The car zoomed off happily; it was a Toyota Corolla, my dad, Henry Hicks, sat beside me, smiling at me all the time. He was blonde, had hazel eyes, pink beautiful lips, beautifully tanned skinned, and had shiny white teeth. His blonde hair fell right in the middle of his forehead. He's a handsome man and women chase after him. He has a flawless face.
We were driving to a camp and the car was close to an clif edg
Stephanie sat close to dad at the other side with her mother, Mrs. Samantha Maria Hicks. She's a brunette with dark brown hair and amber-brown eyes
She wore the camp clothes we bought which we all wore. A white T-shirt and jeans
While my best friend Ruby woods sat beside me. It was a cramped car ride in the night. Her parents, Mrs. Jennifer Woods and Mr. Daniel Woods sat in front. Mr. Daniel drove the car
It was all jolly before a drunk driver driving a blue Ferrari crashed into us surprisingly. The driver seemed so mad at our car the way he ran into us
The car fell down the cliff. The windows glass, breaking in every step the car took down and all of us were bumping our heads on either the roof of the car or each other
The car finally fell completely, everyone was dead. Everywhere reeked with the smell of blood
Dad's face, Stephanie's and her mother's, Ruby and her parent's face and bodies were covered with blood and they all seemed lifeless
Being in a car with lots of dead bodies should leave a trauma but nothing is more terrible than when you turn back to your dead dad and he just glares at you
"What is it, Karen? Why are you crying when you did nothing.
"I tried my best really dad." I cried but he wouldn't listen. He stood up and bust out of the car and left me
The light from the sun shined through the opened window to my face, that's the alarm clock I need to tell me to get out of bed. No need for any stupid device making noise to wake me up and ruin my hearing.
I starred up to my ceiling. I kept all my father's pictures ther
I sighe
It's another day, another shitty day
My life isn't the least bit exciting. It's the worst life ever but I'll be able to take it if only my dreams don't always remind me and make it worst
Last night I woke up thrice, screaming and my mom running to my room faking she understands
I rolled on the bed. I probably might have eye bag
At my right close to my bed is my vanity table. At the top, I kept my alarm
I sighed and got it from up there. Only a few more seconds and it's 6
The clock rang. It's official now, I got to get on with my depressing life. Not like it's any better aslee
I dragged myself out of bed and showered. The longest one
I got my favorite ash-colored jacket and wore it on my sleeveless shirt, and black pant
I sat on my lemon-colored vanity table chair. Everything is to match except for my barely used makeup kit and my hairbrush and comb. On my mirror is a sticker of Mickey mouse. I love Mickey mouse when I was younger
My appearance isn't like most teenagers cause my face is always worn out
I've got Jade green eyes and blonde hair with pale ski
I tied my hair up in a bun without combing it. That's just too stressful and painful
Today am going to be wearing my pink lip gloss. They actually look good on me, it made my eyes prettier but it didn't hide the bags under my eyes and it's all because of those stupid nightmares
Because of them, I can never wake up (that's if I slept) in the morning happy and without bags under my eyes
And because of them, I can never look normal and beautiful like Stephanie
And I won't try to
I argued and cursed myself for ever having that thought
I wiped off the lipgloss. I can't be like Stephanie. Sorry lipgloss, you've been here for a long no
My phone was close to my hairbrush, I picked it up to check if Ruby sent a text but what am looking at is completely outrageous
I got six texts from DREAM AGENC
My stomach suddenly grumbled
I went downstairs, straight to the kitchen. I found some cereal in our cupboard and I got a bowl from the pile of unwashed dishes and poured the cereal inside but a hand took it from me.
"Well good morning?" My mother asked, there's never anything good in the morning, especially when you have nightmares like mine. "I think you should stop eating cereal. You might not grow well.
I stared at her, she's wearing an apron on top of her shorts and white singlet. I am literally a good head taller than her. Well, probably it's because she's a short woman
"I'll make breakfast this morning okay?
"Sure," I replied and sat down on one of our armless dining chairs in our dining room, facing our rectangular dining table
"So what will you eat?" She shouted from the kitche
"Anything so long it gets me through the morning," I shouted bac
After five minutes, She came with a plate of Scrabbled eggs and bread. I love your food! "Your breakfast has been prepared." She announced. "Maybe it will put a smile on your face.
Smile. It's been a long since I've smiled. Even in my dreams, I can't smile. "Yeah, if only my life isn't this shitty." I sighed. "But I love the food, thanks." I forced a smile on my fac
"Oh come on Karen, not this morning." I ignored her and pinched some bread and egg. Exactly! Not this morning again so stop right there
She sighed. "Just look at those bags." She wet her thumb with her spit and tried cleaning underneath my eyes but I moved away. "Hey calm down.
