Reprieve From The Sky Dungeon

Through some form of miracle, the group managed to find one of the sought-after exits of the Sky Dungeon, placed at the end of a luxurious hand of gilded steel.

"...That wasn't so bad, was it?" Eunji said with a sigh of relief, holding her hands close to her chest.

"Speak for ya'self," Yeong-Un said, stretching his neck side-to-side, "...I'm feastin' like a king when I get home."

Korain slapped Yeong-Un right on the back with an audible echo, followed by his boisterous laugh at what felt like karmic justice for all the times the wild-haired young man did the same to others.

"That's not a bad idea! Ha-ha! Jeong-Hui, Eunji–I'm leaving that part to you two!" Korain proclaimed with a thumbs-up.

You're really sticking me with a task after all of this?...Oh well, I can't complain, he smiled to himself.