Volume 4 – Chapter 117(!!!!!!!!!!!)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call


Magata Public University is a university in the Tokyo Area. It is located near a big city, with many trees encompassing the vicinity and a small road located nearby.

It occupies a large area, with two large buildings facing each other and connected at the center, where another section of the large university is located, facing the front. The middle building contains several small windows and an impressively large gate leading into the university.

The yard displays several growing trees and a tall wall preventing entrance, with the university's name on a plate attached to the wall. The two buildings facing each other, portrayed as immensely large structures, possess a balcony and many small windows.





A Laboratory was located in the bottom floor of the University. The door of the laboratory was engraved with grotesque demons with breasts that were probably meant to keep people away.

Inside, it was dimly lit but surprisingly spacious. The whole floor was covered with green tile, and even though it was slightly eerie like an operating room, if one looked carefully, he or she could see underwear and lunch boxes and a chalkboard covered with German or some other foreign language, which gave it an overall lived-in feel.

There were several iron-stands around the room with many laboratories' equipment. A refrigerator and some home appliances.


Currently, a young doctor of average height and body frame was sitting in front of table while going through some documents.

She had messy, purple hair that covered the whole of her forehead, as well as a prominent bang entirely covering her right eye and parts of her cheekbones. Arching around her eyes were a pair of thin eyebrows and, underneath, two slightly thick eyelashes which encompassed her oval eyes and light irises. Her hair, which juts out in every direction, but was kept moderately straight in the back, fell directly below her neck. She possessed thin lips and a small nose.

She donned a white, open coat that fell below her feet and covered most of her body. Under said garment was a shirt with a large collar circling around her neck, as well as a dark skirt covering her thighs, but leaving her legs' lower regions exposed, which are covered by a pair of dark tights. Around her neck, a small necklace can be spotted, as well as her nametag located on her coat.

Muroto Sumire.

That was the name of the woman. She was a researcher at the Magata Public University Hospital as well as the protagonist, Satomi Rentaro's teacher.

She also had another identity, that was one of the Four Sages and was the person in charge of the "New Human Creation Plan".





Only the sound of her pencil scribing on the paper could be heard in this quiet room.

Sumire: Just how does he...

She muttered under her breath before a frown appeared on her face as she curled the paper into a ball and threw it in a dustbin at the corner.





Since the dustbin was already filled with such paper balls already, the one thrown just now fell on the ground.

Ignoring it, Sumire took out her old papers again and started comparing notes with her old and latest research. After some time, she again started writing on a new paper.

???: You are wasting your time if you think you will be able to learn about me with this.

Sumire: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hearing this, her hair stood on the end as Sumire glanced back and saw Primis standing right behind her with his attention on the paper in her hand. Seeing him a cold sweat appeared on her face as she gulped nervously.

As if oblivious to her reaction, Primis extended his hand and took the paper from Sumire's hand. She didn't try to do anything and let Primis have it.

While Primis was going through it, Sumire was trying to calm herself.

Primis: You don't need to be that afraid of me, you know.

Letting out a mocking laugh, she replied.

Sumire: Sorry but it's impossible for me to, knowing I am in the presence of the "The Executioner" of himself.

After the purge conducted by Seitenshi in front of the monument of "FLAME OF RETURN", the remaining people tried to uncover Primis identity. And since Primis no longer cared about it by then, the people soon found what his name was. Der Scharfrichter.

Even though they didn't find out more, some smart people understood the meaning of his name. The Executioner.

A fitting name for someone who killed countless without batting an eye. And because his conduct was witnessed by everyone in this area, Primis was the symbol of terror now.

People were even afraid to say his name out loud.

Primis: Hmmm...…

Not minding Sumire words, Primis attention was only on the paper in his hand.

On it, was the extreme details about Gastreas, Varanium, and about him.

Primis: When did you start getting interested in me?

Sumire: .........From the moment, you completed those 257 requests in a day.

