Chapter 458: Self-Loathing and Malicious Growth

Emma Wood's eyes misted up, and tears rolled down her cheeks from the corners of her eyes.

She stumbled backward, leaning against the cold sink, covering her eyes, choking on her sobs.

"I... I know it's not right, my conscience is always burdened with self-condemnation, self-loathing."

"But the evil intentions have been growing in my heart while I loathe myself."

"Deep down, I have thought about replacing her and living on in this body."

"But... after switching to this body and changing my appearance, every time I look in the mirror, I keep wondering whether I am me or Emma Wood."

The memories of Windsor Harriman in her mind also caused her immense pain, almost driving her to lose herself.

Emma's gaze was empty, "But still, I want to try so hard to live on, Martin has done so much for me."

Six years, six full years spent planning this scheme, all in order to bring her back to life, all at the cost of his conscience.