Volume 5 – Chapter 52(Return of Shadows)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.


Primis had no intention of going where Keqing wanted to take him for investigation or something. He had more important things to do. Like returning back and accompany his student since Makoto was still here.

As he had been away from Xiangling for more than hour when situation was not good at her side, he must make haste.

Putting his hand on his chin, he started pondering about something.

Primis: So, how should I tackle this situation? Hmmm...…Should I call my "Herrscher of the Thunder"? Though I am sure even if I order her to hold back, the entire Liyue Harbor will still be rumble with no survivors in the end.

As he was murmuring under his breath, Makoto and Ei who were close to him of course heard this and shivered. They had experienced the might of "Herrscher of the Thunder" first hand. They even felt that she was just playing with them and didn't take that fight seriously. Hence, calling her here would mean...….

Ei: You don't need to bother yourself with these small matters, The Cr---I mean Your Excellency. I will handle it.

Coming out of his thoughts, Primis heard Ei and looked at her as something appeared in his mind.

He then approached her and brought his mouth near her ear. Ei flushed slightly when she felt his breath on her ear. Then he spoke something which made her widened her eyes as she turned to look at him with incredulous expression.

But in the next moment something unexpected happened.

Makoto: ...…

Keqing: ...….

All Soldiers: ...

Adepti: ....

Yaksha: ......

Morax: ...….

They look dumfounded at the kissing Primis and Ei. Yup, heard it right, they were kissing.

Primis was still in his thoughts when he said something to Ei while Ei was shocked at his words and turned to confirm what he just said. As a result, their lips met.

"THE HELL!!!!!!"


{???: I WILL KILL YOU, BITCH!!!!!}

This made Primis retuned back to himself as he gently held Ei's shoulder and made her took a step back from him. Although they kissed just now, Primis remained calm and indifferent like always. As if nothing happened.

His attention was at what he heard and sensed.

'Primis: The first one belonged to System Spirit. It seems that even if it was current absorbing the rewards, it is still aware about what is happening outside. Second was that creature that is looking at me from its world. Our kiss just now made it curious. As for the last one...….'

Pausing, he glanced at his shadow which seemed to have light shade of purple.

'Primis: Looks like you will be first one to recover and awake.........Satella.'

Ei: Uh...Um....

Raising his head, he looked at Ei whose face had turned red as she covered her mouth with one of her hands. It was her first kiss.

Makoto who was standing behind Primis saw all of this and her lips twitched. For the first time, she was feeling envy and jealous of her sister.

Not minding this atmosphere, Primis spoke.

Primis: Take care of what I just said.

Ei: ...….Um.

The First Electro who was still in daze after what she just experienced nodded her head unconsciously.

Next, he gave an eye to Makoto.

Primis: You know what to do.

Makoto: Yes, My Lord.

Trying to suppress the feelings in her heart, Makoto nodded as Primis walked towards the direction of Wanmin Restaurant.

Keqing: Wait. We are not done yet.

The Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing whose face was also slight red after witnessing such scene didn't forget her duty and stepped forward to prevent Primis from leaving.

Ei: I am your opponent.

Finally, the Electro Archon stepped forward and waved her left hand.


An electric line was created before it exploded into some kind of eye.

Keqing: Ugh!!

Soldier 1: Gah!!

Soldier 2: Aah!!

Soldier 3: Auh!!


It not only hit Keqing but also all the soldiers that were standing in Primis way and were sent flying.

By the time Keqing got back on her feet, Primis and Makoto were no longer there.

Gritting her teeth, she glared at Ei in front.

Keqing: So, that's your answer.

Electro Archon didn't bother replying to her as a purple polearm appeared in her hand.

Ei: Now the, let me witness the might of Liyue Harbor.






Morax: Mind giving a proper explanation to me on this, Baal.

Rex Lapis was witnessing the whole ordeal from distance. He was of course surprised seeing two Raiden Shoguns. Even though he had met the twins in one of The Seven's occasional reunions, it was a long time ago.

Then he witnessed how Ei displayed her power and threw those people away who stood in Primis way and said she wanted to witness Liyue Harbor might.

This was a provocation to him for an Archon of another nation to come challenge him in his own. And knowing her might, he decided to show itself and accept this. But then Makoto appeared in front of him and told him not to. As for the reason he agreed with her and decided not to move for now was because she guaranteed hm no one will die.

Makoto: Which explanation you need?

Zhongli: Let's start with why both of you are here. I can ignore it was only you but now even Beelzebul is here. Anyone would be wary thinking there might be a war.

Makoto: War. Huh. Then you must already know that War has already begun, Morax. What's happening all around Tevyat is just a continuation of past battles.

Zhongli: ...….

Geo Archon turned silent at this. He also knew that. Ever since Celestial opened the seven seats and Archon War commenced, it was never in peace. Everyone thought that after The Seven were established, the war came to an end. But The Seven knew it didn't. Behind the scene, in the dark, it was still going on.

Makoto: As for the reason we are here, don't you already have the answer?

At this, the figure of Primis appeared in his mind.