Feeling no need to hide the truth, she replied and stood up from her chair.

Next, she walked to one side of the room and moved the curtains to the side.

There on the wall were many pictures of Primis. Him killing the Gastreas. Humans. Promoters. Initiators and so on. Not only that, but there was also footage of him going on in those small screens she put around the wall.

Witnessing this, anyone would have called Sumire a Primis stalker.

Primis: Even with all this, your research didn't give you any results.

Sumire: *sigh* Regrettable, yes.

Her gaze changed as she looked intensely at Primis.

Sumire: No matter what I try, I always fail. Even if someone has the blood of Gastrea. Even if some unexpected mutation takes place in one's body. Even if one turned their body parts into Varanium. Even if someone turned themselves completely in Varanium machine. And even if someone has both the blood of Gastrea and Varanium inside.

Pausing for a second, she continued.

Sumire: None of them come close to you. Let alone surpassing you. Your speed, strength, defense, reflexes, precision everything is off the charts. Even Stage V Gastreas and Promoters in top 10 ranking can't be compared to you. That's why I want to know "How" or...…

Primis: ......

Sumire: "What" are you, Der Scharfrichter? You definitely can't be called a human at this point.

A chuckle escaped Primis mouth.

Primis: How Interesting.

Moving his head away from the paper, Primis looked directly into Sumire's eyes.

Primis: If you really want to know then you must join my Guild...… Muroto Sumire.






An hour later.

Leaving Sumire's laboratory, Primis was now taking a stroll in the streets of Tokyo.

Compared to the deadly silence that was present after that bloody day, people had returned to their normal lives.

They were talking, shouting, arguing, laughing and so on.

The reason why it was because Primis removed his, Gastreas, and Cursed children existence from everyone's mind. They not only got removed from people's memories but also from documents, photos, audios, and videos.

The only ones who knew about them were Muroto Sumire and Seitenshi.

Though in Seitenshi case, he just sealed her memories about him because she was still a great use to him. The seal will come undone when they meet again in future.

As for her protection, she now had new guards which were completely loyal to her and didn't have any evil attentions against her.

IISO was no longer necessary, so it also dissolved and disappeared from people's minds like other things. Hence, there were no such things as Civil Officers, Promoters, and Initiators anymore.

Why Primis did that?

With the eradication of all the corrupted and rotten people, only the innocent remained. And the only thing that will prevent them from enjoying the rest of their lives would be the trauma brought by Gastreas and the fear of Primis. Hence, Primis decided to erase those things from this world. It's the simplest and easiest way.

As the saying goes, Ignorance is Bliss.

While Primis was walking among them, none of the people noticed his presence. It seemed as though he was invisible. However, the moment one of them was about to collide with him, they unconsciously changed their path and walked past him.

Primis: Kisara, don't you want to meet Satomi Rentaro one last time before we leave for the next world?

Kisara: Satomi...

She became silent and started pondering about it.

Primis: Even Asaka visited her old house where she lived with her previous Promoter yesterday because she knew she wouldn't get such chance again.

Kisara: ......…

Noticing his silence, Primis spoke again.

Primis: I know that you are feeling complicated since you no longer have any romantic feelings for him. But still, one way or another he was also your little bother when he got adopted by Tendo. Are you sure you don't want to see him?

Hearing this, Kisara face relaxed and she replied.

Kisara: You're right, my Lord. I guess I will see him one more time even from a distance.

Primis: Um. Go then.

Kisara: .........…Thank you, my Lord.

Saying sofyly, she hurriedly left.

Ophis: We are finally leaving. Huh. I thought we would stay for another six months considering you said we will spend a year here.

Primis: I had such plans before I found out about "Planar War".

Scáthach: Are we going to another world which is also part of this "Planar War"?

Primis: Yeah.

Scáthach: Ok.

Like this, they kept on talking about some stuff and left the Tokyo Area.





