Last Resort

"The fear of a sinner," the man spoke quietly, yet clearly, "It's a potent stench, some may call it. I consider it a fragrance. Knowing that a sinner such as yourself is feeling the weight of their grotesque actions brings me an endless feeling of satisfaction."


He fell silent for a moment, still adjusting to the seeming rapid shift in situations.

…I was walking down the labyrinth corridors just a moment ago, right…? I remembered something–or someone, popping up behind me. Was I knocked out? Is this the leader of this group or something? He thought.

"I can see the perplexion wrapped across your expression, sinner–allow me, Cah-In, to explain," the snow-haired man stood tall with a smile, surrounded by his silent, hooded followers.

It was a dark room, but at least compared to most of the dungeon, it had sparse light in the form of azure-flame torches, but the light displayed things that he'd rather not have seen.