Chapter 456: Why does she feel strange?

The floor was littered with shards of glass, and outside the window the thunder sounded with a terrifying crack, crashing down upon the world.

Emma Wood sat helplessly on the floor, her clothes disheveled, and her expression flustered. Her eyes were full of restlessness and deep unease.


Martin waited until she was done venting, worried that she might step on the glass shards on the floor and hurt her foot when she gets up.

He stood up, came to her, and picked her up gently, laying her on the bed, carefully covering her with a quilt.


Emma was silent, staring blankly at the ceiling like a soulless wooden puppet.

"Boom—— Boom——"

The thunder roared outside the window again, low and furious.

With each flash of lightning that pierced the bedroom, everything was illuminated for a moment and then disappeared.

Tonight, sleep was destined to elude them.
