Volume 4 – Chapter 107(Shall we start?)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call


Scáthach: So, that 'husk' really did come here for a reconnaissance mission to check what kind of world is this and if there exist people who can be threat to them.

[Wow. She really didn't sugarcoat her words.]

'Primis: That's right. Even though I get my hands on "Herrscher of the Void", in truth, she was not the real Herrscher. In the first place, the real "Herrscher of the Void" never entered this world.'

[She only sent her puppet which she was controlling from her own world.]

Primis: Once someone entered another world, they must face the suppression of that world. The stronger the being the stronger the suppression. However, in Planar War such suppression will disappear with time as War keeps on going.

Ophis: Well, normally, you first send your minions then elites then captain and so on in order. You can't just send a Final Boss right away. That's what the suppressions are for.

Scáthach: *Chuckle* There is no point of War if it will end right away.

Primis: Um. Planar War also gives the opportunity for the someone as weak as soldiers to get stronger and enter the ranks of elites or even commanders.

Ophis: That's why in Planar War even the weak world has chance to Win after there people went through the baptism of blood.

Scáthach: Weak perishes while the strong survive and become even stronger.

Primis: Yeah.

'Primis: When I saw "Herrscher of the Void" for the first time, I realized that the suppression on her were very weak compared to what a 5th-Dimensional God should face. And while fighting it was confirmed.'

[When you are extremely strong and are facing suppression then from time-to-time subconsciously your power would try to shoot back to its original limit. Of course, it would fail but there will still be an attempt.]

'Primis: But that was not the case for the Herrscher. Her power remained constant as if it was her true strength. That's when I came to a conclusion that her true strength is that Level 12 Pseudo-God which was suppressed to Level 10 by the World. And the reason why Twilight information showed 5th-Dimensional God is because the puppet was indeed controlled by that God.'

Primis: When my Zenith flame entered her body, I was able to sense its controller. The power signature of both the puppet and the controller matched completely.

Ophis: In other words, the controller was the real "Herrscher of the Void" not someone else who was deliberately using her puppet.

Primis: Correct.

Scáthach: In that case, why did Lord take that 'husk' if it was not the real deal?

Hearing this, the corner of Primis lips curled up a little as he replied.

Primis: Even though its just a doll but thanks to that very doll, I can now get my hands on every other Herrscher. Not just "Herrscher of the Void" but every single one of them.

Releasing a small laugh, Ophis spoke.

Ophis: As expected, how could things be so simpler with you.

Primis: Yeah. I have already ordered Inori and Mana what to do next. I really want to see the face of the "Will of the Honkai" once its realize that I took its Herrscher under its nose.

Scáthach: That's why Lord erased even a minor brank of "Will of the Honkai" from the doll.

Ophis: If Primis hadn't done that that "Will of the Honkai" would have soon realized something is wrong and would be in guard.

Primis: For now, the real "Herrscher of the Void" must have gained the knowledge that in this world exists at least one Level 10 being. Even though it's not a threat of 5th-Dimensional God like her, she won't be reckless to send strong troops for now.

Ophis: True. Though with this we have confirmed three worlds who are part of this Planar War.

Scáthach: First, Black Bullet. Second, the world response for the evolution of Stage VI Gastrea. Third, Honkai Impact.

Primis: With time we will know the remaining ones too.

Ophis & Scáthach: Um.





Appearing inside the house, Primis saw a note placed on the table.

The note was written by the Kisara stating she had put his portion of food in the kitchen. Re-heat it before eating.

There was also a side note in the end in which she was saying that since she had just started cooking, he shouldn't expect much.

Primis: Started cooking. Huh. If I remember, in plot she and cooking don't go well together.

Ophis: Mainly because she spent most of her time on earning money for her corporation that she barely had time for herself.

Scáthach: Thanks to Lord intervention, she didn't have to go through same and have free time now.

Primis: I guess.

Saying this Primis entered the kitchen, heated up his food and ate it before sitting in the drawing room with Ophis and Scáthach.

Primis: For now, I am sure other worlds will also be soon sending their scouts to check out this world.

Ophis: What do you plan to do? They can appear in any corner of the World.

Primis: That's true but let's think about it later since I found something interesting.

Ophis: Oh?

Primis: Scáthach, pass that newspaper.

Scáthach: Um.

