Farewell Party

They arrived at a pub called The Prism. It was a famous pub that served both delicious food and drinks. It was also renowned for its fantasy-like appearance.

From the outside, the pub looked humble, warm, and delightful. Large and small stones and hard wooden pillars made up most of the building's outer structure.

It's near impossible to see through the small, velvet-curtained windows, but the music and voices from within can be heard outside. As they entered the pub through the large, soft wooden door, they were welcomed by music, sounds of people talking.

And the scent of food.

The bartender was working hard but still managed to welcome them with a smile. The Prism was as engaging inside as it was on the outside. Hard wooden beams supported the upper floor and the lights attached to them.

The walls were overflowing with signatures and written messages, undoubtedly from customers.

The pub itself was packed, although it was a Monday. Groups belonging to different kinds of organizations, whether sport, music, or others, are usually the primary clientele here, including local citizens.

This often leads to exciting evenings.

Several long tables were occupied by locals, travelers, foreigners, and anybody else who wished to join. The other, smaller tables were also occupied by people who seemed to be enjoying themselves a lot.

Perhaps too much, if such a thing is possible.

Most of the stools were occupied, though nobody seemed to mind more company. The other, smaller tables were also occupied by people who were singing and dancing.

Some customers occasionally pull an unsuspecting waitress amidst their group. There were rumors about this tavern. Supposedly, it was famous for something, which Lai couldn't remember what it was.

Though judging by the number of men staring at the waitresses, she saw that it was probably their beauty and charm. She managed to find a free table and pointed to it.

"There's a free table," she rushed to it and sat down so that no other customer could steal it.

"Man," Wen said as she sat next to her, "It's packed even on a Monday? Don't people have work tomorrow?"

"Well," Ren said, sitting down, "It's always packed, but today seems like it's packed more than usual."

A tall, purple-haired waitress stood before them, and they placed their orders. A few minutes later, she walked away and returned with their food and drinks.

"Let's make a toast," Wen suggested, and they nodded.

They held their drinks in their hands.

"To Lai's job and the start of a hot, office romance! Ow!" Wen was nudged on her side by Lai, who sighed.

"Fine," Wen pouted, "To the success of my girlfriend's new job. Cheers!"

"Cheers!" they all yelled in unison, clinking their glasses together.

"By the way, Wen," Yu asked, taking a sip of his drink, "How come you worked at the café today?"

"Yeah," Zhou said, "You don't come in on Mondays."

Wen nodded.

"I told my dad that my girlfriend here," she said, pointing at Lai, who was taking a bite of her beef burger, "is having her last day today, and I wanted to be with her one last time before she left. So yeah, he agreed ."

Lai swallowed her food and smiled.

"Tell him I said thank you," she told Wen, who nodded.

"Why do you keep calling her your girlfriend?" Zhou asked Wen, who laughed.

"Just because," Wen said, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly, "If she were a guy, she would totally be my type."

Yu raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"You like the slightly aggressive type?" he asked her, receiving a "Hey! I am NOT aggressive" from Lai.

Teng laughed as he took a sip of his non-alcoholic drink. He and Zhou could not drink alcohol since they had classes the next day.

A hangover would not do either of them any good.

"Lai is not aggressive," Ren agreed, "She's just a fighter who isn't afraid to kick a man twice her size."

"Right? She is a fucking badass," Wen said, patting Lai's head happily, "Such a good girl."

Lai chuckled. Teng ate his french fries and finished them, causing Zhou to give him his.

"Thanks," Teng softly told him, bringing a smile to the red-haired guy's face.

They continued to chat happily, and Wen and Lai were on their second glass of Burning Bomb, a drink that is bound to get them wasted.

"Y-you know," Wen began thirty minutes later, resting her chin on her hand and slurring her words, "I'm going t-to miss y-you, girlfriend."

"Ah," Ren sighed, "She's definitely drunk."

Zhou nodded, finishing his food.

"One more Burning Bomb here, please!" Wen yelled as she raised her hand in the air for a waitress to see.

"Sister Wen," Teng said worryingly, "I don't think you should have another drin-"

"Nonsense," Wen said, waving her hand dismissively, "Big sister can have another-"

"Nah," Lai said, shaking her head 'no,' "Little Teng is right."

A waitress was heading their way when Yu shook his head 'no' at her, causing her to nod in understanding and walk to another table of customers.

"But Lai Lai," Wen whined as she leaned her head on Lai's shoulder, causing her to sigh, "Okay, just one more, and then I'm d-done."

Lai shook her head 'no,' finished her drink and food. Wen pouted, frowning like a child who had just been denied being bought a toy she wanted.

Ren stared at her as he drank his drink, and she stared back at him.

"W-what the fuck are y-you looking a-at?" she asked him, hiccuping as she leaned forward and pointed at him.

"I wish I could wash that vulgar mouth of yours with soap," he mumbled, and she 'hmphed' at him.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," Lai said as she sighed, "But I will visit the café."

"As long as you visit us, then it's fine," Yu said with a smile.

Zhou, Teng, and Ren nodded at what he said. Lai nodded and smiled. She bent her head as Wen had leaned her head on her shoulder and was now asleep.

"Ah, she's sleeping," Lai said as Wen let out soft breaths, her chest rising and falling.

The rest of them stayed and chatted for another thirty minutes. The waitress was called so that they could pay the bill.

"No, don't," Yu said, stopping Lai from taking out her bank card to pay for them.

"But I wanted to pay for everyone," she said.

"Don't worry about it," Yu said as he took out his bank card and gave it to the waitress who swiped it on the card machine, "It's on me."

The waitress gave him the card machine for him to input his password. Once the transaction was successful, she gave him his bank card.

Lai stared at him with a happy and grateful expression.

"Brother Yu," she said, clasping her hands together in front of her body as if she was about to say a prayer of thanks, "You're so kind. Thank you! I promise to treat you guys next time."

Yu nodded and stood up.

"We should go," he said, and everyone nodded.

Lai gently tapped Wen's head to wake her up.

"Huh?" Wen said groggily, "Ah, it's time to leave? Already?"

Teng and Zhou nodded. Wen stood up, and they all left the pub. They hailed cabs after saying their goodbyes. When everyone was gone, Wen's chauffeur appeared in the Mercedes.

"Come on, girlfriend," Wen said as the chauffeur opened the door for her, "I'll drop you off at home."

Lai's eyes widened.

"Are you sure?" she asked, and Wen nodded.

They stepped in the car, and Lai was driven home. Lai got out of the vehicle, and Wen shifted to the window, rolling it down.

"Bye, Lai Lai," Wen said and blew her a kiss.

"Bye! Thanks for the lift," Lai waved back, and Wen nodded.

The car drove off, and she walked towards her house's door, opening it. The lights were still on, signifying that her mother was home.

Or was it her dad? Did he finally come back from wherever the hell he went?

When she stepped inside, her mother greeted her, smiling at her with a glass of water in her hand.

She stared at her parent's room door and back to her mother, who shook her 'no.'

"He's not back yet, and I'm distraught," her mother told her and walked upstairs to sleep in the guest room.

Lai sighed. Taking out her phone, she scrolled through her contacts and landed on a contact that read, 'Mr. Ying.'

She pressed the call button, bringing the phone to her ear. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hello?" his husky voice danced around her.

She smiled.

"Mr. Ying," she began, walking to her room, "I'll do it. I'll be your PA."