dear." Mrs peace replied. 

I turned my gaze to meet Ann's .

"Hey baby how are you?" Ann asked.

"Not fine at all." I said through pouted lips while giving her a hug.

"What happened today Whitney? You were late not like you." Mrs peace started.

"Mom! She only missed the horn three times." Ann said whilst rolling her eyes.

"Ok but still on like her." Mrs peace argued.

"Guys it's alright I'll tell." I said while waving my arms.

"Had a bad morning." I whinned

"Oh my poor girl tell me all about it alright." Ann encouraged.

"No." I lean closer to her.

"Tell me about the new boy yesterday." I suggested.

"I guess your alright now, right?" Mrs peace laughed.

"Yes Mrs peace, no need to worry am ok." I chirped, my aim is not yet achieved.

Mrs peace started the engine and zoom! we were off

"Ann come on spill the beans already." I urged her.