Picking up the newspaper that was laying at one corner of the room, Scáthach gave it to Primis.

Primis: See this new article.

Ophis: Hmmm......If this keeps up, I don't think that woman will survive for long.

Reading it anyone can tell that after the rejection of new law of protection of Cursed Children rights, Seitenshi had lost most of her support. There were many negative comments with people saying she was incompetence as the leader, and the Governor should be changed. A minority was even suggesting on making "Tendo Kikunojou" i.e., Kisara's Grandfather, the new Governor of the Tokyo Area.

Scáthach: So, Tendo have decided to make their move.

Primis: It seems so. And this also means that its time to remove them.





Morning Came.

Asaka and Kisara woke up and refreshed themselves before making their way to the living room.

Asaka: Dad!

Seeing Primis there, she became excited jumped into his embrace. Smiling a little Primis caught her and started patting her head.

Primis: Good Morning, Asaka. Did you sleep well last night?

Asaka: Um.

Primis: Glad to hear that.

Next, he turned his attention to Kisara.

Primis: Morning to you too, Kisara.

Kisara: Morning. Did you eat what I prepare last night? How was it?

Primis: It was okay.

Hearing this, Kisara raised her chest as if feeling proud of herself.

Kisara: For breakfast, I am about to order some take-out. What do you want?

Primis: I am fine with whatever.

Kisara: Alright.





--- Tendo Civil Security Corporation ---

After having some light breakfast, they all gathered in Kisara office again.

Satomi Rentaro had decided to join Kisara Corporation like in the plot and hence Kisara was completing his paperwork.

Asaka: Where's Enju?

Not seeing Enju with Rentaro, Asaka quentioned.

Rentaro: Well, I think Enju will open more with the children of her age. Hence, I made her join a school.

Asaka: A School?

Rentaro: Yup. Magata Elementary School.

Saying the Rentaro seemed proud to himself while Primis at the side could only shake his head in disappointment.

'Primis: That was the foolish thing he did. It's fine that as long as other children don't realize that Enju is Cursed Children. By doing that she would be able to make friends. However, the moment her identity is revealed, those very friends for her would turn their back on her and would shun her. This will only hurt the little girl even more.'

Narrowing her eyes, Asaka spoke.

Asaka: ...I see.

She had also released the predicament that Enju would face in the future but remained silent since she was not Enju's Promoter.

Kisara: Done! Satomi I am done with your paperwork and have submitted in IISO database. In two to three days, we will get their approval ana you will become the second Promoter of my Corporation.

Rentaro: Great. Thanks, Kisara.

Kisara: Mn.

As Rentaro was rejoicing, Primis interrupted.

Primis: I am a little thirsty. Rentaro, can you go to the shop in front of the office and buy me a drink?

Saying this, without waiting for his response, Primis put the money in his hand.

Rentaro: Huh? That's---

As if realizing something, Kisara followed suit.

Kisara: Me too. Here.

Once he got the Kisara money, Rentaro could only accept and sigh in defeat.

Rentaro: What do you guys want?

Primis: Orange juice.

Kisara: Oolong tea.

Rentaro: Alright, I will be back soon.


Once Rentaro left the office, Kisara face turned serious as she asked.

Kisara: There must be something important since you didn't want Satomi to hear about it.

Primis: Monolith 32 have a problem.

Kisara: A problem?

Primis: Yes. Because of that I won't be surprised if a Stage IV Gastrea managed to pass through it and destroy it in the near future.

Widening her eyes, she spoke.

Kisara: Doesn't this mean at that time Tokyo Area will be destroyed!?

Primis: Yes.

Kisara: We must inform this to the official!

She didn't even ask were Primis got this information or whether he had any evidence. She just trusted Primis words unconditionally.

Though before she could call the Higher-Ups, Primis interrupted her.

Primis: Why do you think I decided to inform you about it? I could also inform the officials.

Hearing this, Kisara stopped.

Kisara: Why?

Instead of answering, Primis took an envelop from his coat and threw it on her desk.

Picking it up, Kisara opened it take out the documents.

Primis: Because Moonlight 32 is made none other than...…

All of sudden, the temperature in the room dropped as Kisara eyes cold and evil and she spoke in icy tone.

Kisara: ...…Tendo Kazumitsu.

Primis: Now then, shall we start? Your revenge, Tendo Kisara.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