"Thanks, mom but I love my bags.
She hissed, "my poor baby, is it still the same?" She rested her elbows on the table and waged her jaw with her palm. She gave me a pitiful look that she gives me all the time. She's like this because she's free
"Yes but every day he gets scarier and it's creepy.
"Please don't hate me but I think you should hear what I want to say." Her form suddenly changed to a more serious and stern one
"What is it?" I rolled my eyes, waiting for the inevitable. So we're doing thi
"I believe you can't seem to get another dream because you haven't let him go. Forgive yourself and let him go.
"Let him go? Mom, you have no idea what you're saying.
"Yes, I do sweetie. You don't have to keep mourning or surround yourself with him before he'll remain in your heart, he's going to be there always. In your heart." She placed her hand on my chest. "Always.
"No, he's not. He just died recently and am beginning to forget his face.
"I think it's time to get those pictures.
"No!" I will never let her get the
"You'll never be okay like this. Am scared.
"What? You don't want to raise me anymore?
"I did not mean that, you are making it difficult for me as always." She said, sounding like she's about to cr
"I can't let him go now.
"Karen you can, I know you're still sad but it will be okay.
"Yeah like you've done or did you even care?
"Karen doesn't start with me, am trying to help you here.
"Help me? You can only help me when you understand me.
"I do princess, am on the same page as you are." She sniffed, I could already see the tears gathering in her eyes but it's not new to me so am used to i
"Except that you are a complete mess and you just ruin everything. All the time. Thinking about yourself. Am just trying to help you.
"Wow, that came out well and it actually did me good. Thanks, it made me even more aware of how shitty my life is and I can't do anything without him." I climbed up to my room. I get my car keys from my drawer and before I leave, I looked up to the ceiling and saw my father smiling back at me. I will never let you go, father. Don't worry
Then a thought came to me. If my mother wants to take his pictures, she can but not all
I heard footsteps of someone climbing up the stairs and towards my room
I quickly placed my little stool in the middle of my bed and got some of my father's and my favorite pictures
"Karen, what are you doing?
Hearing my mom's voice suddenly scared me and I misplaced my foot and fell on my bed
"Karen be careful!" She shouted. I sit up and gathered the pictures I took. "Karen what are you doing?!
"You can't take all his pictures. What will you do, Replace them with officer Gavin's pictures?
"Okay Missy, I have taken enough shit from you today. I know it's hard but you don't have to be like that. Can't you just mourn like everyone else and stop behaving like an ass?" I take the pictures and get my bag close to my closet and keep them inside, then I walked past her, ignoring whatever she said. So she's angry that I disrespected her boyfrien
"Karen! Karen is talking to you!
"Do you think I don't miss him?
"Karen!" She yelled but am already at the door. I pulled it open and stormed out while slamming it close
I got in my titanium silver Kia optima, start the car and ride off
I went to Ruby's house to pick her up. She is my best friend and that's forever. I don't think anything can separate the both of us. Not even a boy
I horned thrice so she'll know am here
"I don't have all day even though I don't wanna go!" I shouted when she didn't come
I heard a loud noise, I turned and saw Ruby storming out and coming my way
"Bad morning." I greeted. She entered and slammed my door shut. "easy fierce girl.
She threw her bag to the back seat. "Bad morning to you too.
"So what is it this morning?" Ruby asked me as we walked down the hall of blue lockers to our lockers. "Am sure you didn't get much sleep.
There were gossips around
Hey did you see the news..
I zoomed out of their gossips to reply to my friend. Am not a gossiper so why listen anyways
"Oh, it's just another nightmare." I sighed, getting ready to start explaining this morning's argument with mom. "And my mother."
"What did she say this time?" She asked like I just said the inevitable
"She said I should let go of dad and forgive myself, That won't stop getting those nightmares until I've done that. She acts like she understands when she doesn't. How will she know when she doesn't love dad anymore.
"Maybe she's right?" I stopped and stared at her. She noticed it. "About your dreams, maybe You'll finally not have eye bags under your eyes anymore." She started poking my head
"Hey stop that." She smiled and finally her chestnut brown eyes glowed and light up her face. She's very pretty but she doesn't believe it and I just love her cotton hair
"And neither will you." Finally noticing the bags under her eyes as well. "What happened this morning?" We started walking again. "And last night," I adde
"Same nightmares and Aunty McKenzie can't get enough of yelling at me for no reason.
