Volume 5 – Chapter 17(Fatui Delegation)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.


The Next day.

Lumine and Paimon were walking in the streets of the city while talking with each other.

Lumine: Kaeya, Jean, and Lisa would have returned to Mondstadt by now. We should ask them about the red teardrop that we found in the forest.

Paimon: Why don't we just ask Mr. Herrscher about it? Paimon is sure he must know about it.

Before answering, Lumine glanced back and snorted.

Lumine: Hmph. Who needs his help? We can find out about it on our own.

Paimon: Huh? How can it count as us finding it alone if we are going to ask the aid from Kaeya, Jean, or Lisa?

Hearing this, Lumine's lips started twitching as she answered after some time.

Lumine: W-Well...…...Yes, Lisa told us that if we have any questions regarding something, we can ask her. Hence, we are taking the offer she gave us. So, it will still count as us finding it our own.

Paimon: Ohh. Paimon didn't think about it. Lumine is really amazing.

Lumine: O-Of course I am.

While Lumine and Paimon were busy in their conversation, Primis could be seen following them a few steps behind.

Though he was not alone. Raiden Makoto was following him just one step back.

In her hand was a very beautiful cherry blossoms parasol which she was using to cover both her and Primis.

Looking at such a picturesque scene, anyone will think of Primis as a royalty.

While walking, Makoto was looking around with fascinated expressions.

Makoto: I never thought I would ever get the opportunity to see the City of Freedom ever again.

She closed her eyes for a bit to enjoy the wind that touched her face before opening them again.

Makoto: This reminds me of the time when I ruled Inazuma. Seeing the happy faces of my people every day really made me content.

Primis: ...

Makoto: To me, it still feels like a dream.

Primis: ...

Makoto: So, I am very grateful to the Lord for bringing me back to life.

Primis: .........…Don't you hate me for what I did to your Inazuma and Ei?

Showing a surprised expression, she asked.

Makoto: I don't understand what you are talking about, my Lord?

Primis: Stop pretending, girl. The moment I took out your consciousness from that torii gate, everything that was happening in the Inazuma was before your eyes. And...

Giving her a side eye, he continued.

Primis: It was also you who activated the part of your consciousness sealed in Musou Isshin in the last second so that Ei could recover her strength to unleash her Musou no Hitotachi.

Makoto: ......

After falling silent for some time, Makoto sighed and replied.

Makoto: Instead of you, its more correct to say that I hate myself for leaving Ei's alone, my Lord.

Primis: Hmmmm. You saw her memories. Huh.

Widening her eyes at this, she questioned.

Makoto: How do you know?

Primis: I wonder.

Makoto: ......…

Primis: So…

Makoto: ...…You're right, my Lord. The moment my consciousness merged with Ei to help her recover energy and gave a boost to her strength, I took a look at her memories. As a result, I know what Ei's went through ever since my death and...

Lowering her head a little, she whispered under her breath.

Makoto: That you are......The Crimson Moon.

Primis: I see.

He said and continued walking.

Now that Makoto belonged to him, he also had a connection with her which let him know that whatever she said was truth and she held no enmity against him.

In case she did then he would have long destroyed her mind and turned her into a mindless puppet.

No one spoke for the rest of the way until they saw Lumine and Paimon who stopped on their tracks and were eavesdropping on something.

Walking over to them, they also turned their heads to where they were looking.

There, in front of a building called Goth Grand Hotel, they saw two people.

One of them was a tall, fair skinned lady with gold-blonde hair and other was a someone dressed in black with a mask.

The blonde-haired lady was none other than the Acting Grandmaster of the Knight of Favonius, Jean. And the other person was a Fatui.

Fatui Woman: Which is what has brought us to the point in the first place. If you are unable to promptly deal with Stormterror threat, then leave the defense of Mondstadt to the Fatui. We can put an end to Mondstadt dragon issues. All we need to do is bring that monster to the---

Jean: Monster?

Fatui Woman: Yes. What's your point?

Jean: I'd expect a more professional attitude from your diplomats. Yet here you are saying you want to "put an end" to one of The Four Winds of Mondstadt? I won't have any of this nonsense in front of the Knights of Favonius.

Fatui Woman: Hehehe. It's not as crazy as you make it sound.

