
"Hey, wake up!", Jim heard a loud voice as he entered a dream state.

" Hey, boy, wake up! It's time for your first training.", Jim heard the loud voice again. It was much louder this time.

"Wake up!!" An angry loud voice snarled.

Hearing that loud voice again, abruptly woke up. However, to his surprise, he found out that he wasn't in his room. Instead, he was sitting under a huge tree surrounded by beautiful scenery.

"Hmph! You are now awake! You are like a dead pig when you are asleep!", Jim heard the angry voice again. However, it was more frightening and it seemed to be coming from behind him.

Turning his head to where the voice came from, he was surprised to discover a massive dragon covered in lightning behind him. Currently, it had an angry and annoyed expression on its face.

It was Drey!

However, he seemed to be very angry. Seeing Drey with an angry expression on his face, Jim was now certain that he was in his spirit space.

Jim had already thought of the possibility of him being in his spirit space when he woke up. Yet, since he couldn't see Drey, he couldn't confirm his suspicion. However, now that he has seen Drey, he was now more certain that he was in his spirit space.

" Hey Drey, How are you?", Jim greeted Drey with a shameless smile on his face.

"Hmph!", seeing how he was acting as if nothing happened, Drey snorted disdainfully.

" Hey, weren't you saying something about my first training? Which training are you talking about?", Jim asked with the shameless smile still on his face.

"Hmph! If you weren't my benefactor, I wouldn't even pay attention to you!", Drey said with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Anyway, I will still teach you. It's time for you to learn the technique I promised to teach you. It is the technique that will help you to enter and exit the spirit space without the need to 'die' ", Drey explained.

"Oh, so you are really going to teach me! Whoah... Drey, you are so cool. After learning it, I can enter and exit this spirit space easily like the real boss!", Jim said happily.

" Hmph! don't get too happy!", drey snorted disdainfully then said.

"Huh?! What do you mean?", Jim asked. He was totally confused.

" First of all, this technique normally takes normal people a whole year to perfect it and then geniuses half of that time! So until you totally perfect this skill, you will have to die every time you want to leave your elemental spirit space", Drey explained with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Oh come on! Why does it have to be that way! Either way, I will still train the technique! At least, it is better than always dying when I want to leave this spirit space.", Jim complained.

" Okay, the technique is in my head so I have to transfer it into your brain directly. Sit crossed legs and get ready to accept the technique into your mind. Or you can't do that too?", Drey asked with a smile on his face. His face was filled with mockery.

"Hmph! You think I am that ignorant bastard, right?! I know how to do it!", Jim snorted coldly and then proceeded to sit down and then enter a meditative state.


A beam of rays shot out from Drey's head and entered Jim's head. After the beam of light entered Jim's head, rows of information began to enter Jim's mind.

" What? What kind of technique have you transferred to me? It's so difficult to comprehend!", Jim stood up and said to Drey after all the information entered his mind.

Before receiving the technique, Jim thought it would take him about a week before he could comprehend it and use it. He thought what Drey said was total nonsense! However, after receiving the technique, he discovered he was very wrong. The technique was very difficult for him to comprehend. It was so difficult that the difficulty surpassed his imagination!

"Hmph! So you don't like it, then I can erase it from your memory!", Drey said.

" Oh no! Don't worry I like it! I was just surprised about its difficulty!", Jim said with a smile.

"Okay, then go back to learning it!", Drey said.

" Okay, okay but I have one question. You said everything that happens here affects my real body. In that case, won't training thought here stress my real body?", Jim asked an important question.

"No. Even though most of the things that happen here affect you in the real world, there are some exceptions like dying and feeling stressed when you train in the elemental spirit space. However, it's only your spirit that comes here, therefore you can't train your original body here. You can only train techniques and test out techniques here!", Drey explained.

" Oh, thank you!", Jim said before sitting down and entering a meditative state to cultivate the technique.


Nine hours later...

"Hey boy, it's time for you to go!", Drey said to Jim who was in a passive atate.

" What? It's time already! But I haven't understood the whole technique. After cultivating for all these hours I have only been able to comprehend the title and the description.", Jim said as he stood up.

"It's time for you to wake up. And remember that you have to train your real body too before you go to school. Now die!", Drey said while throwing a massive lightning sword at him.

" No! No! Wait, I have a question to ask you!....", said in a panicked voice but it was too late.


And then everything turned dark.



Jim opened his eyes and noticed he was on his bed.

"Hmmm, just as Drey said, I don't feel any sign of stress.", Jim muttered under his breath.

" Anyway, its time to train the physical body." Jim said as he looked outside his window.

He noticed that it was already dawn.

Jim got up and then sneaked out of the house.

"Wait?! How should I train?!", Jim pondered aloud when he got outside.

"You can run around the whole city then come back.", Drey suggested.

" What? You want me to run around the whole city! That's one hundred and fifty six kilometres we are talking about. I dont think my body can handle it.", Jim said.

"Don't worry, you won't break down like you think. You are a mage now, so even though it will be tiring, you can still go to school after you return.", Drey said.

" Okay", Drey said as he started his training.
