Chapter 74

The mighty Leo family had, once again, to face a new loss, the loss of the devil king who led the family to an enormous prosperity whether it was in business or in the other face of the coin, however, this was not the only loss as the young lady got lost too. There was only Ray left as his father was considered dead, however, he was not willing to take that seat.

"Steven, ask them all to come to the office in one hour", Ray said, walking towards the office after getting back from the grave yards where he bedded his uncle and teacher the last goodbye, wearing black from head to toe as well as a steady cold face that was hiding hundreds of plans and thoughts.

Tian, Josephine, Kai, and Taria stood in the office after Steven asked them to come, all unable to realize the urgent matter that forced them to get a hold on themselves right after burying a loved one.

"I will keep it clear and short as I know exactly how everyone is feeling. I'm going to avenge my uncle, yet I need your help… I.. will take over this country", Ray said, calmly yet nervously at the same time, waiting for their reaction, especially his parents

"Are you.. serious? Ha, hahahahahaha", Taria said, then she started laughing hysterically. "Ray we still don't know what happened to your sister, we just lost your uncle and you are going to take such a dangerous step! I.. really can't afford another loss, Ray, I'm not in a position where I can stay strong and get your back, so I definitely won't allow this ridiculous step", she said angrily

"I'm doing it for the sake of the whole family. The government pushed this responsibility on us and they didn't even move an inch to help, so the only solution would be taking control of the government. My sister is safe, I can feel it and I know you do as well, she is strong and intelligent, so you only need to put a little more trust in her, and… I wasn't asking for your permission", Ray said coldly

"Ray, your mother is right. I know what you think about but this is a huge step and no one is currently capable of holding that amount of nervousness and stress", Tian said calmly, trying to keep his voice steady after keeping his cries inside the whole time

"No, Ray's plan is good. I'm fucking sick of loosing my family for this ridiculous mission. let the whole country burn, I don't care, I only care about you and if that plan would set all of us free, then I'm in", Josephine said, fighting her cries in order to speak properly

"I'm in too, I would never let my friend's death be purposeless", Kai said

"Mom.. I was working for this moment for more than I could remember. Please, can't you get strong again, for the sake of everyone, and dad, wasn't you wishing for the day we can live normally. I can make it, I can set us free of this horrible mess", Ray said softly

"... I'm in", both Taria and Tian said after looking at each other, as if both of them got stronger again just by holding hands

"However, you must promise me that you will be safe no matter what", Taria said, yet Ray got up and hugged her tightly, as if her permission was exactly what he needed

"Thank you for trusting me. I promise you that we all would have a normal happy life after I finish the plan", Ray said softly, yet his softness faded away and got replaced with his normal sharpness

"I already know everything about the government. The king, the royal knights, the ministers, and even the maids in the royal palace. Mom, you will lead the family from now until the mission is completed, dad will take care of all the family business, and the four of us will do the rest", Ray said, yet Taria's jaw dropped to the floor

"Leading the family! how will I know what to do?" Taria said

"I will help you, honey", Tian said

"Help yourself first, you was leading only half of the family business till now and I was barely able to spend time with you", Taria said

"Mom is right, your part of the mission is hard, but don't worry, I will help all of you doing your parts", Ray said

"Well, what exactly is your plan?" Kai said

"To take over the country you must kill the king and the three princes, however, aside of the crown prince, no one have ever seen the other two princes, which means even if we killed the king and the crown prince we will stay in danger as long as the two princes are free, and this will only lead to us having other enemies and a new huge responsibility to hold. The only way left is to change the whole system", Ray said calmly

"Sigh… I never really understood your way of speaking. The plan is easy: make every single one of the ministers on our side, then push the royal family to a corner where they would have no choice other than "handing" the crown to the Leo family", Steven said

"And how will you make them on our side?" Josephine asked

"It's not that hard once you know their weaknesses. Those old men are only worried about their lives and wealth, so it only took a little Leo-style convincing for them to give up", Ray said

"So you are already done with the first step!" Taria asked

"Almost, as the most important ministers are the hardest. The prime minister, Johans Brandon, and the military minister, Silvia Norm", Ray said calmly

Everyone in the room was stunned to the point they all had a headache. Everything was unclear, just like a nightmare that started from the middle of the story. Ve's death, Azora's unknown position, and the sudden plan Ray slapped them with, were all so hard to take at once.