Jasmine Bunbern

"We have a new student"

The moment Mr James said that the whole class went into an uproar.

"Why do we have a new student by this time of the year?!"

"Why is there a new student after the Annual Acceptance Test?!"

" Moreover we are about to end our magic studies this term! "

Some students even expressed their confusion when Mr James said that because the Annual Acceptance Test has already passed about half a year ago. The Annual Acceptance Test was a kind of test that was done to recruit new students for the school each year.

"Silence!" Mr James said When he noticed the class become noisy. "I know what you are all thinking. You don't understand why we have a new student after this year's Annual Acceptance Test right? Moreover, you don't understand why we have a new student when the term is about to end right?!, Mr James continued when he noticed the class become quiet.

All the students nodded their heads firmly.

"Well, this student's situation is kind of special that is why she was freed from all the restrictions and allowed into the school. , Mr James explained to them.

"Wait, it is a girl?!!"

" I can't wait to see what kind of person she is!! "

The class went into yet another uproar when they heard Me James' explanation.

"Well, since you understand, let me introduce you to your new classmate. Miss Jasmine, you can come in now." , Mr James said after a while.

After Mr James said that, the door to the classroom opened and snow-white leg which was as smooth as jade entered. Seeing the beautiful leg, some of the boys in the classroom couldn't help gulping a mouthful of saliva.

Following the arrival of the leg, a beautiful teenager whose hair was pitch black had an excellent beautiful face and her skin which was soft but as white as snow stepped in.

The girl was truly beautiful. Her beauty alone could destroy nations and kingdoms. Seeing the girl, some of the boys already started drooling.

"This is your new classmate, Miss Jasmine Burben from the Burben family" , Mr James introduced her to the class.

"The Burben family?!! What is a person from the Burben family doing here?!!"

Some of the students expressed their confusion on the matter. This was because The Burben family was the overlords of the Eastern region. Moreover, they were many schools in the eastern region that were far better than their school but the member of the Burben family still chose their school, they didn't understand.

"Miss Jasmine please, take your seat at any place you like." , Mr James said to Jasmine. Hearing what Mr James said, the whole class became quiet, they wanted to know which seat she would pick.

"Please, you come to sit here!! I am the son of the mayor of this city!!" , suddenly, Grey Durk said.

Jasmine just glanced at him before pointing to a seat extremely near Jim, "I want to sit there" , she said to Mr James.

Seeing that, Grey gritted his teeth in anger but he didn't say anything. He glanced at Jim with an angry look before turning away. He didn't overreact because of the of Mr James

"Thank you", Jasmine said to Mr james and walked towards the seat she pointed.

"Is this seat occupied?!" , Jasmine asked in a extremely sweet voice.

"Yes, so you can't sit here", Jim replied in a calm tone. The seat Jasmine pointed was the seat of Jim's best friend, Jones Tale. But it seems that he didn't come to school today. Jim planned to check on him after school. Actually, Jim was just putting on an act so that he seemed that he during want the girl to sit near him, but he really wanted her to sit near him even if she took his best friend seat. But considering his situation he didn't want to get into other problems with more people.

Moreover, Jim was no fool. He could see and even feel the angry look that all the boys were giving him especially Grey. He didn't want to get into quarrels with Grey anymore because of his parents advice.


All the boys sighed in relief when they heard Jim's response. They thought a beauty like Jasmine sitting with Jim was going to be very wasteful of her beauty.

However, what Mr James said next disappointed them greatly.

He said," Jim don't be rude let her sit there I will find another seat for your friend".

Jim made an angry look. He even gritted his teeth to make it more realistic and said, " Okay! " in an angry voice.

"Thank you", Jasmine said to Jim before sitting down. Jim pretended to ignore her.

" Okay , for th next news, the time of Magic Element Selection Ceremony to take place has been shortened to next week. ", Mr James said to the class after Jasmine say down.

" What?!! "

"Wasn't going to take place next week ?!"

"Why?! What happened?!"

" I don't even know! "

The class became chaotic again. This was because the Magic Element Selection Ceremony was a the name suggest, A type of ceremony that is done to select elements a mage uses like water element, fire element etc. Moreover, it was scheduled to be happening the next month however a teacher was saying It would happen next week .It was also basically the starting point to becoming a mage!! That was why the students didn't understand why such an important program has been initiated before scheduled.

"Don't worry there is a reason." , Mr James said When he noticed the class becoming noisy again.