Chapter 75

On the other side, at the farest part of the country, she was. Driving her black motorcycle crazily with her black hair flying with the wind, and a mind full of one thing and one thing only, revenge.

Azora stopped by a nightclub, took her helmet off and walked down the stairs calmly.

"Madam, I need to see your ID", the doorman said, yet a bunch of dollar bills she threw without even looking at him closed his mouth. She walked through the nightclub, not paying attention to the strippers nor the drunk people that were filling it, then she reached a table where three people wearing black suits were sitting, laughing hysterically while gambling.

A body guard stood in her way, yet she flipped him to the floor and broke his shoulder effortlessly with an expressionless face.

The three men stood, raising their pistols towards her as well as nine more bodyguards that came out of no where, yet she didn't even blink.

"Who the hell are you?" one of the men shouted in Spanish

"Who is Malori LaCento?" she said calmly in Spanish too

"What do you want from him?" the same man said

"... Not you, for sure. Not him as he is about to faint. Then it must be you, the one looking at me without flinching", she said, pointing at the man who was standing in the middle

"Smart. I like her. Come here, sit down", that man said with a smirk

"I'm not here for you to like me. I want to be a part of your group. 7.13.B", she said calmly

"Well, based on you flipping that man to the ground when he is clearly four times your weight, I can consider you a part of the group, yet you must kill that m..", the man was saying, yet she shot the man she fought just after Malori pointed at him, and, once again, she didn't even blink

"The hell. My lady, who hurt you this much?" Malori said

"I'm not hurt, and I'm not your lady, my name is Nai", Azora said, walking over the dead body and sitting on the sofa where the three men were sitting, crossing her legs, and drinking from a glass that was filled yet not touched

"Your name is Nai then, ha. You know who we are, yet you still sat down like a boss. I really like you", Malori said with a smirk, crossing his arms and looking respectfully at her unlike the previous look he showed her

"Well, Malori, I am going to be the boss", she said, swallowing the last sip of the drink and getting up again. "see you soon, ex-boss", she said, then she walked calmly out of the club and drove away as if she did nothing at all

"Take the bullet out of his body then throw him in the see", Malori said, holding the glass she drank off and staring at it

"Why?" a man said

"Her number is written on the bullet", Malori said, then he filled the cup again.

Azora, or Nai, went to an apartment that was located on the 17th floor of a huge building that was known world wide. She closed the curtains, then she fell to the ground as if her body was done acting strong. Her tears were about to fall down, yet she slapped her face hard to the point the tears got back inside her eyes. She was breathing fast yet she felt that there was no air in the room, then she looked up, with a cold sharp look as if she started acting again, and stood up calmly and mightily.

"I… will stay strong like you were, uncle", she said, feeling her uncle's soul giving her strength.

Just like that, the spoiled young lady of the Leo family became a part of the most feared mafia group, and she started completing missions perfectly almost everyday until she was known as the black lady of the 7.13.B group. However, she wasn't satisfied with that as her plan was way higher than a mare group, she was planning on being one of the four mafia leads.

The mafia net is not that complicated. Four leads, the northern, the southern, the eastern, and the western, work under the command of the mafia snake which is the highest position, however, those five were unknown for everyone no matter their ranks, and unless one of them asked for one's attendance, you would never be able to even see them. Additionally, even though she had got a fake ID with a fake date of birth, Azora still had to attend school using another fake ID with the name Nai and a date of birth only one year older than her real one.