What Descends From Heaven


With the morning arriving, he sleepily walked the halls of the hotel, yawning and marching groggily towards the lobby in search of coffee.

It wasn't everyday that he sought the spirit-lifting effects of caffeine, but after such an eventful day a few nights prior, he required it in order to properly function.

Man, my body is stiff…He thought, rubbing his shoulder.

Reaching the lobby, he made his way into the section of the hotel's ground floor dedicated to a full-blown cafe, maintained well due to the high priority of coffee that most of Gangcheori believed in.


If he was any more awake, he would've jumped, but he was only slightly surprised as he entered the cafe to find it occupied by somebody already: Ma-Ri.

Hardly registering his existence, the black-haired, icy-eyed girl looked up at him before returning her attention to the cup of coffee she sipped from.

"...Good morning, Ma-Ri," he did his best to greet her through his half-asleep veil.