Jinqi's Love Rival

Speaking of the Devil, Lu Jinqi's phone suddenly rang.

She looked down and saw the number on it. Subconsciously, she turned her head and saw Si Jingyun looking at her calmly.

"Why aren't you picking up the call?"

The man's lips curled up slightly. His voice was calm and magnetic, as though he was baiting for a desired answer to come out.

Lu Jinqi leaned against the back of the chair, her eyelids fluttered as she turned off her phone. "It's just an unknown number."

Si Jingyun raised an eyebrow, his gaze was dark and unreadable. He then asked casually, "Is that so?"

Thinking about how similar situations had happened before, Si Jingyun unconsciously pursed his lips. Children sure had a lot of secrets.

Lu Jinqi changed into a comfortable sitting position, her hands were placed on the table, lazily and willfully. Her beautiful face was slightly raised, and the corners of her lips curled up into a smile. "Dear brother, you don't believe me?"

"When have I never? I've believed everything you've said."

Si Jingyun's low and husky voice sounded in her ears, tinged with a bit of bewitchment.

Jiang Huai and the others had been observing the situation this whole time. Seeing the two of them like this, they suddenly felt that their desire to eat was gone.

As for Qi Ye, he had long come to a conclusion. If he followed the two of them out in the future, he would never be able to eat.


After they finished their meals, Si Jingyun and Lu Jinqi silently returned to the Berling Manor.

After entering the house, Lu Jinqi prepared to go upstairs as soon as possible. The main reason for her stopping was that a certain someone's expression looked dangerous.

As she lifted her feet, she heard Si Jingyun say in a low voice, "Jinny, come over here."

The man's voice was soft, but it carried a sense of oppression that could not be refuted.

Lu Jinqi pinched the bridge of her nose helplessly. She slowly turned around and saw the man sitting on the sofa with his hands crossed. His posture looked noble and elegant. He looked like he was smiling, but it was not towards her.

"I have things to do, Jingyun," Lu Jinqi leaned against the handrail of the stairs and casually replied.

Si Jingyun narrowed his eyes. "Let's talk about today's flying car."

Hearing this, a look of surprise flashed across Lu Jinqi's eyes.

"There's nothing to talk about," she said in a flat voice as she prepared to head upstairs.

Si Jingyun saw her actions and frowned. He strode forward and grabbed her wrist, his gaze fixed on her. After a long while, he helplessly said, "Jinny, if you made a mistake today, you'd be in the hospital right now."

Lu Jinqi lowered her eyes and looked at the firm hand on her wrist. After a few seconds, she said faintly, "I don't do things that I'm not sure of."

For a moment, the two of them stared at each other in a deadlock. In the end, Si Jingyun gave in and raised his hand to pat Lu Jinqi's head. "Jinny." The man's voice traveled like a lover's whisper, both sexy and seductive.

Lu Jinqi looked at him, her red lips curling up. "I'll be careful next time."

Si Jingyun squeezed her hand, his smile finally reaching his eyes. "You should go and rest."

Looking at her figure, Si Jingyun suppressed the irrationality in his heart and turned to leave.


Early in the morning, Lu Jinqi made a call and coldly asked, "What's up?"

Kuang Jin, who had been holding onto his phone for the entire night, instantly stood up when he received the call. There was a hint of grievance in his voice.

"Why did you turn your phone off? Did you know that I've been calling you for the entire night?"

Lu Jinqi's eyes were slightly puffy and filled with impatience. "Get to the point."

Kuang Jin pursed his lips and thought to himself, 'Can't you at least pretend to be more friendly?'

"Well, my grandfather has woken up."

"Oh, congratulations," Lu Jinqi said in a concise manner.

"He wants to see you," Kuang Jin thought about how his grandfather had pulled his ear and told him to invite White Deer after he recovered. The grandson was a little speechless that the old man wanted to thank her in person. White Deer had been paid to help him, so there was no need to thank her.

Hearing this, Lu Jinqi refused. "I don't have the time for that."

Kuang Jin looked at the phone that had been hung up on, and his shoulders drooped.


Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Lu Jinqi raised her eyebrows from the sound. Could it be Qi Ye?

She walked over lazily to the door. As soon as she opened the door, she saw a girl in a white dress with gorgeous makeup on her face. 

The girl in white even did a hair flip when the door opened. However, Gu Ning did not expect it to be a girl to open the entrance. Her expression froze. When she saw the girl's face, she turned jealous.

"Who are you? Why is a girl like you doing in Master Jing's house?" She asked.

Lu Jinqi leaned against the door lazily. She raised her eyebrows and asked calmly, "What do you mean a girl like is doing in his house?"

Gu Ning understood what she meant. Her face twisted for a second, then returned to normal. "Master Jing doesn't like people like you."

She gave Lu Jinqi a onceover, and felt that she was right. So what if she was beautiful? She was just a piece of meat to be devoured. She was the daughter of the Gu family. She had both money and looks.

Who would have thought that Lu Jinqi would reply with such contempt. Lu Jinqi tilted her head as she smiled faintly. "Really? But last night, he said he liked people like me."

Hearing that, Gu Ning was furious. Her heart was filled with jealousy. She raised her hand and wanted to hit her.

Neither of them noticed the figure at the stairs.

Si Jingyun had just walked out of the room when he heard the doorbell. When he reached the stairs, he heard the girl's words. He stopped and could not help but laugh.

He could not believe that Jinny dared to say something like that.

Lu Jinqi grabbed onto the oncoming assault, her eyes were now filled with hostility. She was like a hunter who wanted to slowly make her prey suffer. She said slowly, "You've never seen his eight packs or his v-cut have you? He's so bold and powerful. You'll never get to experience his breath on you, ever."

Being held by her wrist, Gu Ning was so angry that she was trembling. "You're shameless."

"What do you mean? Are you angry?" The emotion in Lu Jinqi's eyes was unreadable. Her voice was as cold as ice. "Don't come close to him again, or else." She got closer to whisper in Gu Ning's ear, "I'll destroy you."

Gu Ning shivered. A chill ran down her spine. She knew that this girl was not joking.

Si Jingyun did not know what Lu Jinqi had said. However, from the looks of it, he could tel lthat Gu Ning was so scared that her face turned pale.

At this moment, Gu Ning looked around. She shouted as if she had seen her savior. "Master Jing, how dare she threaten me?"

Lu Jinqi's back stiffened. She felt the movement behind her, then, she lowered her eyes. When did this man come? How much did he hear?

Si Jingyun walked closer and saw the girl with her head lowered. He raised his eyebrows. 'Was she not being arrogant just now?'

Gu Ning saw him coming over and quickly pleaded, "Master Jing, do you know this girl you brought back? She has..."

Before she could finish, she saw Si Jingyun looking at the girl in white expressionlessly. "Get lost."

Gu Ning could not believe her ears. Her eyes were filled with tears. With a long wail, she turned around to be met with Qi Ye. She glared at him and continued to run away.

Qi Ye did not expect to hear such shocking news this early in the morning. He was stunned.

When he came back to his senses, he was met with two people staring at him.

However, that was not important. What was important was that Master Jing was actually such a beast.

"I didn't expect you to be like this, Master Jing."

Just as he finished speaking, he saw Si Jingyun pull Lu Jinqi over and close the door behind him.

Qi Ye did not care about being locked outside. He held his phone and exposed the situation that had just happened to others in the WeChat group.


Si Jingyun pressed his hands against the wall and trapped the girl in his arms. He said in a low voice, "I didn't expect you to pay that much attention to me."