We stopped at my locker, I took the things I needed for the first class and slammed it shut
"I feel your pain." Ruby and I both have nightmares every time after the incident. I lost my father while she became an orphan living with her wicked Aunt McKenzie, and her so scary and suspicious cat. (Not that being happy or anything like that but it's nice to know and have someone who gets you)
"Oh, my brother has something for you." She said excitedly as we walked towards her locker. Hers is just five lockers away and we got there quickly
She opened it with her password and brought out a wrapped box
"Ah! Your brother just knows how to brighten up my day." I quickly grabbed the box from her. I remembered that I did not eat this morning and left without finishing my Scrabbled eggs and bread! "Am so hungry.
"Hey, I want one too." I opened it and as usual, it's brownies. Delicious brownies that I don't get how Ruby's brother could make and still be delicious
Ruby has a younger brother, Seth, that she feels that's her son now that her parents are gone. He's twelve and still in middle school. He has this crush on me and doesn't know what to do so he makes me brownies every day
Ruby and I feel bad for him because there will never be an us but these brownies are just so good
"My share," Ruby said while extending her hands and opening her palms for me
I shoved one into my mouth. "During lunch," I said with finalit
"Hey, no way." She proteste
"What do you want to do? Carry them around with your hands?" I reasoned and she understood and gave up
"Make sure you keep them or this night it's me you'll see." She threatened. Her eyes were so dark and her face was so scary. If she wasn't my best friend I'd take that as a real threat but it came from her and not someone else like Stephani
She chuckled and then smiled widely at me. "Let's go." She said and at that moment, the bell ranged for our first class. "Can't keep the bell waiting." She gestured for me to lead the wa
"Wait," I said and turned around. I rushed back to my locker and pressed in the code. My locker opened and I kept the box which Ruby gave me, that's from her brother, Seth. Wait for me till lunch
I turned and was about to return to Ruby when I bumped into something hard and almost fell but someone cut me in time
I opened my eyes which I already closed while falling and saw a boy starring at me. He had misty green eyes and a flawless fair-skinned face. He looked dashing and I couldn't find a pimple on his face. His face is so white that I could refer to him as the male version of snow-white. His hair was combed neatly back and his hair gel is so shiny that it made his jet black hair more jet black. His hair is neat, unlike mine. And he's ne
He rose one of his eyebrows, making him extremely cute and handsome but, he looks confused
"Are you okay?" He asked and brought me back to earth. But do I have to?
"Yeah am fine." I stood up fully simultaneously, removing his hold on my waist. "Thank you.
"No am sorry for bumping into you." He apologized. "My name is Landon." He extended his hand for me to shake. "Landon Payton.
I took it. "Karen. Karen Hicks.
His confused look returned. "You're Karen Hicks? You look worse in person.
What?! How dare him
"What do you mean by that?" I glared at him, fury is clearly present in my tone, and is sure my face shows it as well. I know I look terrible but seriously! Does everyone have to remind me? Does everyone have to make my life completely shitty
There was a remorseful look on his fac
"Um... I'm sorry..." I didn't let him finish before walking out on him. I can't waste my time talking to him. He's a jerk and that's clear already and sooner or later am pretty sure he'll join the rest. Ridiculing me. Especially when he'll get involved with Stephani
I marched back to Rub
"Who's he?" She whispered. She probably had seen what happened. "And what did he say to you?
I sighed
"Let's just go to class." I gestured for her to lead the way. "We can't keep the bell waiting," I said repeating what she had said to me
"You'll fill me in later okay!" She ordered. I chuckled. "Okay.
Ruby's first class was math and mine science. Why? So we parted. It's my aunt's, Mrs. Amanda Steve Jacob, my mother's younger sister, and also the science teacher of the seniors in bill gate high school, class, and am late. Now I can't avoid the inevitable
"You finally arrived Karen." She said immediately as I entered the clas
"Am sorry Aunt. Just some hold-ups along the hall but it won't happen again.
