I'm Not Thirsty

Lu Jinqi leaned against the wall. When she heard this, she unnaturally coughed. "It's just a misunderstanding."

Si Jingyun's eyes flashed with a smile. His slender fingers scratched her chin as he said nonchalantly.

"Is that so? Then tell me, what kind of misunderstanding made you so thirsty for my body?"

Lu Jinqi's eyelashes fluttered, and her hands that were hanging by her sides moved slightly.

"I'm not thirsty."

The girl's voice was very soft, like a kitten's purr. When Si Jingyun heard this, his fingers caressed her face.

"Do you fantasize about me?"

The man curved his thin red lips, his tone was lazy and playful. He could not help but tease her.


Lu Jinqi felt his finger on her face. Each part he touched burned like fire, so she could not help but raise her hand to push it away.

Si Jingyun saw that the girl was silent and slowly leaned closer. The distance between them was so close that it was possible for them to even kiss.

Their breaths landed on each other's faces. Lu Jinqi quietly looked at the man and saw the corner of his lips slowly curl up. Her heart trembled.

As expected, the man tilted his head slightly and his lips pressed against her ear. Then, she heard the man's low and hoarse breathing slowly.

"Jinny, are you satisfied with this? Is it what you imagined it to be?"

At that moment, Lu Jinqi's mind went blank. Her nose was filled with the man's pine fragrance, and her breathing turned erratic.

Si Jingyun stood up and saw that she was in a daze. He raised his hand and knocked on her head. Lu Jinqi came back to her senses and finally registered his sentence. She pursed her lips and chuckled, "Brother, keep up the good work!"

Hearing that, Si Jingyun's gaze faltered. Her words were direct and ostentatious. She did not have any intention of hiding her need.

"For you, I'd work as hard as you need me to."

Lu Jinqi raised the ends of her eyes and curled her lips.

She had met her match.


Qi Ye walked in with something in his hands. He saw the two of them sitting on the sofa like they were mafia bosses. He did not know if he was thinking things, but he felt that the atmosphere had changed.

"Master Jing, this is the key and the certificate of transfer."

As he spoke, he handed the things in his hands over.

Si Jingyun took it and hummed faintly before passing it to the person beside him.

Seeing the things in front of her, Lu Jinqi narrowed her eyes but did not take it. "Are you giving this to me?"

Si Jingyun curled his lips. "You won it, so it's yours."

Lu Jinqi's eyes moved as she stared straight at him. The corners of her lips curved slightly.

"Compared to this, I prefer your Berling Manor."

The girl's cold voice had a hint of playfulness to it.

Si Jingyun's gaze froze, and he gave a low, indecipherable laugh. His lips curled up. "I didn't expect you to not only lust after my body, but also my house."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Jinqi saw Qi Ye's expression change immediately. His pupils dilated, and he looked stunned.

She could not help but smile just as playfully. She did not know how to respond.

Qi Ye was extremely shocked. He did not expect Master Jing to say such words, much less Jinqi to respond as such.

Si Jingyun's pitch-black eyes stared straight at her. Suddenly, his thin lips curled up. "Jinny, why aren't you speaking?"

Lu Jinqi's eyelids fluttered. She asked in return, "What do you want me to say?"

Her tone was light and her gaze was indifferent.

Seeing this, Si Jingyun stopped teasing her and looked at the person standing at the side.

"Sell the house and give the money to Jinny."

Qi Ye nodded and took the things out.

Lu Jinqi looked at the man calmly and said with a faint smile, "Are you prepared for me to stay for the long run?"

Hearing this, Si Jingyun's throat bobbled and he laughed charmingly. "Jinny, be careful of your dangerous mind." Then, he stretched out his hand.

Seeing the hand in front of her, she raised her eyebrows and looked over. What did this older man want from her?

"Give me your phone," Si Jingyun said concisely.

Lu Jinqi glanced at him, then threw the phone over.

Si Jingyun unlocked the phone and saved his number and WeChat. His eyes were filled with satisfaction when the phone was back in her hand. Lu Jinqi opened it and looked at the contact list. There was an additional number named Big Brother. Even WeChat had it.

Seeing the name on the phone, Lu Jinqi slowly smiled.

"What a proactive man."

Si Jingyun silently smiled, patted her head, and got up to leave.

In the afternoon, in the Shengbai building.

Lu Jinqi walked out of the shop with a bag of candy in her hand. Suddenly, her phone rang.

Seeing the caller, the cold light and frustration in her eyes appeared.

This family must be rushing to their deaths. Since they had so much free time to call her, they should give her a big gift first before spamming her.

She hung up the phone, the corners of her lips curling up into a cold smile. She sent a few messages on her phone, then put it in her pocket, preparing to leave.

Suddenly, she felt that something was wrong. Lu Jinqi lowered her head and was met with a pair of innocent eyes of a five-year-old child.

The boy's face was chubby, and his big black eyes stared at her without blinking. He was wearing a pair of overalls and a white long-sleeved shirt. In his hands were two balloons. He looked lively and cute.

"Pretty lady, this is for you." Seeing that she finally noticed him, the boy grinned and passed the balloon in his hand over. Because he was short, it was indeed a little comical for him to stand on his tiptoe and give the balloon to her.

Seeing him like this, the coldness in Lu Jinqi's eyes faded, and her mood lifted.

She bent her legs and squatted down, taking the balloon in front of her. There was a trace of disgust in her eyes.

The boy saw her take the balloon and turned even happier. However, in less than a second, he saw her crush the balloon with one hand.

The moment Lu Jinqi crushed the balloon, a smile finally appeared in her eyes. She curled her lips, wanting to tease the child.

Who would have thought that the boy would stare at her with excitement. In the next second, he stuffed another balloon into her hands.

"Pretty lady, take this one too."

Lu Jinqi's eyes twitched as she decisively crushed the balloon.

Seeing that the two balloons were gone, the boy smiled even more happily. "Pretty lady, the balloon's are gone."

Lu Jinqi nodded. "So?"

The boy rolled his eyes and his gaze fell on her hands. "Since you bursted my balloons, you have to give me your candy."

Lu Jinqi heard this and paused for a moment. Then, her lips curled into a smile.

Was this child blackmailing her now?

With this thought in mind, Lu Jinqi stood up and held the boy's hand. She walked into the shop and patted his head. "Go get it yourself."

The boy did care about anything else and directly ran towards the biggest stick of candy. "I want this."

"Are you sure?" Even though Lu Jinqi asked, she still paid the bill.

Seeing the boy eating the candy, Lu Jinqi found it a little funny. "Alright, you should go home."

Hearing this, the boy suddenly felt that the candy in his hand was not sweet anymore. His head moved, and a cunning look appeared in his eyes.

"I don't know where home is. I'll follow you wherever you go, pretty lady."

As he finished his sentence, Lu Jinqi glanced at him, then swept her gaze across the people around her. She smiled, not intending to expose him.

At that moment, her phone vibrated. She took it out and saw that she had gotten a WeChat message from Jingyun, [Jinny, where are you?]

Lu Jinqi replied with one hand, [Shengbai.]

Then, she looked down at the boy she was holding with the other hand and added another sentence. [I picked up a child along the way.]

In Si Corporation, Si Jingyun frowned when he saw the two messages on his phone.