The Last Bastion of God's Will: The Insane

Somewhere else within the merciless dungeon, Myung-Hee and Kamou were taken aback by this news as well.

"...No…It's my fault…" Kamou hid her face in her hands, beginning to exude her guilt in the form of tears.

"Hey…stop that. It's not–"

Myung-Hee did her best to comfort her companion, but it seemed the guilt was well-ingrained in her.

"...There's nobody to blame, Kamou," Myung-Hee told her.


"If you want somebody to blame, then it's both of us."

For another few minutes, the silver-haired girl stood there, exuding her sadness while Myung-Hee looked more angered at who could've done such a thing.

Kamou looked at her, already having a face full of tears as they stood in the dark chamber.

"Why did this happen…?" She asked.

"Wish I could answer why any of this crap is happening," Myung-Hee responded, scratching her head, "This world is just cruel, isn't it?"

"...It is, but I still believe in it," Kamou muttered, stifling her tears as she tried to adjust herself.