She let me si
Don't think she's a partial woman, no she's not. If being one of those late comers in her class then she will punish me but this is my first time. Or maybe the second. Or third. Or fourt
After the lesson progressed, I listened carefully but slowly my mind drifted to the boy I bumped into
"Karen please answer it for us." I heard my Aunt's voice and it brought me back to her class. What was the question again? I stood up. I looked everywhere and found all eyes on me. I hate this situation and answering questions in class is a thing of the past for me and she must know that but why is she being difficult and keeps asking me question
"Come on Karen, I know you know the answer." Aunty Amandy begged. She's wearing, as regular, a collared shirt and pants. Her hair is tied up like a bun, as well as mine. You can say I imitated her style. I love her, she is nice and thoughtful and I know she's trying to get me to answer at least a question but it's becoming unbearable
"Come on, Karen. Answer the question." Stephanie, my mutual enemy, teased. Wow, I didn't realize she's in the same class with me and she's practically sitting in front of me. There were slight giggles from around but refrain from letting it out any louder. My aunt Amandy is an angel but only to me; trust me she's a devil when she gets mad and protective of me. I don't want to hate anyone but Stephanie can and is an exception in more than one way
"I know you know the answer sweetie, please overcome your fear." She tried to encourage me, she believes that I have stage fright and I got it after the accident and I guess I do have it a little bit there's Stephanie. I don't want her to control me but she controls the school and I'll be miserable. Told you my life is shitty and it gets wors
"Okay then, can anyone help Karen out?" Gush I hate the sound of my name especially when she says i
Immediately, Stephanie and her five other minions' hands are flying in the air, I have a lot of reasons why I don't answer any questions though I know the
One, my stage fright, two, I don't want to be laughed at but I didn't care about that, well not until the accident and finally because of my mutual enemy, Stephanie, tall, thin, dirty blonde and also the school cheerleader captain, and her minions Sabrina, a brunette, taller than miss Blondy, as well thin but not as thin as Stephanie and also a member of the cheerleaders, Kathy, a black girl, a little chubby, not too tall and also a member of the cheerleaders, Kathleen, red hair, thin and tall and also a member of the cheerleaders, Daisy, platinum blonde, the same height as Kathy and also a member of the cheerleaders and finally Julia, the wisest, well wiser than the rest, tall, a brunette as well and also a member of the cheerleaders. In short, they are a group of thin girls and cheerleaders. They all make the same hairdo and today it's a high ponytai
They believe that they are the most intelligent in the class and don't want anyone stealing their stopligh
"The answer is 15.558 kilometers." She answered, what? What's the question again
It doesn't matter because she didn't get it right. After all, Aunt Amandy already gave a disapproving face. They don't know anything but they're just too proud to give up there I don't read but still intelligent quotes and read. Oh, Kathleen, you're just as dumb as your leader, Stephanie, I can't believe she's actually grinning like she got it right but trust me, again, my aunt, Amandy will burst her bubbl
"What's wrong, miss big V so put your hand down!" the smile on Kathleen's face disappeared immediately, I told you she's a devi
"The rest of you put down your hands!" She sighed and shook her head, "it's not like you know the answer anyways." She murmured but I heard i
She walked to the blackboard in front of that class and also behind her and wrote down the answer in between other things she had previously written down. 151.88 million km
"The distance between the sun from the earth is 151.88 MILLION KM" she sighed, agai
Oh, so that's the questio
Aunty Amandy has mentioned the answer a million times already in the classroom and nobody, I mean nobody listened but when my name is called, Stephanie and her minion's ears all stand like a dog's ea
Sometimes I wonder, am I not important or am
They give me enough attention for me to think otherwise from what they tell regularl
After boring minutes later.
"You are all dismissed." Aunty Amandy, which is the nickname I gave to her by the way, dismissed us with a wave, the bell had rung and its geometry next
Everyone, except me, rushed out
As usual, I have to remain in class for her sermons agai
When everyone is gone, I walked to her desk, she was packing her stuff, she looked up at me when I got to he
"Karen." She looked at me pitifully, she shook her head, this is a normal thing for her and it's clear she's disappointed in me, agai
"Am sorry Aunt Amandy," I said as gently as possible. "The words can't come out.
"Karen you have to try to get over your pain. Don't think I don't know you're still mourning, let him go, sweetie.
"Sure, I'll try," I promised again, for the millionth time. Come on guys, what's wrong if I mourn a little longer, it has been only nine months
She gave out a sigh, "go to your next class sweetie.
"I love you, Auntie." I chirped and gave her a peck on her cheek and off I went
Well, today she didn't give me a long sermon
I was suddenly but expectedly, pulled to the side as I was walking to my next clas
I met a familiar angry blue eye, Stephanie but she wasn't the one holding my arm like I was going to flee if he let go, it was Dyla
Dylan Steve Jacob, my little uncle, brown hair, not too tall, muscular of course, and the captain of the football team. we wouldn't have been related if my Aunt Amandy, did not fall in love with his elder brother, Damon Steve Jacob, and married hi
Despite the fact that we are now related, he's still the boyfriend of Stephanie and he has to bully me along with her and her minion
In this situation, I use my brains to deal with them, and usually, it tells me to just let them talk
Don't get me wrong, it's not because I can't fight them, though I can't, it's because I like watching them fool their selves and talk foolish things like
"Hi, teachers' pet
"Can't say anything? Has the cat got your tongue again?
