Volume 4 – Chapter 112(Assassin)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call


Primis understood fully well what she meant. Different natural resources around the world were distributed unevenly. The Middle East was rich in oil, and South Africa was plentiful in gold and diamonds. Varanium was found on volcanic islands. Even if the islands were separate, it could still be said that the bulk was found on Japan.

The conditions of the people working in mines were very terrible that they tried to run from working in the mines. Illegal mining of Varanium in the Unexplored Territory might seem like a failure at first when looking at the risk and return but taking into account that there was a constant stream of illegal miners, as long as one bore in mind the risk of being crushed by a whole mine, it was still possible to find some reasonable profit in it.

Primis: Saitake Sogen want to unite the military power of Tokyo, Sapporo, Sendai, and Hakata Areas. In return, he would provide those foreign countries with a stable supply of Varanium.

Seitenshi: I also came to same conclusion.

Primis: Those foreign countries would have probably thought that they have tamed Saitake, and Saitake is probably planning on forestalling them.

Seitenshi: Um. From what I have heard of Tendo Kikunojou, President Saitake is an ambitious one whom is labels as a dictator. So, I don't think he is someone who would just do what he's told.

Primis: Yeah,

She straightened and continued with a clear voice.

Seitenshi: Nine years have passed since the end of war. Each country has been holed up inside Monoliths in order to just recover their national power. However, it is now the time to look outward and take back the land that was lost. Whoever recovers their national power first will be the world leader of future generations. That part of Saitake's thinking is not incorrect. In other words, whoever controls Varanium will control the world.

Primis: ...…

Seitenshi: From now on, countries around the world will contact the different areas of Japan either cooperatively or with hostility in search of Varanium. And the next generation of wars will not be flashy with ballistic missiles or bombers but will be focused on assassinations carried out by civil officers with high IP ranks who are strong enough to rock the world's military balance. In no time, all the strongest civil officers will come to Japan, the country bound by the curse of natural resources.

Primis: It won't come to that.

Hearing this Seitenshi startled but soon an excited expression appeared on her face.

Seitenshi: Are you saying you have a way to prevent it?

Primis: I don't.


Her excitement died down at this.

Seitenshi: Then why are you sure that other countries won't come for us?

Primis: If there isn't any country outside, how could they come?

Seitenshi: .........… I still don't understand what you mean.

Looking directly into Seitenshi eyes, Primis spoke.

Primis: Do you remember the warning I gave you Five months ago, on our first meeting.

Seitenshi: ...Are you talking about Stage VI Gastrea?

Primis: Yes. You didn't believe me that time.

Seitenshi: Well, Stage VI Gastrea is unheard of. Even now I don't believe it exists.

Primis: ......

He remained silent.

When what appeared to be eternity, Primis finished his drink and opened his mouth.

Primis: Three months ago, South America had fallen.

Seitenshi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Primis: Two months ago, North America also fell.

Seitenshi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Primis: And just last month ago, Africa fell too.

Seitenshi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hearing that, Seitenshi countenance changed completely as her face was drained of any color.

Seitenshi: W-What are you s-s-s-saying!!!

Her outburst was normal since Primis just threw three bombshells out of nowhere.

As Seitenshi was still comprehending Primis words, the car approached a four-way intersection and stopped slowly at a red light.





It had started sprinkling, and the view from the window was distorted by the water.

Nevertheless, it was not enough to obstruct Primis vision as his eyes looked past the window on a faraway building towering in the night. There was nothing out of ordinary except for few red aviation guidance lights on the edges of the building.

'Primis: She is here.'

Near the roof of the building, for a split second, there was a glint of something. Knowing that it was a muzzle flash, Primis pulled Seitenshi towards him.

Seitenshi: Aah!



The glass shattered as the driver pressed the emergency brakes.


The car continued to slide sideways and crashed into a road sign.

Even while this was going on, inside Primis calmly held Seitenshi to protect her from any harm.


