Korain! The! Strong!

Without wasting any further time, he sprinted towards the humming eye, intending to halt whatever attack it was building up to.

Sage Period, activate! He thought.

As he activated the altered form, he drew his daggers, using a [Blink Step] to throw the eye off before slashing the air, sending a wave of purple, hissing energy cutting towards the eye with viscous speed.

It cut through the street easily, bisecting the yellow car that was in its path before landing against the eye in a fiery, purple explosion that propelled a shock wave outwards.

"Twilight Cutter", it's a new skill I opted to learn through my skill tree to make up for my lack of range, while keeping close to my assassin proficiency. I don't think martial arts is going to be my best option against an enemy like this, he thought.

[Amplification state initiated.]

"Sage Period" itself had altered along with the awakening of his secondary system, taking on an evolved, more versatile form.