Fred POV

"So you still have nothing?" I asked as I drove us to the mall. 

My mother was so persistent and I can't escape her today now. This idea better work, something good out of her better come out or else... I'll waste a ton of money and waste my time as well. 

"You called me goo goo bear?" She asked me. I gave her a quick glance from the mirror to see her facial expression. Seriously I can't take any more complain. She shouldn't start with the no pet name or cheesey nonsense. 

"So what? It's cute and since you don't have a better one then you don't have the right to be picky about it now do you?" I retaliated as I saw her facial expression. She was cringing and I seriously don't understand what's so cringe about me calling her that. 

She doesn't like me then fine but I'm not revolting. 

It angers me so much that she thinks she's too good for me.