Volume 5 – Chapter 53(Might of Raiden Shogun)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.


Once all the Assassins were absorbed into shadows, it retreated and returned to Primis normal shadow. The alley become silent again.

{Primis: Looks like you are already awake.}

{Satella: I do. Just a few minutes ago.}

{Primis: I see.}

{Satella: I really…. really miss you a lot, Prime. And...… I-I-I am sorry...*hic*}

{Primis: For what?}

{Satella: I…couldn't *sob* help you back then *hac*...…The only thing I could do was watch *sob* as you three died by 'that' thing's hand..........one-by-one *hic* *hac* *sob*}

Hearing her sorrowful cry, Primis sighed deeply. Even though he cut the connection of his other subordinates, Satella who was always resided in his shadow, of course watched the whole ordeal from beginning to his death.

{Satella: *sob* I was just too afraid *hic* to even move after witness 'that' thing. *hic* *hac* I had never felt *sob* such hopelessness, despair, desperation, despond, anguish, misery *hic* in my entire life. It was as if *hic**sob* as if *hac* I have met my maker. *sob* *sob*}

Primis remained silent. He didn't offer any comforting words because he knew Satella didn't want that. She just wanted to vent all of her sorrow and pain in her heart. Hence, he let her.

Even though he knew he should rush back to Xiangling, he can't just leave Satella in hanging. So, he waited for her to calm down while hearing her cry.






On the other side.

Keqing: Hah!

The Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing swung her blade multiply times while using her elemental power which boosted her speed even further.

Ei: Hmph.

Still, Ei simply dodged all of her attacks with hardly any efforts.

Ei: Inferior.

Hearing this caused Keqing to lose some of her composure and her steps stopped. Because of that Ei moved her polearm and struck at her head.

In the last second, Keqing used her electro element powers again and jumped back to maintain some distance.

However, the moment her feet landed on the ground, Ei was already in front of her and thrusted her weapon forward. This made Keqing widened her eyes in shock since it was too fast.

Still, she somehow managed to react in time by moving her body to the side.

Nevertheless, the pole-arm still managed to hit her left arm, creating a cut.

Keqing: Aah!

As blood started leaking out of the cut, Keqing gritted her teeth to suppress the pain before gathering her elemental power into her sword.

Next, she used her strongest move by unleashing the power of lightning. She moved extremely fast, bent into the shadow of her blade and struck a series of thunderclap-blows simultaneously that deal multiple instances of electro elemental attacks.











As her signature move, of course, she was confidence it was enough to turn the tide of battle. But to her horror, Ei dodged every single one of her strikes without exception. And when her afterimages exploded, Ei disappeared from her sight.

In that second when Keqing was shocked and paused, Ei was behind her and slashed.



Keqing: Kah!

A diagonal slash appeared on her back from right shoulder to left waist. Blood started gushing out of it.

Not willing to give up yet, Keqing twisted her body and swung her blade.



Ei easily parried it.

Ei: How Futile.

Keqing: !!!!!

She attacked again with more force.


Ei: Disappointing.

Keqing: Tch! Just who are you!?

Instead of answering, Ei thrusted forward her polearm.


Bring her sword in front, Keqing blocked it but the force behind it overpowered her and she was thrown back.

Keqing: Neuh!

Ei: I have seen enough.

She spoke in cold voice as she blurred and did one swing at Keqing.

Though it seemed to have missed. But then....







Multiple slashed appeared and hit Keqing body from many different spots and angles.

Keqing: AAAAH!!!!!!!

Her painful scream resounded and she fell on the ground completely unconscious.


She was covered in many deep cuts and blood was leaking out of them non-stop.

Nevertheless, Ei didn't care about it and turned away since she knew that Keqing condition wasn't life-threatening.

As the soldiers around were looking at her with fear, she ignored them and looked at those in distance.

Ei: Are you all going to come on your own? Or should I?

Once her voice fell, at first there was nothing for a minute but then five high-level powers came out of nowhere and landed around Ei.











???: You really are too arrogant just because you are somewhat stronger than other Mortal.

The first one to step out was a massive deer. He was one of the Adeptus live in Jueyun Karst, Moon Carver. He was also the one who spoke just now.

The second one was a large crane with black and orange feathers down in front of them with orange eyes. He was another Adeptus living in Jueyun Karst, Moon Shaper.

The third one was also a crane in white with blue, gold, and black plumage. Underneath her eyes are red markings, like that of Morax. She was the third Adeptus living in Jueyun Karst, Cloud Retainer.

Fourth one was a guy with dark medium-length hair with teal undertones, which was swept in front of his ears. He was the last guardian Yaksha summoned by Rex Lapis, to fight the demons that spawned from the remains of defeated gods after the Archon War. He stayed at Wangshu Inn at Dihua Mars which was built by Liyue Qixing to give this Yaksha a place to stay and rest as he carries out his duty. His name was Xiao.

The fifth and the last one was none than the elderly lady with her grey hair tucked in a low bun. She was also an Adeptus and the one Primis and Makoto had seen before, Madam Ping.

The pressure coming from the five Adepti were too much that the soldiers around had their face turned pale. Still, there were excited to see the legendary Adepti who had not made their appearance for years.

While they were feeling pressure, Ei was unfazed. In Archon War, she had faced Gods far stronger than these five Adepti combined. On top of that, recently she had also fought the "Herrscher of the Thunder". The power she held was still livid in her mind. As for The Crimson Moon, let's not talk about him. It would be an insult to even compare him to them.

Moon Shaper: What can we expect from a mere mortal with her minuscule brain? You all stay away. One will give her the satisfying punishment for looking down on us.

Madam Ping: Hoho. Youngsters these days are really full of energy. To even dare to challenge the Adepti.

