Volume 4 – Chapter 114(Last Country Standing)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call


Another Month went by.

That month was a month which made every person living in the Tokyo Area to live in horror.

Just by remembering the things that they saw and witnessing turned their face pale in fright and made them unable to sleep at night.

After that failed Assassination attempt on Seitenshi life, one by one with the help of Primis, every spy and assassin that the higher-ups from other areas and countries had planted in Tokyo Area were hunted down.

This resulted in other areas and countries to fail to get any intel about what was going on here.

Next, was the thing that made people to be afraid of Seitenshi more than even the Gastreas themselves.

A week after the slaughter of the spies, Seitenshi made an announcement saying she wanted to award all those companies, schools, police stations, hospitals, shops, and many more who had contributed to the Toyo all this time.

Hence, she wanted all of them to gather in front of the monument of "FLAME OF RETURN". The place where the Second Kanto Battle took place.

Everyone was elated at that and gathered there.

Then one by one, Seitenshi called the people by name and gave them a box. But she stopped them from opening it now and told them to do so with everyone.

It took whole day from Morning to Night.

By the time the last one got the box. They all lined up and opened the box altogether.

In the next second, they all were shocked because inside the boxes contained documents, picture, audios, and videos of all the crimes they had committed till now. And since this was going LIVE on all the televisions, and jumbo screens every single person in the city witnessed it.

As they were thinking of some 'explanation', Seitenshi turned her back to them and walked away. When they were getting confused, Primis left Seitenshi side and walked up to them.

Without giving them any time to react, we drew out his dual Silverballers and started the execution.

Such carnage was witnessed by every single person living in the Tokyo and it shook their very soul to the core.

People were trying to run, hide, begging and even trying to attack him thinking of a chance to stop him. Yet, it was all useless. Primis killed every single one of them without exception.

In just the matter of minutes, "FLAME OF RETURN" was fully dyed completely red with the blood of all those people.

There were only 8% survivors. And these survivors were those who not only didn't take part in corruption but also tried to stop and fought against these corrupted people.

While Primis was doing so, his other members were killing the family members, friends, relatives of those people all across the city since there were high chances, they will try to take revenge in the future.

Many Promoters and Initiators were also killed in the process.

Even though her face was pale, Seitenshi still watched everything Primis did without looking away.

This was the path she had chosen, hence, she won't back away now.

The next following days were also full of blood and bodies. This time the targets were the civilians who killed and bombed many Cursed Children because of their hatred for Gastreas. Also, the people responsible for starting rallies against Cursed Children and so on.

Remaining people hid themselves in their house and cowering in fear.

By the time the killing was done, the population of Tokyo Area decreased by 66%. After that some remaining survivors gather some courage and tried to assassinate Seitenshi. This decreased the population by another 4%.

So, now only 30% of people were left that were living in Tokyo.

The money of all the dead people were transferred to Seitenshi. She used it demolished the 'empty' buildings and started improving the living standards of the remaining survivors.

This started calming the people and they soon adapted to their new lifestyles.

It's the old path which even now many higher people and beings still take.

Destroy and rebuild.






By the way, there was one thing that was not mentioned before.

The companies from which Primis stole money by completing more than 200 requests in a day, bankrupted on the first of the next month.

The movement he left the Tokyo Area to hunt outside, the higher-ups of these companies approached Kisara and told her that she and Primis cheated and stole their money.

Their excuse was that "Tendo Civil Security Corporation" had many Promotes within their ranks that they hid from them. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a single person to complete 200 requests in 24 hours.

When Kisara tried to retort, they showed the eyewitnesses who saw that.

Those eyewitnesses were the people who clearly saw Primis killing the Gastrea and saving their lives. However, once the employees of the companies met them in private and offered some sum of money, these people forget about the one who saved their lives and stood against him.

Kisara contact Primis and told him about the situation. In return, Primis told her that there must be at least one or two people who won't fell for the greed. He also told her to contact IISO and told them about it.

Nevertheless, since there was no evidence on Kisara side even IISO can't help much. Hearing this, Primis told Kisara to create one more contract mentioning that in case her corporation found the evidence, then those companies must pay 10,000% the amount.

When Kisara thought that those companies would back away at this, to her surprise they accepted. However, their condition was that in case they win then not only Kisara must also pay 10,000% the amount but she also will join a brothel and serve their employees and customers as prostitute for the rest of her life.

Gritting her teeth, she could only agree.

Kisara then spend the one entire month to look for any evidence and eyewitness who were not brought by the companies. Unfortunately, it all came to naught. Even her business partners turned their back to her. Not only because of the jealousy of Kisara getting a power-start in the business but also because they didn't wish to go against those companies.