And blah blah blah
At least it's a little fun after their continuous torture in class and other places because they rule the schoo
"What is it this time?" I asked out of nowhere.
"Whoa, so you can talk," Stephanie exclaimed, her minions followed sui
"Yes, of course, I can talk." Dum heads! I would have said if I wasn't the chicken I am. Shi
"Oh! I can see that.
They giggled, I didn't want to say anything so I kept my arms crossed and waited for what they wanted to say next, there were about 5 minutes of silence, and again, they just felt like bullying me without any reason so they did. From the side of my eyes, I saw Dylan roll his eyes, a little smirk formed on my lips, and trust me that was a bad ide
"Are you laughing at me?" Infuriated Stephanie growle
"Beat her up!" Kathy said and the rest supported by saying "yeah!
Well here goes another set of bruises.
I received a slap across my face then a punch in my stomach. It hurt so bad that I couldn't hold it and let out a cry and collapsed on the floo
"What's wrong with you, you want us caught?" Stephanie yelled at me. As always, am supposed to receive the pain in silence
"I think that punch was too much Stephanie," Dylan said beside me, he had a panic look all over his face. "Are you okay Karen?
A tear roll down my cheeks, so now you care for me
"Oh fuck her, who cares what happens to her? I think we got to get out of here before someone comes." They all Rushed out from the janitor's closet where am currently laying down but Dylan gave me a quick glance before leaving, there was no one to help me or I thought too soon
"What happened to you?" A deep, unfamiliar voice said, from the light that shone through the little window, I saw the face of my soon-to-be savior and my Mr. Right. This is what you call love at first sigh
He was dreamy with sapphire blue eyes, blonde hair like mine, his hair gel is so shinny. He was seriously handsome, cute face, and of course, muscular with tanned skin. Oh, tanned skinne
He rushed to my side and made me sit, "those idiots that ran outside, were they the ones that hurt you?" He asked me, his voice was damn sexy and he had beautiful pink lips that are just kissable
He waited for my answer but all I did was to stare, he looks so so so dreamy! Or is he a dream? Nah... I only had nightmares, this is rea
"Hello?" He waved his hand in front of me to get my attention and Immediately snapped out of it. I can't act like a creep now
"What did they do to you?" He had a worried look, oh he's worried about m
"Don't worry about me, am okay." I tried to stand but flinched as I soon felt the pain from my stomac
"Let me take you to the sickbay.
He carried me up bridal style and I couldn't help feeling so, so, so.
"Oh excuse me, I was told that someone needs help here." Mrs. Regina Marcus, our vice principal interrupted. She's a tall fat woman, not much of a disciplinarian and her usual attire is women's suits and always packed high and neat ponytails with her light brown hair
"Yes, she was beaten up...." My dream boy who I don't know his name began but I quickly cut him off, "it's nothing Mrs. Marcus, I only fell." I lie
"Then why is your stomach hurting?" Dream boy asked, please let it g
I tried speaking with him with my eyes to let it go but it seems he doesn't understan
"No matter what, let's go so we check you out." Mrs. Regina said
We went to the Bay and lay on the bed, Miss Mary, our school nurse examined me. She wore the usual nurse's white uniform. She applied some ointment on my stomach and gave me some pill
"The pain will lessen before knowing it." She smiled at me, this isn't my first or second or third or fourth or fifth time of being her
My dream boy hadn't left, he sat on a chair beside my bed
"What's your name?" I had to ask, I can't not know his name, am shy when am with a lot of people and have to give a speech or answer a question or when Stephanie is around but not when am being nos
"Sean." He replied. So his name is SEA
"Nice name and thank you for helping me out.
"No problem." He smiled. "So how's your stomach now?
"It's definitely going to be pink or is it purple,.... but am okay.
"I know someone hurt you but I don't understand why you are covering up for them.
I shook my head. "Just to avoid less drama. Don't worry am okay.
"Well I have a class now so I have to leave" he stood up, "I'll check on you again later
"Sure and thanks again." He smiled at me, He had an amazing smile that exposes his handsomeness even more. If only he would like me back then my high school life would be beautiful and worthwhile
"Okay bye." He left. Now everywhere is lonely agai
"Karen!" I heard my name, it was Ruby and Kira. They are rushing inside the room and towards m
"Ruby! Kira!" I called out. "How did you guys know I was here?" That was a stupid questio
"Duh, if you can't be found anywhere in any of your classes or locker then it's either here or the janitor's closet," Ruby answere
Of course