Dream agency

Through the clouds, up, up, up high, there in the middle of London's night sky, a very tall skyscraper stands in a very wide white cloud.

In the middle, on the eighteenth floor, Dream agency is boldly written. Motto: Don't think.

The entire building is made of glass, the finest type. Both waterproof and fireproof. And bulletproof too.

Just at the top of the glass door to the first floor, the Sweet dreams department is boldly written there.

Inside, looking straight ahead at the end of the huge room, paintings of several teenagers were hanged up in white frames.

everywhere is colored white; the walls, the ceiling, and the desks. While the floor is your reflection starring back at you.

While the edge of every corner is decorated with diamonds.

Everywhere glitters and sparkles from the jewelry is been decorated with.

The agency has a very beautiful interior design.

The computers were made from glass, they were high-tech and finely made, technology that people haven't discovered. They can do lots of things. Their system tracks things better than any other. It creates and designs like no other. It provides unlimited data about its consumers. Its power never shuts as long as the sweet dreams department stands on that cloud. Maybe that's why the dream agency still stands.

Their system is almost unhackable except through the agency's greatest and only weakness.

All the staff had their offices and station. Either an open office or a closed one.

The staff is dressed as since the beginning, with a white straight skirt, a blouse sleeve, and high heels with heavy make-up for the females while a white ironed, straight, lineless shirt with pants and sandals for guys.

The women all had their blonde hair tied up in a neat, skull-tightening high ponytail making them look decent, responsible, and irresistible.

While the men combed back their blonde hairs with shiny hair gel. They were absolutely gorgeous.

They were all busy working on the dreams they showed, watched, monitored, and made to their consumers.

The staff assigned to watch the dreams of their consumers watched keenly and attentively as the dreams played on the air.

Today they had thousands of consumers but tomorrow night, one will be added.

There were paints on another wall, it has white frames and decent, dressing replica to that of the staffs was painted and hanged there. The paints went down the almost never-ending hall.

There at the end, is a glass elevator, inside, 36 buttons, colored white with their numbers written on them were lined up at the left. While at the right are strictly classified buttons that not just anyone knows about or touches.

While going up, through the glass of the elevator, you can see all the staff busy with their duties, walking back and forth cordially and carefully. The women's high ponytail still sway as they walked while the men still with their white straight-ironed shirts and decent hair as they looked gorgeous and charming.

The same scene went on on every floor until the eighteenth floor, it was empty. Outside, Dream agency was written backward. There was an inner room on the floor.

Then on the nineteenth floor was the exact opposite of the previous floors of the dreamees.

As the elevator opens, just look forward, at the end of a huge room, the Nightmare department is creepily written on the wall.

The painting of seven teenagers was hanged there, close to the sign.

A girl with Jade green eyes and blonde hair catches my attention on the paintings there.

Everywhere was colored dark, including every open and closed office on the floor. The walls, the ceiling, and the desks. But the floor is still your reflection starring back at you.

The staffs wear opposites of the sweet dreams department, they looked like teenagers as they wore casual teenage clothes that vary from each other. Though they're all in black.

Their clothes were worn roughly and are not the slightest bit taken care of.

The women left their black hair loose, just flying around as the air tells them with slight make-up. Oh, and they wear Sneakers. They are just as irresistible as the sweet dreamees but looked irresponsible.

While the guys left their hair messy and uncombed as they walked around with their Nike air force one. They are absolutely stunning and heavenly but looked homeless, unlike the sweet dreamees.

They had the same type of system as the sweet dreams department. Their computers do a lot of things, it creates the scariest of things that will never ever leave your memory. Forever.

Just like the sweet dreams department, their computers were made of glass. Their system gets its powers from the dark cloud forever sitting on the agency.

They had beautiful interior designs as well.

The same type of scenery played as that of the sweet dream department only that the staffs walking around were not cordial and careful.

Documents and files always falling, people running into each other because they're in a hurry, high-ranked employees sending the ones they are superior to on meaningless errands.

But still, dream-making takes place as every staff assigned to watch the nightmares of their consumers watched though uninterested and definitely not attentively.

The dreams of their consumers played in the air. Tonight they have thirty-five consumers. One will have to leave tomorrow night.

Back in the elevator, it's still glass but its color has changed, it was darker now but still, you can see through it. The nightmares staff, working carelessly around.


On the highest and last floor, way up, the board has called for a meeting and everyone has gathered.

The room had a very transparent ceiling, you can stargaze without going out because it will be just the same as it's like you're outside already.

Unlike the rest floors that have AC but don't turn it on, this floor gets its air naturally from the air.

The floor was large, also with the large transparent table and chairs in the middle of the room.

At the end of the room, three gigantic pictures were hanged.

The one in the middle is the largest, a woman with long gray hair was captured there. She was dressed in the manner of sweet dreamers wearing a blue sleeve blouse, a straight skirt, and heels.

Her hair is tied up in a neat and high ponytail, she's wearing glasses which makes her sterling gray eyes a little hidden.

Mya was pinned on the left side of her blue blouse.

While the two pictures on the right and left were much younger women.

At the right is a replica of the dreamers and the lady in the middle, her blonde hair is tied up in a neat high ponytail, a sleeved blouse, straight skirtaanddddd heels. She was wearing lots of make-up and her red lipstick tells it all. She looks responsible and serious with her deep blue eyes.

Audrey was pinned on the left side of her white blouse.

While at the left is the exact opposite of both of them. Her jet black hair is loose but stylishly made bringing out her very dark brown eyes. She's wearing a black dress and sneakers. ShHerhtdaylightke-up and a bright smile er breathtaking.

Payton was pinned on the left side of her black dress.

The board all sat down in their respective seats. They were only four there and the two ladies at the right and left from the picture were present, they sat opposite each other vertically.

They didn't dress any different from the way they were in the pictures.

The two other people there dressed accordingly to the one they sat with.

Rylee was pinned on the left side of her white blouse sitting next to Audrey, while Lauren was pinned on the left side of the one sitting next to Payton.

"Again it's another five years." Payton started after a long stare between her and Audrey.

"Yes and it's dreadful," Audrey replied.

"Oh sister, don't worry. Like last time, we will do according to the rules." She smiled and it made her dark brown eyes glow.

"Well are the rules ready?"

"Yes, they are," Lauren answered instead.

"Then send them," Audrey ordered. And immediately Lauren clicked on a screen that appeared as she waved her right hand.

"What if these children don't accept?" Payton seemed worried all of a sudden.

It was now Audrey's turn to smile as she knew exactly what her sister meant.

"I know your worries little sis which is why I'll be sending Sean there."

"What will he do?"

"He's going to ensure that they all accept."

"Hmmmmm." She placed her hand on her jaw. "The agency doesn't send only someone."

"I'll have Rylee go with him."

"Then it's going to be two dreamers."

"Well, it's better dreams they'll be having right?"

"That's not right, we need to send a nightmare along."

"Who then?" Audrey asked though she fully knows who she's going to say and dreads it.