Sighing she spoke.

Fatui Woman: Fine. That's enough negotiation for today. At this stage, it's simply an amicable exchange of constructive opinions, no? I'll be sure to make through notes.

The woman then leaves and enters the hotel as Jean rubs her head in frustration. It was also the time when Lumine and Paimon approached her.

Jean: Oh, Lumine, you're back. Thanks for your help. The elemental flow is finally stable. The aftermath of Stormterror's last attack is finally settled for the moment. However, the pressure from the delegation has become too big to be ignored.

Paimon: Delegation? From Liyue Harbor or Inazuma City?

While they started talking among themselves, Primis raised his head and saw someone looking at Lumine, Paimon, and Jean from the window of the top floor of the Goth Grand Hotel.

She was a tall woman with pale skin, platinum-blonde hair, and light gray eyes. Some of her hair was tied into two rose-shaped buns at the back of her head. She wore a black earring on her left ear and a black mask that covered her right eye.

From her gaze, one can easily tell that she was a very proud woman who looked down on others. The disgust, coldness, and hatred could be seen reflecting in her eyes. If not because of politics, she would have already attacked Jean and other knights by now.

As if she had seen enough, the woman snorted arrogantly before turning and returning to her room.

Makoto: That woman is strong.

Jean: She is La Signora. One of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers.

This was also the time Jean and Lumine were done with the talk and approached Primis.

Paimon: She must be very famous.

Jean: The Eleven Fatui Harbingers are the executive heads of the Fatui and the God of Cryo lieutenants who have been given absolute authority. They also have their abilities boosted by their Cryo Archon, which makes them far more powerful than other humans with visions.

Lumine: No wonder you were so tensed up.

Jean: Um. They are a lot stronger than us Knights of Favonius. By the way, you must be Mr. Herrscher.

Primis: I am.

Jean: Nice to meet you, Mr. Herrscher. I am the Acting Grandmaster of Knights of Favonius, Jean.

When Primis nodded in response, Jean continued.

Jean: Lumine talks a lot about you. And she appeared very happy that time.

At this, Lumine who was standing at the side had her face turned as red as tomato.

Lumine: N-No. There is n-n-nothing like t-that.

She started stuttering and was trying to deny it. Still, no one would believe her seeing her like this.

Chuckling, Jean looked at Primis who didn't show any change in his expression.

Then she moved her gaze at Makoto on the back.

Jean: She is...…

Makoto: Hello, Acting Grandmaster of Knights of Favonius. I am the Lord's maid.

Jean: Jean is fine. But Maid, Huh?

Thinking of something, Jean returned her attention back to Primis.

Jean: Is Mr. Herrscher a royalty or something?

Makoto: *Chuckle* Royalty is a very small word. He is someone of even higher status. Once his identity is revealed then even the Archo----

Primis: That's enough.

Stopping here, Makoto stepped back while Jean started sweating bullets and bowed her head.

Jean: I-I am sorry if I did anything to o-offend you, Y-Y-Your Excellency.

Since Makoto was stopped halfway through, Jean herself came to a conclusion that she was saying that even Archons would give Primis face. This was enough for his high identity.

Paimon: Eh? Is it true, Lumine?

Lumine: .........Um.

Paimon: Then why didn't you tell Paimon about it?

Lumine: .........…I forgot.

She replied without even looking at Paimon since her mind was occupied with other thoughts.

'Lumine: So, he really is some of high stature. No wonder he possessed to power to destroy this world.'

Gulping unconsciously, Lumine recalled Primis "God of Destruction" form which still sent a chill down her spine and made her skin crawl.

Primis: Let's stop talking about me. Lumine is here to ask for your help with something.

Jean: I-Is that so.

Lumine: Huh? Mn.

Jean: Then let us head back to headquarters then. We shouldn't discuss important matters here in the open.

Lumine: Ok.

Jean: Uh…Your Excellency.

Primis: Lead the way.

Sighing in relief, Jean showed them the way towards their headquarters.

Makoto wondered what Jean reaction would be if she learnt that what Makoto was trying was not that Archon would give Primis face at this identity but instead they would kneel and beg him to not destroy their world.

That's how terrifying his Identity is.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