Kicking the door open, he took the her out while she was still in a state of shock.

Once they were out, he saw a flash of light on the roof of the building again, there was the echo of an explosion.


The sniper bullet had shot out the fuel tank of the limousine, making it go up in flames, distorting the air around with its heat.

While he was protecting Seitenshi from the shockwave, Primis saw the burnt corpse of driver that was thrown out because of explosion.

Primis: Oh...…That's unfortunate.

Moving his attention away from it, Primis helped Seitenshi up and asked.

Primis: Think you could walk.

Seitenshi: I...… don't think so.

Primis: Truly a burden you are.

Hearing this Seitenshi lips twitched as she pouted.

Seitenshi: So, what if I am burden. As my bodyguard, it's your duty to protect in any scenarios.

Primis: I know. Though it won't stop me from pointing out my thoughts.

Seitenshi: Tch.

As they were having a normal conversation even at a time like this, there was third flash of light. Though this time, Primis pointed his silverballer towards the direction of the roof and pulled the trigger.




There was small explosion in the air before the scraps of two bullets fell on the ground.


A moment of silence.

Seitenshi looked at it with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

'Seitenshi: Did he just---'

Fourth flash of light.




The same thing occurred again.

Fifth flash.


The same result.





--- Rooftop of the building ---

???: N-No way.

The shocked voice of a girl was heard on the rooftop.

She was a nine-years-old little girl who had platinum blonde hair and was wearing a long green and black dress. In her hand was a Barrett antitank sniper rifle which she used to shoot at Seitenshi's car.

???: What happened?

At this time, she heard a voice from her earpiece.

Little Girl: I'm sorry, Master. I failed. There is an extremely skilled person guarding her.

Man: Is he one of those idiot guards of Seitenshi?

Little Girl: No. I have read and seen the photos of Seitenshi personal guards. He is not one of them.

Man: That wasn't in the intel. Damn it, damn it.

Ignoring her Master cursing, the little girl continued.

Little Girl: Master, that person is very dangerous.

Man: Hmm? Why you say so?

Little Girl: Because he did something unimaginable.

Man: Explain.

Little Girl: He didn't dodge or take cover. Instead, he used his silver color handgun to intercept the bullets of sniper.

Man: .........

The man in call fell silent. If the girl was in front of him, she would have seen his stupefied expression.

A second later.

Man: Tina Sprout, are you sure that you have seen it correctly?

Tina: Um. I am sure, Master. At first, I thought it was fluke. But then all of my next shots of intercepted like this. So, I am certain.

Man: Just where did that woman found such a Monster! Retrieve your Shenfield and retreat right away. We must think of a new plan.

Tuna: Ok, Master.

The girl named Tina put Barrett antitank sniper rifle in its case. The antitank sniper bullets Tina used were ranked above all but cannons and Vulcan canons in the ranks of the bullets that existed in this world and possessed an enormous amount of kinetic energy.

'Tina: Yet he was able to stop with just a mere handgun.'

Finished getting ready to withdraw and she held down her hair being blown by the eddies of wind around the building. Turning around, she looked down with glaring with icy eyes.

Tina: Who are you…? Who got in my way…?

???: You are wasting your time if you think you can kill someone who is directly being protected by Dad himself.

Tina: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina eyes opened wide as her hair stood on the end.

She didn't even sense when someone approached and stood right behind her.


She kicked back without even looking. However, her attack only hit the thin air. Finally turning her head, she saw a long black hair girl of the same age which was wearing a warrior armor.

The girl only sidestepped before to dodge her kick. Her eyes were also glowing red like Tina's but there was more sereneness in them.

Jumping back Tina maintained some distance and looked vigilantly at her.

Tina: Who are you?

Instead of replying, the girl's hand moved towards the sword at her waist.

Asaka: Let's end this fast so that I can have more time enjoy the sumptuous dinner with Dad.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
