Volume 4 – Chapter 116(It’s done)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call



Once they heard the gunshots, guards hurriedly rushed inside the room and pointed their guns towards the remaining people.

Moving their gaze, they were shocked to see the dead of four representatives of other Areas.

The only one alive was Seitenshi who was still sitting on her chair and was completely calm even the bloody scene around her. And her guard standing behind her.

Guard 1: L-Lady Seitenshi, what is all this a-about?

Ignoring the fact that the guns were still pointing at her, Seitenshi stood up.

Seitenshi: Spread the news that all the Governors of other areas had betrayed Japan by collaborating with other countries across the global.

Guard 2: Betrayed!?

Seitenshi: Yes. From my intelligence, I found out that these people had decided to sell the lives of people of Japan for a higher position when the other countries succeeded in taking over our country.

Guard 3: Why would they do it!?

Seitenshi: Varanium. Because of the abundance of Varanium in our mines, other countries were already keeping an eye on us. And now that the situation with Gastreas has settled down somewhat, they decided to make their move by contacting the representatives of other areas secretly.

All Guards: *GULP*

Seitenshi: Because they knew Japan can't win against the alliance of rest of the countries, they decided to only care about their own safety. From the beginning of the meeting, I was trying to persuade them to change their mind, but they didn't listen. On the contrary, they decided that I am their biggest enemy that they must eliminate. In the end, to stop the fall of Japan in the hand of other countries, I order my guard to kill them.

By now, the Guards had already lowered their guns as they were having hard time processing what they just heard. While they were doing so, Primis approached the dead bodies of these representatives and held their heads.


A wisp of blue flames entered their mind as Primis extracted their memories one-by-one.

When he was done, guards also came back to themselves.

Guard 4: H-How could they do?

Guard 5: I…still can't believe it.

Seitenshi: I know. But don't worry, in the news tomorrow you will see their conduct along with the evidence to prove it.

Saying this, Seitenshi left the room with Primis following behind.





--- Seitenshi Palace ---

After returning, Seitenshi excused herself in her room to rest.

Since Primis said he would provide the evidence, she didn't worry about it.

Ophis: So, what do you find from their Memories?

Sighing, Primis replied.

Primis: Just like we expected, only the Tokyo Area provides a little protection to the Cursed Children. Other Areas only think of them as some sort of plague and treats them the same way.

Scáthach: Is it really that bad?

Primis: It's the worst. The people there even hold events from month-to-month. One of them is that they must guess how many bullets a Cursed Child will take to die. Then they performed it live in front of a huge audience. If you guessed right, then as a winner will win a lot of money.

Asaka: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kisara: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Primis: There is even a game where people throw bombs at the Cursed Children home. The one whose bomb killed the most is the winner.


[They are really treating them worse than animals.]

Remaining silent, Primis turned his head and looked at Asaka whose face had drained of color and was trembling. Using his power, Primis pulled her into his embrace and kissed her head.

Primis: Everything will be fine with your dad here.

Asaka: Um…

Nodding her head softly, she buried her little head in Primis' chest.

{Ophis: What now, Primis?}

{Scáthach: You were right, My Lord. This world isn't worth saving.}

{Primis: *sigh* Forget it. Almost everyone in this World is dead by now. The other Areas will soon meet the same fate.}

{Kisara: My Lord, what about that Stage VI Gastrea?}

{Primis: It's no longer in this World.}

{Kisara: Did Lord kill it already?}

{Primis: No.}

{Kisara: Then?}

{Primis: That Stage VI Gastrea had already leave for another World and take all the remaining Gastreas with it.}

[Kisara: Wait a minute! Lord, are you saying this World no longer has any Gastrea.]

{Primis: Exactly.}

A Dumbfounded expression appeared on Kisara face at this moment.

[Well, more like it ran away in fear of you.]

'Primis: Yeah.'

Remembering the fight he had in South America, Primis couldn't help but chuckle inward.

'Primis: The fight between me and that puppet was at a whole different scale. Witnessing our fight, that Stage VI Gastrea got sacred out.'

