Happiness POV

"Okay... Fred. I think it shouldn't be completely hopeless and it should not make me want to vomit everytime I hear it." 

"Alright then, go do what you think is best but you only got limited time." Again with his limit of time. 

"Okay sir... Fred." 

"Oh and in an hour be ready to come with me to the mall. I'm going to give you a complete make over babe." He winked then went over to the table. 

He got a file then he walked back to me. "I'm going to work now so... You'll meet me by the office okay?" He beamed at me and I felt flustered. 

Why is it that when I acknowledged that he was really good looking while smiling he always smiles since then. Well not that I'm complaining, it's just that he's so handsome. 

And sometimes he just catches me looking at him and it's so embarrassing. 

What's this? I can't really be catching feelings?
