Public humiliation

Early the next morning, Jim woke up feeling extremely refreshed. He quickly took his bath and performed the usual morning routine he did. After he ate breakfast, he headed out for school.

When he reached the main gate of the school, he took a huge breath and then walked into the school. His consciousness was telling him that today was going to be a tough day.

"Hey, isn't that the guy who provoked Grey the last time?"

" I heard that he is called Jim and he is also in the same grade as Grey, Moreover he is extremely dumb and block-headed. He always fails his exams too! "

"I also heard that he was beaten to an extremely pitiful state by Grey last Friday."

"Serves him right!!, He shouldn't have gotten into a fight with someone like Grey who already has the ability to conduct magic. "

While he was walking down the school's corridor, Jim heard all sorts of mocking words that were coming from his fellow students, however, he simply didn't care about them or what they were saying.

As he was still walking toward his classroom, a group of five confronted him. The group consisted of two men and three women.

"Well, Well, Well..., Who do we have here?! Isn't it Jim Hale?", their leader, a teenager around the age of sixteen said in a ridiculing manner.

Red, flowing hair tight in a ponytail reveals a long, rude but handsome face. Sparkling golden eyes, set far within their sockets revealing a penetrative gaze that seemed to dee through everything. This was the face of their leader. He was the male most females would call a perfect man.

"Grey, I don't want to have any fight with you, just let me pass!", Jim said in a serious manner. He did that because of the warning his parents have him about not offending Grey. If it was the formal times, Jim would be raining insult upon him. But for this moment he put his personal dignity aside for his parents.

"HAHAHA..", hearing what Jim said, Grey began to laugh loudly. "You were pretty loud the last time, I wonder what happened to you?!", Grey said, his voice filled with ridicule.

Seeing Grey publicly humiliate him, Jim gnashed his teeth in anger. "Oh you're still quiet, it seems that the beating I gave you last week was enough to show your true self,!! Hahaha..", Grey continued to tease Jim attracting a huge crowd.

"Oh, so he got beaten by Grey! That's why he is this way When facing Grey"

"As I said, he is just a guy who thinks he can be a hero every time, but after he is thought a lesson, then he shows his true self!"

" Yeah, he is a true coward!! "

When they said that all the students around burst laughing whilst mocking Jim, their voices filled with ridicule. Heading the voices of support from the students, Grey put on an arrogant look.

"Hey Grey, as a person with a heaven body bullying someone who hasn't learnt magic in school is very shameful right?! Moreover, you are talking about it as if beating me up is some big accomplishment!! Don't you feel disgrace?!!", at that moment Jim pointed at Grey's face and violently rebuked him.

Jim had a tolerance level. However, Grey seemed to have gotten over his nerve. This brought back his usual hot-headed attitude.

At that instant, the hall became very quiet. Quiet to the extent that one could even hear the sound of a pin falling. This was because many people could relate to what Jim said. They believed that Grey bullying Jim was not very good. Moreover, Grey announced it happily and that was very bad and embarrassing, however, no one stood out for Jim, and everyone continued to watch silently. No one wanted to be the mayor's son's enemy.

Seeing that Jim dared to talk back to him, Grey was extremely furious that his body started to tremble.

"You brat! You dare speak to me that way! It seems that you want another beating from me!", Grey pointed at Jim and furiously snarled.

He then raised his hand and sent it towards Jim's face. The force behind the slap was enough to break a wall. He wanted to slap Jim. However, a hand tightly grabbed Grey's hand so hard that he was unable to move his hand anymore.

"No fighting in the school! And you, Grey, how many times have I told you not to bully your fellow students. And also, You guys should leave and go to your classes", an angry voice bellowed.

The sound of the voice came from a middle-aged man. Chestnut, long hair hangs over a chiselled, charming face. Squinting hazel eyes, set elegantly within their sockets, displaying bright green eyes. A beard seductively compliments his nose and mouth and leaves a captivating memory of his fortunate adventures. This was the face of the middle-aged man who intervened.

Currently, he held unto Grey's hand firmly. After speaking, he left Grey's hand. Seeing that, Grey disdainfully snorted and then turned around and walked towards the classroom.

"Thank you, Mr James," Jim said after Grey left.

" Oh, it's nothing. Moreover what teacher will I be if I can't protect my students. ", Mr James said with a smile.

Mr James was the magic course teacher. He was very proficient in using magic and was one of the strongest, if not the strongest teachers in the school. Jim knew that he was around and that was why he rebuked Grey. Else, who would want to visit the hospital for a second time?

"Nevertheless, let's go to the classroom, I have important news to inform you about", Mr James said whilst leading Jim into the classroom.


In the classroom...

Mr James stood in front of the class. He cleared his throat and said in a loud voice, "I have two important news for you all

When Mr James said that, all the students became quiet. Everyone wanted to know the two important news that Mr James was about to talk about.

"First of all, we have a new student!!"