A Mysterious Room; Intertwining Paths

As they all grouped up together, having taken care of the den of ents, he was still perplexed by the skill just showcased.

"What was that? It was really something," he asked.

Yeong-Un smirked, rubbing the spot between his upper lip and nose bashfully, "Right? It's pretty damn amazin', ain't it?"

"I mean, what really was that? What did it do? It took out that ent instantly," he asked, brushing off his friend's boasts.

"Yeah, that was crazy! It popped like a balloon!" Sol said, making a motion with his hands to represent his words.

Yeong-Un seemed more than happy to explain, tapping the handles of his sheathed blades like a proud father, "Heh, that impressed, are ya'? "Vorpal Shredder" is somethin' I picked up to handle tough bastards like those things. It stabs right through their defenses and manifests the attack inside of their body! Awesome, ain't it?!"

"Try frightening…" He replied wryly.

"Yeah, really…" Sol shuddered at the thought.