher shattered into nothing.

Seeing this, Inori turned her head and looked down at a particular direction.

Her gaze penetrated through every crystallized structure in the way and finally landed on the Huge Crystal that appeared out of nowhere.

Compared to other crystals, this one was glowing red in color and inside it was woman. That was none other than Herrscher of the Void herself.

Not feeling surprised, Inori returned his gaze back to the sky.





--- South America ---

After done with the Herrscher, Primis glanced at what remained of South America.

Confirming that all the Gastreas had left, Primis flew towards one of the remaining lands of the continent.

Soon, he came across a hill and saw a huge, abandoned house.

Landing in front of it, Primis pushed the door open and entered.


As if he knew where to go, Primis made his way to the kitchen.

He then moved an old shelf away and a hidden door appeared. Burning the door to nothing, he saw staircase leading downstairs.

Walking down, he saw came across another door. Burning this door too, Primis entered a dark basement.

And then he was met with hundreds or thousands of pairs of glowing red eyes.

All of them were looking at Primis with confusion or fear.

'Primis: The remaining Cursed Children of this continent.'






--- Tendo Residence ---

Tendo residence was Tendo Kisara personal home which belonged to her parents. When they died, the house came under Kisara.

We can see Ophis and Scáthach sitting on a rooftop on the dojo while their gaze was at Primis direction. They had watched Primis and Herrscher entire fight and was just waiting for him to return.

And since Primis didn't return yet, Kisara took Asaka in her room for rest.

At this time, a ripple appeared in space as Primis appeared and sat between Ophis and Scáthach.

Ophis: So, its confirmed.

Primis: Yeah.

Looking at the Horizon, Primis continued.

Primis: This World is in the middle of "Planar War".






**Primis POV**

Planar War. Just as the name said, it is a War between planes.

As we know that there are many worlds or planes in existence. From Level 0 world to Megaverse.

The point is that the strength of all lower worlds or planes are fixed.

Mere 2nd-Level Existences can't increase or decrease Planes strength. This can only be done 3rd-Level Existences means True Gods.

But as said before, True Gods don't care about the lives of Mortals. Whether they live or die its none of their concern. After all, compared to the so-called Dimensional Gods who required the power of Faith from mortals, True Gods have no need for that. All the more reason not to involve with mortals.

However, there is an exception to everything. Even here.

There is an unorthodox way that the can help a plane to reach higher rank. And that is Planar War.

Planar War occurs when five or more worlds come together and collide with each other.

People of their respective planes have to join forces to invade, attack, and fight the people of other planes.

Only one plane can emerge victorious in the end.

Once the winner is decided then that plane will absorb all the other planes into it and become even higher plane.

That's what a Planar War is.




Chapter 106 – Planar War


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