Zhongli: It's him. Huh. Just who is that Mortal exactly to be able to make you both sisters follow him.

At this Makoto sighed inwardly.

'Makoto: If someone like Lord can be called Mortal then what should we call ourselves.'

Makoto: Don't ask that question, Morax. Trust me, you don't want to know.

This made Zhongli narrowed his eyes but didn't press her since he knew Makoto won't open her mouth.

Zhongli: My next question is, why are you still alive, Baal?

Makoto: What do you mean?

Zhongli: In the cataclysm 500 years ago, I saw you.... dying in Beelzebul's arms.

That's the question that had been plaguing him ever since he saw her. He heard that Dendro Archon and Hydro Archon also died at that time. But because he was too busy getting rid of those monsters who were attacking Liyue, he didn't have time to confirm it.

Sighing she replied.

Makoto: I didn't die that time. A trace of life was still left in me. Beelzebul also realized that and took me back to Inazuma as fast as possible. There I hid something that can be life-saving at a critical moment. Hence, I re-emerged just a few months ago after recovering from my injuries.

As expected from First Electro, she came up with a make-up story already. After all, it would be too shocking to hear that she died and revived. In case she would say that, Zhongli will soon point out who was responsible for her resurrection.

After all, in this world, there were two beings capable of accomplishing this deed.

First was Celestia. Second, the thing that appeared a year ago. The thing that sent terror to every inhabitant of this world even now, The Crimson Moon.

Makoto: While I was recuperating, Beelzebul took care of Inazuma in my stead. As for why I am not in Inazuma and with him, I don't want to talk about it.

Morax accepted the explanation for now and nodded.

Zhongli: Fine. Next question, what is Beelzebul intentions in challenging the people of Liyue Harbor.

Makoto: The people of Liyue Harbor are not the only ones. She will make sure that Adepti will also join this fight against her.

Zhongli: Why?

Makoto: They have rested enough in this peace. It's time for them to get up again and be prepared for the upcoming enemy.

Hearing this, Morax expression turned grave.

Zhongli: What kind of enemy?

Instead of answering, Makoto turned her head towards the direction of sea. Morax also followed to where she was looking and realized it.

Zhongli: Osial. Huh. Then I guess I won't mind if Beelzebul give a beating to these mortals and Adepti. It will wake them up from their laziness.

Baal nodded. Though her nod was for the last sentence. She never said that the enemy was Osial.

Next, both turned their head towards the fight that was going on below. Though it seemed that Rex Lapis was not done.

Zhongli: One last question.

Makoto: Go on.

Zhongli: Ever since you come to Liyue, you and that mortal were close to each other. People even calling you both as couple and I can also see some feelings inside your eyes. But now instead of you, it was your sister that kissed him. So, I was wondering----

He stopped his words in a mid-way as he saw a vein that appeared on Makoto forehead before dark aura started coming out of her. At this time, he realized that he had stepped on landmine after witnessing the smile that had appeared on Makoto's face.

That smile sent a chill down his spine as he started sweating profusely.

Makoto: You know what, Morax. It's been years since I last fought. So, I am feeling somewhat rusty after waking up. Can you join me for a short spar?

Taking some steps back, Zhongli answered.

Zhongli: Uh…Can I…say no?

Makoto: No.






While this was going on the other side, Primis was making his way back towards his student place.

In the way, he saw many unconscious people lying on the ground or at whatever they were doing before. He saw the guards and vision holders who were helping them back to their home.

Though looking at these guards' eyes, it was easy to tell that they were forcing themselves to stay awake. After all, not all guards have Visions. It was thanks to their sheer will that prevented them from following the example of civilians.

All of sudden, Primis turned and entered into an alley and slowed down his footsteps.





Then when there was no one around, some shadows jumped from one rooftop to another, one wall to another, one house to another and reached Primis.

They had something shiny in their hands. From closer look one can see that it was knife or dagger. And from their clothes that covered them from head to toe, it was clear to guess that they were assassins sent to kill him.

Now the question, who would send assassin after him.

Obviously, it was those young masters who saw the couple before and coveted Makoto for her beauty.

At another time, they won't dare to do something like this in the city. However, now that guards were busy with taking care of the residents, they got this opportunity to launch the attack.

And with the power of elements that they were using to move was a proof that they were vision holder even if they were hiding it under their clothes.

With their swiftness and experience, they reached Primis in an instant and launched their attacks at all of his vital spots altogether. They wanted to end this one go.

This was their intention. Though it won't be fulfilled.


Because in an instant Primis shadow turned purple, rose and covered him in all direction.

The Assassin's were surprised at this but they were too late to pull back. Hence, their weapons struck the shadows which absorbed these weapons instantly.

This shocked them as their instincts shouting at them to run. Their instincts had saved their lives many times before so they trusted it and decided to retreat. But it was too late.

Before the could even react, the shadows came out and held all of them in the place. Soon, the entire area was engulfed in shadows. Dread soon appeared in the Assassin's eyes as they released their elemental power. But it was to no vail.

They could look at Primis in despair and regret their decision of accepting this bounty as the shadows swallowed them.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
