

Jim was discharged after two days. When he was discharged, the sun was already setting. His body recovery also increased because o drey. He could now recover various types of wounds easily.

After Jim was discharged, he didn't go home but he went to his grandparent's house. His grandfather wanted to show him something. Even though he didn't know what the thing was, by just listening to how serious his grandfather sounded in the communication talisman, he knew it was pretty important so Jim decided to pay a visit.

His grandfather also told him to come alone. He was not supposed to come with anyone, not even his parents. Jim also naturally decided to go alone since it was a command from his grandfather.

Currently, Jim was on his way to his grandparents' residence however he felt that someone was tailing him. Even though he felt that way, he didn't understand why he was getting this kind of feeling. So, he asked Drey to use a special technique that Drey taught him. The technique was the mind transmission technique.

It allows its user to talk or speak to others without speaking aloud. This was to prevent Jim from speaking to him aloud in public else everyone will think he was crazy!

"Hey, Drey, why is it that I am getting this feeling?! It can't be you doing that, right?!"

"Yes, it's not me doing it. However, someone is following you! The reason why is because your senses have improved and therefore, you can sense things clearer than before. That's why you can simply catch him tailing you.", Drey explained.

"Oh?!", Jim grinned. He just had a very bad idea.

Jim started to lead the stalker to an isolated area. After getting to a deeply isolated area, Jim turned back and said coldly,

" Who are you?! Why are you following me?!"

The main reason why he was doing this was to find out about the stalker's identity. He also did that because he sensed that the stalker was a young person. He was also sure he could handle him. That was why he dared to act arrogantly.

If the stalker was stronger than him, he would have disposed of him by changing his route.

"Haha, trash, you sure have some courage! You dare to even boast in front of me!" After Jim shouted a figure gradually appeared from the night's darkness. That figure was one of a teenager. Moreover, the person was a boy. He was wrapped in black clothing making it almost impossible to know who he was.

Currently, he was laughing as if he had heard the funniest joke ever.

He said while pointing at Jim,

"You?! Trash! Just come here, kneel and call me your ancestor and will let you alone."

"Hmph, so it's you! Did Grey send you to do this?!", Jim asked.

" Grey, hmph, if I want to beat up trash, I don't need permission!"

The clothed figure said. His voice was filled with disdain and contempt.

"Oh I know!", however, Jim ignored him and acted as if he had suddenly understood something.

" Know what?!", the stalker asked.

"You are one of the people who want wants to beat me up to lick Grey's boots. Am I wrong?! You are simply scum! A scum who only knows how to bully the weak and fear the strong!", Jim said as if he clearly understood.

" You are courting death!", the stalker said angrily.

He was extremely angry. If this came from someone stronger than him then maybe he would have tolerated it. However, this was coming from trash! How could he tolerate it?

So after saying those words, he vanished into the surroundings.

"I will make sure you will remember this for the rest of your life.", an angry voice resounded in Jim's ears. The voice was coming from every direction making it impossible to know it was coming from.

" The dark element, huh?! not bad!", Jim said slightly surprised.

" Now take this! Haaaaa!!!", the voice resounded again. However, it was different this time.

At the same time, Jim turned around and then grabbed into a rapidly approaching fist that was aiming for his head.

After catching it, he turned himself and threw the stalker with all his strength towards the ground.


The ground became misshaped. Countless shards of rocks were flying around with extreme speed. A deep hole with around five metres as the radius was located at where he threw the stalker to.

"Seems like I must control my strength next time. My perception has also become extremely clear. That was the main reason why I was able to see through his attack.", Jim muttered under his breath.

" Who are you?! How did you see through my previous attack?", asked a heavy voice yet filled with keep killing intent.

At this moment, Jim finally turned his head and looked into the centre of the pit. When he saw how the stalker's condition inside the pit, he became surprised.