The day of reckoning came. When Kisara was feeling despair and the companies were showing glee, at the last minute, Primis sent couple of videos.

Those videos showed in detail how he faced and killed the Gastreas while the people who saw it.

It was the Checkmate for those companies as well as those people who backstabbed them right away.

With this concrete evidence, the situation swiftly turned to Kisara's favor.

As a result, those companies had no choice to transfer their entire liquid assets to Kisara making her trillionaire in one go while they faced the bankruptcy.

As for those people who backstabbed her, Kisara was extremely cold towards them.

Ignoring their pleas, she asked IISO to take care of them.

At this point, Primis and Asaka had already killed many Gastreas and had risen in ranks. Because of which IISO was keeping an eye on them since they didn't wish to let go of such person who could play a major role in the getting their lands back from Gastrea.

For that, they decided to provide protection to Kisara since Primis was part of her corporation.

This was reason why Primis was not worried of Kisara safety while he was away since he knew IISO would try to do everything in their power to keep Primis over to their side.

That's also why during this Carnage in "FLAME OF RETURN", those companies were no longer present.

IISO made sure to eliminate every single one of the people that were affiliated with them.

That's also how Primis fulfilled his words before accepting those 200 requests that these companies will fall before long.






--- Present Time ---

The clear water was flowing from the water fountain designed with a God figure. The pure water fell vertically, melding into the blue sky as splattering water droplets sent a refreshing breath into one's nose.

Seitenshi was looking at this God Statue with apathic expression on her face. In case it was before, then she would have kneed in front of it and started praying.

Seitenshi: Are you not going to say we are getting late for the summit meeting?

She asked without looking back.

Primis: Let those old bones wait. It's not like if they will hate you less if you arrive sooner or later.

Seitenshi: *Chuckle* True.

Looking down she saw many corroded one-yen coins and rusted ten-yen coins at the bottom of the rippling water.

Seitenshi: I really have been a fool all this time thinking what I was doing for my people was right and was even praying for their well-being to the God.

Leaning on a stone pillar, Primis kept on listening in silence.

Seitenshi: That's why it hurt a lot knowing what they were doing while was I was fighting for them all this time...........................…In this World, there is no God. I am sure that the God had abandoned us long ago realizing that this world is not worth saving.

Primis: ...…

Sighing, she showed a light smile and looked at him.

Seitenshi: Thank you for listening to my ranting all this time.

Primis: I don't mind. It's a good thing to release which is in your heart otherwise it will destroy you from inside.

Seitenshi: *smile* Thank you.

Taking a deep sight, Seitenshi returned to her cold self again.

Seitenshi: Let us be on our way.

She then traversed the path of steppingstones with Primis following behind. In front of the neatly mowed lawn and the trees, a rumbling wall of water appeared.

However, when Seitenshi stood right in front of the wall of water, the water ceased flowing to reveal a passage. This was achieved using a motion sensor, activating the entrance as soon as it sensed someone.

Passing through the cold and humid wayside pavilion and emerging from the other end's artificial waterfall, Seitenshi had to hold down her hat when a sudden gust of wind blew.


The grass swayed while the leaves rustled. Looking up at the sky from under her hat, she saw a building with chalk walls, towering under the cloudless clear sky. This was the Akasaka Palace, also known as the State Guest House.

Although it had been expanded and renovated after the Gastrea War, neither its yellow-gray color scheme of granite nor its symmetrical design had changed.

Walking past the security guards in black uniform who surrounded the building and entering from the front, one would be greeted by the magnificent interior decor that was like the Sacred Residence's. Under one person's lead, Seitenshi arrived at the main door to the White Phoenix Room.

'Seitenshi: If it was before then I would be nervous meeting those sly old foxes who adept in setting traps for others. But now I don't feel any such things.'

Pausing here, she glanced back at Primis.

'Seitenshi: Because there stood a monster behind me whose far surpassed these old foxes in their own games.'

Putting her hand on the door, she pushed it open.


The door opened with a loud noise as Seitenshi entered.

Standing behind, Primis was looking at her back.

'Primis: The other two countries Russia and China had also fallen in last week. Now, in this world, only Japan is left. They will be coming here next.'

At this point, Primis stopped.

Ophis who was standing at his side, saw Primis face and chuckled.

On the other hand, Scáthach, Kisara, Inori, Satella, and his other members started sweating as their hair stood on the end when they witnessed the chilling smile that had appeared on Primis face.

'Primis: Hehe. Haha...… Everything went just like I planned.' 



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
