A Clash of Titans


"Hi, Mom," Lai whispered, her voice a delicate melody in the sterile room.

Bai took the bouquet of vibrant chrysanthemums from her hands. He placed the bouquet in a vase on the bedside table, the vibrant colours starkly contrasting with the clinical whites and greys.

They both pulled up a chair, her eyes never leaving her mother's face. She reached for her mother's hand, its warmth comforting in the cold hospital room.


"I brought your favourite flowers, Mom. Thought they might brighten up the place a bit and help you feel better," Lai said, a tremor in her voice, "Bai bought them for you."

She could feel the words catch in her throat, a lump forming as she fought back tears. Bai reached for her other hand. He gently squeezed it, giving her a supportive smile. She glanced at the window across her mother's bed, the outside world a distant blur of movement.