Cloud Retainer: Yeah. But we shouldn't punish her. Since she is still a child and doesn't mature enough. Let's forgive her if she apologizes.

During the whole fight with Keqing, Ei didn't use her elemental or divine power. She defeated her using her martials arts only. Otherwise, Adepti would have sensed her divine power and had realized right away she was not a mortal but God. Hence, right now they were only treating her as some rude child.

Xiao: Let's get this over with fast.

Seeing them having casual conversation with one another, the Yaksha interrupted them. He really wanted to return back to Wangshu Inn to rest. For the last day, the Adepti had been trying to find the source of the power they felt before. But their investigation came to no vail. Therefore, they planned to return to Jueyun Karst to talk about this matter.

Moon Shaper: Hmph. One still thinks a punishment is needed. But if this mortal kneeled and ask for forgiveness, one will forgive her folly.

At this other agreed and turned to Ei. As if waiting for her to kneel. However, to their bewilderment, she did no such thing. On the contrary, she replied in cold tone.

Ei: Kneel before you. Are you even worthy?

All Adepti: ......…

This answer of her surprised not only adepti but even the soldiers around them. This was the first time that someone talked to Adepti like this.

Moon Shaper: Enough! One will make her pay for it!

This time others didn't try to defend Ei this time and just shook their head in disappointed while looking at her.

Just when Moon Shaper stepped forward, she spoke again.

Ei: I don't have time to take care of you all one-by-one. Come together so that it will be over soon.

Moon Carver: ......…

Moon Shaper: ......…

Cloud Retainer: ......….

Madam Ping: ......…

Xiao: ......

All soldiers: .......

No one expected such words. Challenging a single Adeptus was already too much, yet here someone was challenging all of them together.

For a second, they even started wondering whether they were hearing thing.

Moon Shaper: Foolish Mortal! One won't forgive you even if you ask for forgiveness now!

Ei: I don't need your forgiveness. You should worry about yourself whether you would still be standing after everything was over.

She said and slashed her polearm outward.




The space behind her cracked and the entire area around them started cracking like glass.

Cloud Retainer: This is...

As the looked around, they saw that the world around them suddenly engulfed in darkness.

Madam Ping: ...A realm.

Once Madam Ping muttered those words, everyone expression turned solemn.

As they took a step forward, as the dark ground beneath him suddenly pulsed.

Soon after, red sparked underneath him, as it expanded circumference, revealing an ashen ground that stretched for eternity.

They noticed the imprints on the ashen ground beneath them were forming some kind of symbol.


Next, multiple towers suddenly forced their way upwards through the earth, with some rising high into the sky, while some stopped shorter.

The towers had a visible red hue as they were torii gates used to ward of magic and also be used as protection from evil spirits.

Ei: Be prepared.

Hearing this familiar voice, they turned and saw holding her stance with polearm in her arm.

Moon Shaper: You…You are an Adeptus like us.

That's the conclusion they had reached. Because only Adeptus, God, or Archon are capable of creating their own realm. And they would never believe that an Archon will come to harm Liyue while Rex Lapis was still protecting it.

Nevertheless, instead of answering, Ei moved at the speed that far surpassed which she used against Keqing.

In an instant she was in front of Madam Ping and slashed.



But Xiao intercept her with his spear. Though the force behind Ei's attack made him gritted his teeth as he nearly fell on one of his knees.

While it was happening, Ei pointed her free hand behind her right shoulder and released a blast of electro.

There was no one there at the beginning. But the moment Cloud Retainer appeared, she was directly hit by that blast.



Cloud Retainer: Argh!

Caught off guard, Cloud Retainer took the full blunt of that attack.

Ei: Predictable.

She said and disappeared from her spot. When she did so, in her place many rocks fell.

Moon Carver stomped his legs on the ground to launch that attack but Ei dodged it.

With her speed, she was already above Moon Carve, and smashed her foot at his head.


Moon Craver: Auh!!



This resulted in its head smashed down on the ground making cracks on it.

Next, she let go of her polearm which spun in front of her.

Ei: Strike dead.


Moon Shaper: Kuh!!

Madam Ping: Aah!!

Moon Craver: Grgh!

There was an electro burst which hit not only the Moon Shaper and Madam Ping who tried to lend hand to Moon Craver but it also hit the Moon Craver under her feet.

Next, grabbing her polearm, Ei did an upward slash in front.



It deflected Xiao's attack and pushed him back in air.

Putting strength in her legs, Ei jumped and appeared front of him in an instant. Then both started to attack each other with their weapon.









They exchanged countless moves in a matter of seconds before Ei deflected another one of Xiao's attacks before twisting her polearm and used it back side to hit him at his chest.

Xiao: Ugh!!



He then smashed on the ground below as Ei feet lightly connected with the ground again.

She then gathered some power into her polearm and swung in front.



Cloud Retainer: AAH!!!

The white crane who covered herself in Anemo to launch her attack was directly hit by Ei attacks.

Like this the rest of the battle kept on going.







It's been an hour since Ei and Adepti disappeared.

Soldiers had already taken Keqing away for medical treatment while waiting patiently. They knew that Adpeti can create their own realm, hence they thought that they took Ei's there so that Liyue won't have to face the destruction due to the battle at Adeptus level.

As they were waiting and talking among themselves, all of sudden, the space wrapped and all of them returned.

However, in the next second, all the soldiers' eyes were filled with dread and horror as they witnessed the scene in front of them.

Ei was standing with only some pieces of clothes torn while she herself was with barely any injury. On the other hand, the adpeti were lying unconscious on the ground while fully covered in injuries.

Clearly means that Ei not only fought all five Adepti alone but she even emerged victorious.

This is Ei's true might. The Might of Electro Archon, Raiden Shogun.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