--- Unexplored Area ---

After leaving Tokyo, Primis and others decided to wait here for Kisara.

As the Stage VI Gastrea took all the Gastreas away with it, this place was devoid of any danger at this point. Anyone can come and camp here to enjoy nature without any fear.

Soon, Kisara returned. The smile on her face was enough to tell that she was happy seeing her little brother.

Primis: Are you ready?

Kisara: Yes, my Lord!

Seeing her reply this enthusiastically, Primis' expression also turned soft.

Primis: Good. For now, wait inside my pocket world since the current you can't handle going through space-time tunnel. Once we reach our destination, I will let you out.

Kisara: As you wish, My Lord.

Sending Kisara back inside his "Pets" world, Primis was about to open the space-time tunnel when Ophis asked.

Ophis: By the way, where is that Incubator, Kyubey?

Primis: Not tin his world. I have already sent it to check the other worlds.

Ophis: Ok.

A bluish aura with golden fragments burst out of Primis before it covered him, Ophis, and Scáthach.



The space shattered as a colorful passage made of space and time laws appeared.

Pausing, Primis gave one last glance to the "Black Bullet" world.

Primis: Farewell.

Next, he entered with the other two following behind.














Primis, Ophis, and Scáthach kept on walking deeper and deeper into the space-time tunnel.

They don't know how long they had been walking, nor did they care. They just kept on going without pause.

An unknown amount of time went by.

Soon, the golden fragments in Primis bluish aura completely disappeared. Clearly indicating that he was no longer in the vicinity of "Black Bullet" world and hence, no longer "Planar Lord".

Still, they didn't stop.

All of sudden, the entire tunnel turned dark.

This drew Primis' attention as he raised one of his brows.

Ophis: Primis, I can no longer feel space and time laws.

Scáthach: They are not the only ones. Other laws have also mysteriously disappeared.

Narrowing his eyes, Primis was about to say something when an unfamiliar figure formed in front of them.

Seeing him, Primis got surprised a little because it was not possible for someone like him to appear here.

He was pale, lean man, with slicked-back, grey hair reaching to the back of his neck. His entire face was, however, covered by a white mask, only leaving portions of his jawline exposed.

The mask itself was designed with a mischievous smirk running from its cheekbones down to, slightly above, the jawline and arching back up to his opposite cheekbone.

His upper body was completely covered by a connected jacket with three buttons on either side while lower regions were covered by a pair of pants spotting multiple lines jutting downwards.

He covered his hands with white gloves and wore a magician's hat/top hat on top of his head.

Primis: What and how do you appear here, Hiruko Kagetane?

Yes. This person was none other than the antagonist of the first arc of "Black Bullet", Hiruko Kagetane.

Instead of replying, Kagetane started laughing wickedly while looking at Primis.

Kagetane: Hehehe. Hahahahahahahahahah!!!!

Frowning at this, Primis kept on looking at him while a bluish aura reappeared in his eyes. And then Primis noticed something impossible.

Kagetane didn't have any fate connected to him. Let alone fate, there was no destiny, luck, karma, and so on. It was the same as Primis.

Primis also noticed that he couldn't sense Kagetane strength. As it he was completely hollow inside.

All of sudden, Primis' eyes widened as all of his hair stood on the end. His instincts started screaming. Warning him about the incoming doom. The fear that was deep buried inside him resurfaced after all those years.

He remembered this feeling. This feeling of death he could never forget in his entire life. Feeling that he can't escape.


Kagetane mask fell as thing underneath it appeared.

There was nothing. No eyes. No ears. No nose. No mouth.

It's that same faceless face that still gripped his heart with horror.

Even though there were no eyes, Primis could tell that this 'thing' was looking at him.

And finally, a voice came out of being and resounded in the entire tunnel. A voice he could never forget even in his dream.

Kagetane(???) I.FOUND.YOU~

Primis: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
