An Incident to Draw Us Closer


"Are you sure?" Mr Tai said worriedly, "We don't want you getting lost, even if there's a hiking trail."

"I will be fine," Wen smiled, "I will have Ren's number on standby in case I need him."

Ren's parents looked at each other, unsure how to respond. They were worried about her hiking alone.

"She will be fine," Ren nodded, "She's tougher than she looks. Besides, other people go on a hike, so it's not like she will be alone."

"If you say so," Mrs Tai slowly nodded, "But please be careful."

"Yes, Mrs Tai," Wen nodded as she ate her congee.


After breakfast, Wen continued editing the promotional video. It took her three hours to finish it and email it to Mr Juanpa.

"Hello," a male voice uttered after picking up the phone, "Sorry for taking so long to answer your call. I was in a business meeting."