{Primis: When I was done with my work in South America and left, that Gastrea became caution of attacking the Humans. However, when it confirmed that I was not in those countries and also didn't come to save them, it thought I also came from another world and left.}

{Ophis: But when it was done annihilating other countries and came for Japan, it saw you.}

{Scáthach: Knowing that it was now impossible to attack Japan, it ran away to another world.}

{Kisara: So, that's how it is? Lord, which world did it go?}

Leaning back on the couch, Primis replied a few seconds later.

{Primis: The World which helped it to reach Stage VI.}






The Next Day.

--- Sendia Area ---

People had woken up from their sleep and were getting ready to leave for their work.

While they were having a friendly conversation with each other...

Civilian 1: Hey! What's that!

One of the civilians that was taking a morning walk noticed something in the sky. His voice attracted the attention of people around him.

He was not the only one, many other people also saw that.

It seemed to be a hole with purple glowing ends. That purple light was the reason why it attracted people's attention.

Soon, the camera's all around the Sendia Area pointed towards it and it soon appeared in the news.

Almost everyone was staring at their TV wondering what was going on.

Suddenly, the hole expanded, and someone walked out of it.

It was an extremely beautiful woman with white hair and yellow crosses-shaped pupils. Some spears could be seen floating behind the woman.

The woman looking at the humans below as they were nothing but some vermins. Then countless wormholes appeared behind her before they soon covered the entire sky.

As people were awe at this sight, spears started to come out of those wormholes one-by-one.

Herrscher of the Void(Puppet): Die, Humanity.

Once she said that, all the spears fell.





--- Osaka Area ---

A somewhat similar situation occurred here too.

As people were going to start their day, they found that the sun was shining too brightly today. The heat was so much that even ice in the Ice Industry started to melt.

When they all were sweating profusely, someone pointed towards the sun.

There, in the very middle, they saw a silhouette of someone flying towards their location. Soon they saw what it was.

It was a large, avian bird with a light-yellow plumage. It had a long, flowing head crest and a billowing tail, both made of reddish flames. With every flap of its wings some embers were being shed and creating brilliant flashes of flames.

As people got stunned witnessing at such an attractive bird, it let out a terrifying shriek.

Moltres: SCREECH!!!!!

Next it got completely engulfed in fire and charged into the very middle of the city. In the next second, a huge pillar of flame rose in the sky.





--- Hokkaido Area ---

There was nothing left of Hokkaido Area. No human. No plants. No animals. No buildings. Nothing.

It was just a barren land now. And only the one responsible for it remained.

In this desolate land, there was a black coffin which stood vertically. The lower part of the coffin had eight crab-like legs so that it could move itself.

A 13 or 14 years old little girl with ashen hair was chained inside the coffin. Yet, the girl didn't seem to mind bund like this. On the contrary, an excited smile was on her face right now.

Daphne: SLURP~ It's been a long time since I had such a meal.





--- Hakata Area ---

All sudden, two red eyes appeared in the space.

Once those eyes appeared, a terrifying killing intent covered the whole Area.

When everyone turned pale and was trembling seeing those eyes, the space shattered.

Once the people saw the being, everyone came to a standstill. They wanted to run and hide while leaving everything behind. However, the fear was so great that couldn't even move.

'Death' was gazing at them.

It was monster with a long skeletal body with several boney appendages adorned with claws that can easily cut through everything. Its head was a ghastly visage of dragon's skull while its red eyes could make one feel that they had meet their maker.

Juggernaut: ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!

It moved its claws and people were severed into pieces.





--- Tokyo Area, Seitenshi Palace ---

Primis was currently in front of the window and was looking in the distance while holding Asaka's little hand.

Ophis was beside him as always. Scáthach and Kisara were standing behind him like his guards.

'Primis: With the fall of other four areas, now Tokyo is the sole ruler of Japan. And with it under my control, I am its controller now.'

[Means this "Black Bullet" world is yours now.]

'Primis: Yeah.'


As if answering to them, Zenith power burst out of Primis.

Like when he became the "Planar Lord" of "Guilty Crown" world, golden fragments could be seen inside his bluish aura again.

'Primis: I really love this feeling of Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence of a "Planar Lord".'

Saying this he sighed.

Primis: Anyway, we are done here. It's almost time to leave for the next world.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
