
*Huff... Huff.. Huff*

Loud but short panting sounds came from Jim a he ran across the city.

"Seriously?! Didn't you tell me that I won't really suffer much with the training because I am a mage?", Jim asked Drey with an annoyed voice.

" Correct! That was what I said. However, I never said you won't get tired or you won't suffer just because you are a mage. It's normal is you get tired yet that is exactly what I want. If you are able to break your limit by training your body to it's peak, then your body will get stronger till it can maybe withstand the power of my black lightning! So just train and stop complaining!", Drey said.

"Wait! I am a mage right so at least I must have a high endurance level right?! Why is it that I am becoming so tired when I ran for about sixty kilometres!", Jim said still panting.

"Listen, what you said is true. Mages do have a stronger body with high endurance than normal people. A typical example of what a mage can do with his or her body can be seen in your fight with that stalker that day.

"You being able to throw the stalker around easily shows how strong your body is! And he being able to endure that attack from you also shows how the endurance level of a mage is. In general, mages have stronger bodies than normal humans but that doesn't mean they never get tired. There is a limit to everything! Mages also have their limits. An example is what is happening to you now!"

"Even though you are stronger than normal people, you can't ran for a long period of time at the same time, you can also not raise mountains with your fingers. Therefore you should understand why you can't run for almost two hundred kilometres right?!", Drey asked.

"Because it is my limit?", Jim guessed.

" Yes! Because it's your limit! The purpose of this training is to help you break limit so that your body will become stronger which help you to absorb my yellow lightning and use it!", Drey explained.

"Oh! Now I get it!", Jim said while running.

" Great! now focus!", Drey said.


*Huff... Huff... Huff*

"I can't believe this! I was able to run for kilometres. Even though my legs feel extremely sour for running that long, I still can't believe it!",Jim said as he panted heavily.

He was currently in his bedroom.

Surprisingly, Jim was able to almost run for almost two hundred kilometres! At first, he didn't believe what Drey told him but as he got closer to his destination, he began to believe what he said. Even though his legs felt sour for running for so long at least he could still move.

"Kid, you didn't believe me right?! I think is about time that you start believing me!", Drey said in displeasure.

From Jim's surprised attitude he was able to see that Jim didn't really believe him. Therefore he was enraged by Jim's lack of trust in him.

" Come on, I believe you now. Don't worry I believe you!" ,Jim said with a shameless smile.

"I think it's time for me to go to school! I don't want to be late!", Jim said as he stood up from his bed.


After jim got down from his bed, a loud sound echoed in his room. It sounded like someone falling.

" Emm Drey, I think I can't move?!", Jim said as he laid on the floor.

Earlier, Jim had tried to stand up from his bed to prepare for school since the sun was starting to rise. However, not only did he fall to the floor right after he stood up, he realized he couldn't move at all. Not even his hands which he didn't train.

"Hahahah....!", Drey's mischievous laughter came from Jim's spirit space.

" Huh? Why are you laughing?! " Jim asked with a confused face

"Kid, this is what you get when you don't believe me! The reason why you can't move is because of the training! Let me explain to you. When you ran for around two hundred kilometres without really suffering, it means that you used your mana unknowingly since you can't really ran for even a hundred kilometres with just your normal body strength without really getting tired. When you started to complain to me, that was when you started to use your mana! It was your mana that helped you to get home without suffering any real effect."

"However, by the time you got to your house, your mana was depleted that was why I told you to rest a while before you go to school however, you didn't listen to me. You thought I was lying to you and you felt totally fine!", Drey said while laughing.

" Seriously, why didn't explain that to me?", Jim asked.

"Hmph, I was using that as a test to see if you really believe me however it seems you don't really believe me and you got your punishment.", Drey snorted disdainfully and said.

In fact, what Drey said was true. He really told Jim to rest before going to school. However, Jim ignored him and told him that he was perfectly fine since him didn't really trust him.


Jim sighed and then sat down and entered meditation to recover his energy.


Jim opened his eyes when he felt the rays from the sun enter his room. Jim was able to feel that because he could now sense things clearer than before.

" Drey, what just happened?", Jim asked Drey using the technique he learnt.

Initially, when him was meditating, he felt a burst of warm sensation travel through his whole body from his stomach. After that happened, he was able to sense things more clearer and he felt like he was full of energy.

"Ha, what kind of smell is that?!", Jim said as a foul and unpleasant scent entered his nose. He looked around him only to see blackish substances all around him. He was also covered in the blackish substance!

Not only did the black substance look stinky. It also had a very horrible smell. It smelled like fart however it smelled worse than fart. It produced an extremely stinky smell.

" Wow, you had a break through. It seems I underestimated you!", suddenly Drey's voice came from Jim's spirit space startling Jim.

"Huh, what do you mean by break through?!" Jim asked with confusion written all over his face.

"Sigh, are you really ignorant about this matter too?", Drey sighed in a helpless manner and asked.

" Yes, I have never heard of it before", Jim said.

"There are levels of mages. Right now, you are in the basic level. To ascend higher, one must store high quantities of mana into their dantain and understand or comprehend the new level. If one understands the new level enough and also have enough mana, that person ascends to a new level. The act of moving into the new level is called a breakthrough. Do you understand?", Drey asked.

" Yes, so you mean that I am a new level now?", Jim asked.

"There are two types if breakthroughs. The first one is the elemental breakthrough which is when gathers enough mana to ascend to a new level. And the other is called a body break through.", Drey said.

" Emm, So which one have I got now?", Jim continued inquiring.

"You just had a body breakthrough. This breakthrough is when one trains his or her body to become stronger by breaking his or her limits. When one breakthrough that was, they release blackish substances that smell very bad. These blackish substances are called elemental dirts. Elemental dirts are kinds of dirt formed from elemental energy that chokes the viens and prevent mana flow. If one manages to breakthrough this way, they become incredibly strong!", Drey explained.

" Oh okay. I get it!. I will test my strength later, let me clean my room then go to school! I don't want to be late", Jim said as he started to clean his room.


Currently, at Lightsway City Magic School.....

"Okay students, it's time for your first magic test! I hope everyone is here!", Mr James who stood in front of the class shouted loudly.

" No one person isn't in", one students shouted.

"Huh, who is that?!", Mr James asked.

" It's Jim! ", another answered.

" sigh, I think we will have to start before him. Okay everybody follow me!", Mr James said.


However, right at this moment, the classroom door opened and a student stepped in. He was covered in sweat.

As for who that student was, it was naturally Jim.