First Day at Nero Inc. (I)

(Note: Written in 1st person)

I wore a dark blue suit consisting of a white t-shirt with black heels. Tying my brown hair up into a ponytail, I let a few loose strands hang on either side of my face.

Looking in the mirror, I applied light pink lipstick to my soft lips and grabbed my one and only cream-coloured crossbody handbag. I put my cellphone, wallet, and charger inside.

Can't forget these three things.

After one more look in the mirror at my outfit and appearance, I smiled, satisfied. I walked down the stairs, looking at the light pink watch on my left wrist.

It was currently 6 AM, so I had an hour before I would start work since my employment contract stated I begin work at 7 AM.

"Oh," I said, walking into the kitchen to find a sticky note placed on the microwave.

The note stated that my breakfast was in the microwave and just needed to be heated. I smiled and opened the microwave.

There I saw a typical English breakfast. Once I was done heating the food, I sat on the kitchen chair and ate my food, giving myself fifteen minutes to finish my breakfast.

After breakfast, I walked out the door, locking it behind me. Taking the subway would mean arriving at my destination in ten minutes.

Then I would have to walk to work which would take around five minutes. I could take a cab, but I'm very short on cash at the moment.

I sighed and placed my hands in my blazer pocket as I walked to the subway station. The morning rush was evident as employees walked about, stopping cabs one after another.

I arrived at the subway and sat on a bench while waiting for the train.

Some people were busy on their cellphones, while others chatted as they waited for the train to arrive.

I saw a man walk in.

He was wearing a grey suit with a dark blue tie. Seeing the empty seat beside me, he sat down.

We exchanged glances, and I politely smiled at him. He smiled back and folded his arms. The train arrived a few minutes later, and I stood up.

Numerous people came out when the train opened its doors while others entered.

I managed to find a seat and sighed as I sat down. Other people were standing, and the train began to move.

I noticed a pregnant woman was standing and saw that no one was offering their seat to her.

'That's a bit mean,' I thought.

I stood up and smiled at the woman.

"Ma'am, please take a seat," I told her, causing a few people to look at me.

The man who sat next to me on the bench before looked at me with the corner of his eye.

"Oh," the woman smiled, showing extreme gratitude, "Thank you, young lady. Thank you."

I guided her safely to my seat and watched as she sat down. We smiled at each other one last time before I stood next to the numerous people who were standing due to not finding a seat.

The train came to a stop, which was not mine. Some people walked out of the train. The standing people rushed to occupy the empty seats and, unfortunately, I failed to find one.

I sighed and shrugged.

"Oh well," I mumbled, staring at my watch.

The train began to move again. After a few minutes, I heard a muffled groan. I ignored it at first until I heard it again. I scanned the area to locate who was groaning. What I saw was appalling.

A student was being molested by some weird-looking ass worker.

Clearly, the other passengers were seeing this but chose to ignore it like most people do. The student looked sick and on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

I could not just be ignorant like others were. This was clearly sexual harassment.

If I chose to ignore it, would I not be an accomplice or someone encouraging this man to commit such an indecent act again?

Okay, it was decided. I squeezed my way through the crowd of standing passengers, making my way to the student.

"Ah!" I exclaimed loudly, causing the molester to pull his hand away from under the girl's school skirt.

"Shia," I said, softly patting the girl's shoulder, "I didn't know you took a train to school. It's me, teacher Xia. I've seen you multiple times when you brought the English books for teacher Zhang."

The student was shaking. I smiled at her, giving her a knowing expression that cried out, "It's okay. I'll help you."

"T-teacher Xia," the student stammered, clutching her bag tightly, "N-nice to see you."

"You don't look too good," I told her, placing my hand on her forehead, "Do you have a fever? My, my, this won't do. Let me stand next to you."

I squeezed my way between her and the molester, ensuring that the man could no longer reach her. I was now standing in-between them.

"We must get you to Nurse Wen when we arrive at school, okay?" I told her, rubbing her back in a comforting manner.

She bowed and nodded her head. I felt her body tremble as she slumped her shoulders. She let out soft sobs, quiet enough for a few people and me to hear.

I tsked internally and glanced at the molester standing next to me.

As much as I wanted to punch him and the like, I couldn't do it, as it would put me in a bad position.

I softly sighed.

When a few minutes passed, the molester thought he could try his luck with me, a 'school teacher.' Boy, was he mistaken. It was time to give him a taste of his own medicine.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, flinching in the process, "Why are you holding my hand like that? Let go!"

He whispered the last part. I had grabbed his left hand with my right in a subtle manner. An attempt to not bring us any more attention.

"Then why was your hand trying to find its way to my butt?" I squeezed his hand with every word I softly whispered.

He groaned loudly in pain when I stomped his foot with my heel. So much for keeping the attention away from us. I pulled his left hand down with a force that made him fall to the floor.

Passengers stared in shock at the scene unfolding in front of their eyes. Oh, well. It can't be helped.

"Not to mention," I crossed my arms, slightly kneeling down to his level as he lay crumpled to the floor, "my student's body?"

He glared at me, and I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

"Time to choose," I told him, "Choose: Police or a slap?"

He stared at me, bewildered and perplexed by my question.

"W-what?" he stammered.

I sighed and took out my phone.

"Police it is-"

"Wait!" he yelled, stopping me as I was about to dial 223, the police emergency number.

"What?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow and tilting my head.

"O-one slap," he stammered, "Not the police, please."

'Ah, so he's begging now? He probably thinks a slap from a woman won't hurt,' I rolled my eyes.

I licked my lips and nodded. I raised my right hand and slapped his right cheek...hard. The passengers gasped as the man's glasses were knocked out of his face and onto the floor.

"Apologise to my student," I told him, putting my phone away.

I stood up. He nodded vigorously and kneeled. Placing his hands together in a praying manner, he began to rub them together.

"I'm s-sorry," he said to the female student staring at him and me in astonishment.

"Louder and sincerely," I told him, getting annoyed by the second.