Chapter five

I lay back down on the bed. It's time for me to have a nice dream. I still can't believe I won.

Stephanie and the rest were disappointed but what can I do? I don't even know how I won.

"Just relax Karen," Sean told me calmly. He had been very happy for me and I can't help but smile, oh butterflies, do leave my stomach alone.

Okay sweet dreams department, am ready for my dream. Wow me.

"Karen, are you ready?" Rylee asked, there was suddenly a screen in front of her. Instead of asking questions, I nodded.

"Yes, I am."

Sean gave me a thumbs up while Landon, he was Landon. Hands crossed, just observing Everything.

"Okay then."


It was cold again, I could feel my cold breath and I saw the freezing smoke coming out of my nose.

I shivered.

Why do the dreams have to involve cold?

I looked around, I wasn't in the middle of nowhere like the first time, I was standing in the middle of dad's and my garden.

The flower's scent filled the air and I forget I was cold before. The flowers made my body warm.

We started this garden a year back before the accident in the countryside.

Now they've all blossom. I haven't seen them ever since we left the countryside.

I found the first flower we decided to plant, African Lily. They blossom by summer and dad bought them because they are long term-flowering plant and is very tolerant of the sun and heat so we don't need to water them very often.

I went over to my Alstroemeria, they looked even more beautiful, these plants blossom in summer and once they're being cut, they can last for weeks in a vase. I could start a business!

Ah! My Aster, blossoms from summer to fall and it's one of my favorite because they blossom throughout the fall, adding a bright pop of summary color to the garden when all the other flowers aren't quite as visible.

Beside it was my dad's bluebell, he planted it because it blossoms at the end of April and throughout the beginning of May, Stephanie's birthday!

Then I found my begonias and some other flowers that we hadn't plant yet.

Though they were beautiful. Camellias, carnations, clematises, crocuses, dahlias, coneflowers, daffodils, daisies, e.t.c

I saw a figure approaching me through the Moon's light. The more he got closer, then I found out it was a man.

He got fully into the light, humiliating his flawless face and dirty blonde hair, just like mine. He was like de rock (Dwayne Johnson), very muscular and tall.

He was a heartbreaker, an extremely handsome man, a 'suit doesn't suit him' man. He was also my father.

He smiled and waved at me. He gestured for me to go and I went running to him.

I jumped on him. "Dad!"

"How are you, sweetie?" He caressed my cheeks. "It's been a while." He hugged me tighter and I did the same.

"Daddy, I missed you a lot. It was impossible without you." Is this the nice dream dream agency will give me tonight? If it is, then I don't want to wake up, ever!

Him dying was all my fault. I never should have told him or done anything. Stephanie was a better daughter but she's not the one having this dream, I am so I'll have to be with him while it lasts.

"How are you fairing dear?"

"Not good." My face fell, I must look very different from him now. I must be looking like a skeleton, malnourished child, dehydrated. And it's all because I don't eat anymore.

"How come?" His eyes held clear worry for me. But I don't deserve it.

"Nightmares but tonight, I get to be with you," I assured him. He also gets worried for me, even for the smallest of things. This is why I miss him so much but it was also the cause of his death. Worrying for me, I wish I never told either of them.

"Then, let's go."


"Around." He held my hand. "Away from everyone."

"Who else is here?"

"Stephanie!" He pointed behind me. There, our little inn, where I believe we spent our holidays with mother but now, it's where Stephanie and her mother with dad spend their holidays. I only spent one summer break here with dad and Stephanie but it was terrible.

Behind me, Stephanie appeared and in her eyes, I could see she wanted to join us but no way. Tonight, only I get dad. I smiled and it grew bigger and bigger as we ran off.

We stood by a waterfall that I never knew was there before.

The water just passed through our legs, not even sweeping us away.

Down the cliff, was a very big sea. It looked so murderous but beautiful.

He looked up in the sky, I did the same, up in the sky were thousands of stars, smiling brightly at us. I smiled back.

I wonder if a dream agency is up there as well.

"Karen." He brought me back from my thoughts. Am really feeling at peace right now.

"Yes, dad?"

"I love you, don't forget that." The guilt feeling returned.

"Dad I have to tell you something." I turned to my side to look at him as I confess but he was fading away. Everything was. It was all normal? going away.

He continued smiling at me as he fades.

Everywhere slowly brightened up and I can blurry see Landon's hands crossed, watching me while Rylee and Sean watching a screen but it was transparent and I understood they were ending the dream!

No, No, No.

It can't end like that. Even if it's just in my dreams, I'd like to confess.

I want to go back. Dad's face was very clear earlier. He has beautiful white teeth and an extremely handsome face.

He was smiling at me and we were by a waterfall.

I need to go back. It can't end like that!

I closed my eyes back, very tightly. Dad, where are you?

Slowly, I could see the waterfall again. The beautiful sky, the forest around that I didn't notice before.


And dad, he was standing beside me. I turned to my left and found him smiling at me again.




Yes, this is my opportunity. "Dad, I want to tell you...."

'Karen what are you doing!" I heard Rylee's demanding voice.

"I just need to tell him. Please."

"Karen stop that. Stop what you're doing, remember the rule. It's simple."

"No Rylee, this is my only chance."

I turned back to dad, "so dad, what I wanted to say is....."

I was pulled back, and we kept on going before everything turned white and I was floating.

"What were you thinking?!"