The Subclass

Activating [Sage Period] wasn't even an option with the prospect of doubling the damage he was taking frequently. As his mind raced to find the answer to the situation, hastened by the closely growing footsteps of the lunatic who seemed to take pleasure in execution, he found himself backed into the mightiest corner.

"...Yes–that's the way. You've realized it, haven't you? There is no resisting the end of humanity," the man continued to ramble, "It's God's very will. Though he approached us with a pathway out, we're unworth his courtesy. That's why we take it into our own hands to enact his true will–his wrath."


[Remaining Health Points: 880/2250]

He remained silent, watching as the crazed man approached with his ramblings filling his ears, echoing against the metallic walls.

"--Item: Greater Health Potion!"