chapter four

"Landon, what are you doing here?" Rylee demanded. It seems we both aren't delighted to see him.

Ruby's and the rest heads were already up.

"Relax, Payton made me come, she wants to be sure they're treated well, after all, they are our best consumers." He winked at me. What's going on?

"Hey, I know you." Susan pointed to Landon. "You convinced me to accept the invite!"

"Yea, I know him too," Mindy added.

"And even Blondy there." Ash, the guy among us said.

"You know them because they were sent to convince you to accept. They're also part of the staff." Rylee answered.

"Am from the nightmare department." He announced.

"No wonder you were like a Nightmare," Stephanie remarked and everyone, except for Ruby and I, laughed.

"Okay, let's leave that, shall we? Please get in your beds so we can start." Rylee clapped her hands together like she was our teacher.

"Umm, there's a problem," I announced.

"What is it?" Rylee asked with concern.

"I didn't read the rules."


I sighed. "Please just tell me again."

"Okay. It's really simple and easy to follow.  JUST DON'T THINK!" She emphasized her last three words.

"Just what?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Don't think. You'll be fine." She said like it's the easiest thing to do but if only she knew me.

"Just that?"

"Yeah," Sean responded.


The car zoomed off happily; it was a Toyota Corolla. My dad, Henry Hicks, sat beside me, smiling at me all the time. He was blonde, had hazel eyes, pink beautiful lips, beautifully tanned skinned, and had shiny white teeth. His blonde hair fell right in the middle of his forehead. He's a handsome man and women chase after him. He has a flawless face.

We were driving to a camp and the car was close to a cliff edge.

Stephanie sat close to dad at the other side with her mother, Mrs. Samantha Maria Hicks. She's a brunette with dark brown hair and amber-browneyes.

She wore the camp clothes we bought which we all wore. A white T-shirt and jeans.

While my best friend Ruby woods sat beside me. It was a cramped car ride in the night. Her parents, Mrs. Jennifer Woods and Mr. Daniel Woods sat in front. Mr. Daniel drove the car.

It was all jolly before a drunk driver driving a blue Ferrari crashed into us surprisingly. The driver seemed so mad at our car the way he ran into us.

The car fell down the cliff. The windows glass, breaking in every step the car took down and all of us were bumping our heads on either the roof of the car or each other.

The car finally fell down completely, everyone was dead. Everywhere reeked with the smell of blood.

Dad's face, Stephanie's and her mother's, Ruby and her parent's face and bodies were covered with blood and they all seemed lifeless.

Being in a car with lots of dead bodies should leave a trauma but nothing is more terrible than when you turn back to your dead dad and he just glares at you.

"What is it, Karen? Why are you crying when you did nothing."

"I tried my best really dad." I cried but he wouldn't listen. He stood up and bust out of the car and left me.


I called out.

"This was all your fault!"

No no no.....

(No Karen, don't think. Don't react, just watch what happens).

I heard a voice that's kind of familiar tell me.

Okay then. I breathe out.

No matter how creepy this dream is, I'll do it.

Suddenly, someone pulled my hair. He tightly gripped it that am pretty sure my hair will fall. But though I can feel it, I still can't.

He dragged me out of the car and I saw it was dad.

His eyes were dark and it held hatred for me. Very different from earlier in the car.

"Do you think I don't know what you did?" He yelled at me.

No! Did he find out?

"You spoilt brat! It was all your fault and I died because of you!"

"No, dad." I found myself saying. "I didn't know."

"Liar! You caused it all. Stephanie is better than you." He got closer and with his deep voice, he whispered. "I had always known that."


"No, you'll pay!"

Then, my worst nightmare appeared from the trees and came to me.

Every time he got closer, my heart pounded louder, I hate him more than these continuous nightmares of dad.

"Karen. Karen, Karen!"

I jumped up.

I panted like I've been running for a long time now.

I looked around and found everyone already up. They were all painting and some shivered. Ruby was even crying!

"Karen." I turned to see Rylee smiling widely at me.

"What?" Both Landon and Sean were eyeing me.

"You won."